
Chapter 165 - 166: Editor-in-Chief Above (Seeking Monthly Pass)

He was fuming with rage!

He was grinding his teeth in anger!

He was so angry that not even Liuwei Dihuang pills could calm him down!

This bastard, he was just too arrogant.

No way! This Chen Cang was definitely a thorn in the flesh, and if he wasn’t taught a lesson, he really wouldn’t know what the medical affairs department was for!

Song Qiang turned and said to Wang Yihan, “Keep calling, this time I’ll talk to him!”

Wang Yihan nodded and dialed the number again.

The phone rang a few times before it was picked up: “Hello? Good morning.”

This time, Wang Yihan simply handed the phone to Song Qiang: “Director Song, you’re connected.”

Song Qiang hurried over and answered the phone: “Chen Cang, this is Song Qiang.”

Chen Cang was startled, “Oh! Section Chief Song, hello.”

Song Qiang, suppressing his anger, said, “Chen Cang, come to the medical affairs department, I need to talk to you about something!”

Chen Cang shook his head: “That… Director Song, I’ve just finished a night shift, and as you know, I worked last night and I’m utterly exhausted today. How about tomorrow? I’ll come and see you tomorrow?”

Hearing this, Song Qiang immediately said irritably: “Do what you see fit!”

Chen Cang nodded: “Thank you, Director Song!”

Song Qiang was stunned… Was Chen Cang out of his mind?

Did “do what you see fit” mean this?

Song Qiang was somewhat at a loss for words; he found that his usual methods were useless on Chen Cang.

On normal days, everyone would speak to him nicely, but here was Chen Cang, who just wouldn’t be cowed!

Yesterday, in front of Xiang Ying and a bunch of patients, he made Song Qiang look bad, and today… it was like this again, showing no regard for him at all.


Chen Cang!

You think you’re tough, do you?

I’ll see just how tough you are!

With that thought, Song Qiang directly said to Wang Yihan, “Wang, draft a notice of reprimand, stating that Chen Cang is unrepentant about his mistake, has an improper work attitude, and lacks medical ethics… Accordingly, he is hereby notified for his actions to serve as a warning, and his eligibility for the annual excellence award is revoked. He will be strictly reprimanded and warned, with the incident recorded in his file, to be taken as an important reference for future professional title evaluations!”

Wang Yihan was stunned.

Wasn’t this too severe?

Just a minor absence from work, and they’re this strict?

Besides, the emergency department didn’t say anything, so wasn’t the medical affairs department meddling a bit too much?

However, Wang Yihan had only been rotating in the administrative office for half a year; after all, as a newcomer to the hospital, he needed to start in the administrative department, and he had to go along with whatever the leadership said. In the end, it was the leadership who signed off on these matters, not him!

But… Chen Cang was seriously fierce.

He had actually confronted the head of the medical affairs department!

Turning around with a face full of anger, Song Qiang thought, Chen Cang, if I don’t discipline you today, you’ll never learn your place!

After issuing two reprimand notices in a row, Song Qiang still didn’t feel satisfied. He grabbed his phone and sent two messages directly to the hospital-wide staff WeChat group, posting Chen Gang’s two reprimand notices!

With this, Song Qiang made Chen Cang instantly notorious within the hospital! “Who is this Chen Cang?”

“Not sure, from the emergency department…”

“Probably a new young doctor?”

“Not bad! The kid has got spirit, seems like he’s really got under Song Qiang’s skin.”

“Still spirited? You must be crazy! Just got to the hospital and you don’t know to keep a low profile, finding trouble for yourself.”

After finishing work at noon today, Du Jiaxi passed by the Second Provincial Hospital and was about to go in to buy some antihypertensive drugs when she happened upon the emergency and outpatient departments, which were next to each other, and just then, she passed by the bulletin board.

Speaking of coincidences, she had a calligraphy brush injury to her right foot yesterday, which made her walk a bit slower. While passing the bulletin board, Du Jiaxi glanced over and suddenly saw a familiar name.

Chen Cang?

Du Jiaxi recalled the young doctor from yesterday, and while being stitched up, she had specifically looked at Chen Gang’s name badge.

What happened to Chen Cang?

Out of curiosity, Du Jiaxi stopped to read.

What she saw made her stunned.

There were two disciplinary notices, each more serious than the last, and the reason for Chen Gang’s negligence was because he had left his post without authorization yesterday…

When she saw the signature, Du Jiaxi’s eyes narrowed, and she became somewhat angry!


That was utterly ridiculous!

Where in the world would there be such a coincidence?

The signature read: Medical Affairs Department, Song Qiang.

Du Jiaxi thought back to the incident from last night and almost instantly pieced together the cause and course of everything that had happened!

Yesterday, to stitch up two migrant workers, Chen Cang had embarrassed the head of the department named Song Qiang, who happened to be the head of the hospital’s medical education department.

The more Du Jiaxi thought about it, the angrier she became. This was clearly personal retaliation, wielding authority to act recklessly!

People like them had ruined the hospital’s atmosphere!

They were truly the scum of society!

Feeling more and more frustrated and angry, Du Jiaxi decided to inquire at the emergency department to find out exactly what had happened.

Having been busy until now, Nurse Lin was just about to finish her night shift when she was suddenly stopped by a lean older person.

Looking up, she recognized the face.

Du Jiaxi was also startled—by coincidence, this was the nurse from last night.

Without delay, Du Jiaxi asked, “Hello young lady, I’m Du Jiaxi, the patient who came in for stitches last night at our emergency department.”

Nurse Lin smiled: “Uh-huh, good evening sir, is there anything I can help you with?”

Du Jiaxi nodded: “Young lady, I want to ask you about something, that Dr. Chen from last night… why was he suddenly disciplined? And to receive two disciplinary actions at once?”

Nurse Lin sighed and said indignantly, “Isn’t it all because of that Song Qiang? Bullying by power, he only picks on the weak and fears the strong, thinking that Dr. Chen is easy to bully, right?”

“Dr. Chen, who has been working hard, was always the first to arrive at the hospital and the last to leave. He was very conscientious and took meticulous care of the patients. Like you saw last night, the director said this morning during his rounds that if it weren’t for the timely treatment, those two migrant workers’ hands might not have recovered at all.”

“This Song Qiang is clearly seeking personal revenge. Last night Dr. Chen embarrassed him in front of those wealthy people, didn’t comply, and so today early in the morning, the criticism was publicly posted!”

Hearing this, Du Jiaxi’s heart sank.

Doctors with responsibility and compassion are becoming rarer and rarer, and just as he had seen one good example, he was treated like this. The more he thought about it, the more anger built up inside Du Jiaxi.

As someone who lived through that era, he had a certain belief in his bones.

Du Jiaxi still decided to inquire further: “Young lady, did Chen Cang actually abandon his post without authorization?”

Nurse Lin shook her head: “Last night there was another Dr. Yuan on duty in the department. Dr. Chen must have had an emergency situation and left for an hour, but he didn’t even leave for twenty minutes before he called Dr. Qin to help cover for the shift! Song Qiang is clearly just looking for trouble!”

After Nurse Lin left, Du Jiaxi continued to ask a few more people in the emergency department and understood the situation more clearly. But with understanding came even greater anger!

Forgoing the medication, she went straight home, furiously penned an article, and then picked up the phone to call the chief editor of Anyang Daily.

“Xiao He, it’s Du Jiaxi!”

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