
Chapter 16 Trouble

\'An inheritance site?\' Arthur thought, feeling that this might be what he was looking for.

An inheritance site was a place where a very powerful cultivate left behind to choose a successor for his or her legacy from those of future generations.

It is usually filled with treasures and high-level martial arts techniques.

"Do you know the location of this place?" One of the bearded men asked the other in a hushed voice, making Arthur barely able to hear him.

"What, you want to give it a go?" The other bearded man questioned in a similarly hushed voice.

"Yeah, don\'t you think that this might just be our best bet to rise?"

"Hmmm, I don\'t know..."

"Come on, let\'s give it a try. If it doesn\'t work out, fine. But if it does work out, then we are set for life."

"Fine, but you have to know, that it is currently guarded by the powerful sects and clans."

The bearded man frowned and asked, "Then how are we supposed to get in?"

"Well, who do you think found the site in the first place?" The other asked.

"What, don\'t tell me you..."

"Shush... let\'s leave this place first. The walls have ears,"

The men nodded at each other with a serious gaze and then finished their drinks and stood up.

At this time, the waiter that went to bring Arthur\'s order returned and served them their dish and wine.

Arthur couldn\'t be bothered with food now, and just dropped a bag of coins on the tray and dragged Helia who was still daydreaming, to go after the two bearded men.

"Sir, your..." The waiter checked the bag of gold coins and was shocked because this was way more than what this dish was worth.

Arthur didn\'t reply and just rushed out of the Rose Gold Inn.

But as soon as Arthur left, three hooded figures stood up and left the inn, in the same direction he did.

Arthur quickly briefed Helia about the situation, and she became serious since she was also kind of his bodyguard.

Helia was talented in cultivation and had reached a cultivation realm higher than the men.

So she was able to tail them stealthily with Arthur by her side.

Slowly, they followed the two bearded men, unaware that they were being followed too, by a group of wolves.

They were just as good as Helia, if not better in moving in the shadows.


Sometime later, Arthur followed the men and arrived behind a mountain.

"Hey Kelvin, don\'t you think it\'s strange that we didn\'t encounter any spirit beast so far?" One of the bearded men asked.

"Hmmm, I don\'t know what happened. Maybe those guarding the inheritance site cleared the area?" Kelvin replied, not too sure also.

"Well, whatever it is, it saved us the trouble of fighting any beast."

"That\'s right."

"So Kelvin, where is the place? Are we not there yet?"

"We already are. I found two paths to the place, this is the second one, and it is much farther away from the first."

"Originally, I wanted us, brothers, to share this fortune, but who knew that I was followed by that vile Nester."

"He went and sold the information about this place to the Marlin Family and then the news spread from there," Kelvin said with an angry expression.

"Don\'t worry about him. We will deal with him when the time comes."

"Yes Alvin, you\'re right. And when the time comes, we shall spread the name of the Beard Gang throughout the continent!" Kelvin said Enthusiastically.

"Yeah, true men are those with full-grown beards!" Alvin replied with just as much fervor as his brother.

​ As they talked, Kelvin led them to a rock and said, "The hidden path is just below this rock. I found out about this second path after fighting with that Nester."

"Luckily I was alone at that time,"

Alvin nodded and then walked to the rock that was half as tall as him, and grabbed it at both sides.


With a burst of strength, he lifted and placed it at the side.


A hole was revealed where the rock previously sat.

"Now what?" Alvin asked.

"Now we jump in..." Kelvin said and jumped into the hole.

Alvin shrugged and followed him.

A few seconds later Arthur and Helia, emerged from behind a tree.

"Should we go in?" Helia asked with a little frown on her face.

"Yes, we can\'t waste time," said Arthur without any hesitation.

"Okay, but we don\'t know how deep that hole is so I..."


Helia\'s words were cut short as a knife flew straight at her. She reacted fast enough and tilted her head to the side.

*Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!*

Three more such attacks were sent immediately after, in succession. And one of the knives was targeted at Arthur.

Helia pushed Arthur to the side and took a few steps back as a sword suddenly appeared in her hand out of thin air, which she used to redirect the knives thrown at her.

Arthur\'s mind skipped as he thought about that close call. While Helia, after regaining her footing shouted, "Show yourselves!"

"Tsk, Tsk...not only do you have a lot of money, but you also have two Spacial treasures." A voice answered from above the trees.

After that three hooded figures jumped down from the trees around and surrounded them.

Arthur was able to stay calm, as he remembered that he had a huge backing in the person of the librarian, whom he decided to call Old Man Whitebeard, that was still in the shadows watching.

With some confidence in him, he spoke, "Do you know who you just attacked?"

The three hooded figures went silent for a moment and then laughed loudly as they took off their hoods, one by one.

Arthur saw the faces of three men who had a crazed and savage expressions on their faces.

One of them who looked older and appeared to be their leader mocked, "Oh my, I\'m so scared... Hahaha!"



----------End of Chapter--------------


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