
Chapter 99: The tiger within, sniffing roses

Chapter 99: The tiger within, sniffing roses

Translator:?Sparrow Translations??Editor:?Sparrow Translations

The twenty plus young thugs left the clinic quietly with their heads lowered. As they walked past Ling Yun, they took great care to be as quiet as possible, some even holding their breath. After all, they did not want to agitate Ling Yun for fear of being pulled into one of his ‘flying man’ shows.

As for the former ‘human weapon’, he got up with a grimace as he covered his face shamefully. He nodded his head at Ling Yun awkwardly, his eyes filled with terror as he ran off. Ling Yun’s eyes were calm with a slight trace of pity and playfulness. He looked into the dark sky as if forgetting the presence of the thugs standing before him.

He had always kept a beast locked up in his heart. And tonight, as unwilling as he was, he had unleashed the beast. Furthermore, he had released the beast in front of his mother, sister, Tang Meng and even Xue Meining.

Dao Zi raised both hands, his left fist in his right hand as he gave Ling Yun one last salutation. Once done, he raised his hand, signaling to the two financial staff and the remaining thugs that it was time to go. Dao Zi did not wish to stay even a minute longer.

When Dao Zi and his gang came, they had arrived in tens of cars and motorbikes. Numbering over a hundred men, they’d been filled with overwhelming vigor and aggressiveness. Their morale had been sky high and noises of engines and poles clashing had filled the air. Yet, in contrast, their withdrawal was eerily quiet. Every single one of them was depressed and defeated. No one even had the guts left to act as arrogantly as before.

Indeed, as per Dao Zi’s wish, they had been able to wreck the clinic to their heart’s content. However, the price they had to pay in return was far too great. By smashing the clinic’s items which cost no more than 20 thousand dollars in total, they ended up having to pay 600 thousand dollars!

As painful as losing the money was, nevertheless, Dao Zi rejoiced in his heart. For he had escaped death by a hair’s breathe! Having shed the blood of countless people, Dao Zi had gained the ability to differentiate a person’s strength.

Ling Yun’s face had constantly carried a seemingly harmless smile throughout their confrontation. However, that only meant that he did not even consider them to be of threat to him. Dao Zi was sure that, had he upset Ling Yun during any part of their negotiation, he would not have been allowed to walk away unscathed. Thus, forget about 600 thousand dollars, even if Ling Yun had demanded a million dollars, Dao Zi would have complied. With full sincerity and respect to boot!

Only after entering the car that his two financial staff came in, did he realize that his whole back was wet with cold sweat. Raising his hand, he wiped away the beads of cold sweat on his forehead.

“Make sure that no one speaks of today’s incident! If they do, they will answer to me! And from tomorrow onwards, make sure to send men to protect the clinic. No harm must come to the clinic this month! Go!” Ling Yun ordered the male financial secretary.

After making sure that Dao Zi and his gang had departed, the doors of both the Hummer and the Ferrari opened at the same time. All four people exited the car with Xue Meining and Tang Meng making a commotion as they dashed towards Ling Yun.

“Boss, that was so brave of you! I was moved!” Tang Meng exclaimed in excitement as he stared at Ling Yun. His eyes were filled with awe and respect.

“Big Brother Ling Yun, you were so cool!” Xue Meining screamed coquettishly as she looked at Ling Yun all starry eyes. She then tried to squeeze herself against Ling Yun.

Ling Yun shook his head with a bitter smile as he raised his hand gently, holding her back. His gaze shifted slowly towards his mother, Qin Qiuyue. Tang Meng and Xue Meining were easy to handle. With a few excuses and well-made stories and they would be convinced. However, how was he going to explain his display of strength to his mother and sister?

Yet, soon, Ling Yun realized that his worries were unfounded. That is because, in the next moment, Qin Qiuyue had started scolding him.

“You foolish child, you have been strong since you were a kid. Didn’t I tell you not to display your strength in public?”

Strong since young? Not to display his strength in public?

Ling Yun, who had been racking his brain moments ago about how he should explain to his mother about his absurd strength, was at a loss for words.

Tang Meng was also in a daze. What? So Ling Yun has been strong since young? Then why did he endure all that bullying all this time without fighting back?

Xue Meining, who had been using all her might to try to push pass Ling Yun’s arm, froze as well. She slowly turned her head around and looked at the both of them silently.

Ling Yun scratched his head with an embarrassed expression.

“But mum, you saw how they were destroying the clinic, there was no way I could let them do as they pleased…” Ling Yun muttered.

In response, Qin Qiuyue smiled gently.

“That’s true, but you’re not allowed to act so recklessly in the future. Look how scared your sister is!”

Ning Lingyu stood beside Qin Qiuyue silently. Her teeth bit down softly on her lips as she stared at her brother with a perplexed look.

Ling Yun nodded his head before bending down and lifting up the two bags of money.

“Mum, this is their compensation to us for the damages. Please keep it…”

Stuffed with 600 thousand dollars worth of 100 dollar notes, each bag was at least six to seven kilograms heavy. Despite his seemingly indifferent attitude, Ling Yun was, in fact, jumping with joy in his heart.

Not even bothering to look at the bags of money, Qin Qiuyue smiled and waved her hand.

“The things in our clinic including all the medications are worth at most ten thousand dollars. Mummy can still afford this amount of money. That’s why you should keep these bags of money for yourself.

“Wow… With so much money, boss, you’re set for life!” Tang Meng exclaimed in excitement as he stared at the two bulging bags of money. His eyes seemed to be sparkling.

“Look at that worthless reaction of yours, it’s as if you have never seen money before!” Xue Meining replied in an annoyed tone as she stared at Tang Meng.

Seeing how resolute his mum was about the matter, Ling Yun decided to relent, passing the two bags of money to Tang Meng. After pausing for a moment, he asked, “Mum, it seems the clinic isn’t safe these few days. So how about going with us to the city to find a place to stay for a couple of days?”

Even though Ling Yun had successfully intimidated Dao Zi and his gang, there were more than a hundred men present. Thus, there would surely be a few reckless youths that might come back for more. Hence, if they come back when Ling Yun was not at home, things could get bad for his mum.

Xue Meining and Tang Meng seemed to have the same thought. However, Xue Meining was a step ahead of him.

“That’s right, Auntie Qin, if one of them were to come to the clinic when Ling Yun isn’t around, what would you do? Or how about coming to my house instead? My house has plenty of empty rooms!” Xue Meining exclaimed.

Upon hearing, that Qin Qiuyue replied, “Silly child, I’m a doctor, what’s the point of me leaving my clinic and patients behind? Besides, this is our home. That’s why mummy will not be going anywhere else. Come now, it’s almost ten. You guys should hurry up and get back to school. You all still have lessons to attend tomorrow, right?”

“But mum, they easily gathered a hundred men. If they were to come again, what would you do? Why don’t you just follow what brother said and stay in the city for a night or two?” Ning Lingyu finally spoke. After all, she was the most worried about her mother’s safety.

Qin Qiuyue gave her the same answer, shaking her head as she spoke.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about me. You two should get going. Focus hard on your studies, okay? Now come, mummy will send you guys off.”

Seeing how firm her stand was, the four of them had no choice but to give up and re-enter the car. Both Xue Meining and Tang Meng started up the engines of their respective cars. Qin Qiuyue supervised them, sending them off with a smile. Thus, they were on their way to the city.

In the Ferrari.

“Ling Yun, you were so dashing just now, but how were you able to throw them all out one by one?”

Ling Yun laughs as he replied, “Just like throwing basketballs!”

“But Big Brother Ling Yun, exactly how much is in the two bags?”

“600 thousand dollars.”

“But why did you ask for just 600 thousand dollars? Seeing how scared they were, even if you had asked for a million dollars, they would have agreed. That would teach them a lesson!”

“Ehm… but 600 thousand dollars is already quite a big amount…”

Ling Yun was satisfied just knowing that he had been able to gain 600 thousand dollars in return for something that cost no more than 10 thousand dollars.

“Big Brother Ling Yun, why did you rent an apartment outside the school? Where is that apartment?”

Ever since she had seen the god of war’s display earlier, Xue Meining had been calling him ‘Big Brother Ling Yun’. Her voice was constantly coquettish and sweet, so much so that it made Ling Yun’s hair stand on end.

However, Ling Yun could no longer stand Xue Meining’s endless stream of questions.

“That’s enough. Where did all these questions come from? Focus on your driving. We almost drove into that telephone pole!” Ling Yun exclaimed in irritation.

What was on Ling Yun’s mind was why exactly did his mum not ask any questions and instead ended up speaking up for him.

Could it be that, just like what Tang Meng said, his mother was no ordinary person? But he did not feel anything out of the ordinary from her!

As for Tang Meng, he was driving slowly, moving behind the Ferrari. His mind was full of thoughts and he felt perplexed. It could that said, out of the three of them (Tang Meng, Xue Meining, and Ning Lingyu) none of them had peace of mind. All of them felt complicated and endless questions filled their minds.

The two bags of money were now in the seat beside Tang Meng. As for Ning Lingyu, she was sitting at the back silently as she stared out of the window, lost in thoughts. Tang Meng had always been thinking of ways and wishing that he could get a chance to be alone with Ning Lingyu. Yet, now that they were alone, all the topics he had in mind had a hard time coming out of his mouth. Both of them were surging with emotions such that it was not a proper time for small talk. At the same time, the scene of men flying out of the clinic kept on repeating in his mind. Thus, Tang Meng could not help but think back about Ling Yun’s behavior these past few days.

From carrying the sandbag and running eleven rounds to Ling Yun’s attitude towards both him and Cao Shanshan in the school cafeteria. Next was how he beat up Gou Junfa and dodged that beer bottle that had been flung at him…

Within just two to three days, Ling Yun had changed from a meek lamb into a fierce mountain tiger. All that went against him ended up in the same state. Either in the hospital or retreating with their tails between their legs!

Were all these incidents due to just being strong? Was that truly the only reason?

“Tang Meng, can you do me a favor?” Ning Lingyu asked, slow and unhurried, breaking the silence in the Hummer.

The surprised Tang Meng almost lost control of the steering wheel when he heard what Ning Lingyu said. Not daring to turn around, he replied, “What kind of favor?”

Ning Lingyu bit down softly on her lips, hesitating before finally speaking.

“My brother gave me a really good mobile number yesterday but I don’t wish to use it. Can you help me to pass it back to him ?”

Seeing the person he loved making her first request towards him, Tang Meng nodded his head without hesitation.


In retrospect, Tang Meng remembered that Ling Yun had told him how he was going to give two good numbers to his mother and sister. So why did Ning Lingyu not want to use that number?

“Um, but Lingyu, that number’s quite good and easy to remember, why do you not want it?” Tang Meng asked.

“No real reason, just pass him the card and tell him I’ll be using my old one like before.”

Finishing what she had to say, Ning Lingyu was once again quiet. For the rest of the journey, she kept her silence.

It was late at night, so very few cars were on the road. The moment the two cars entered the city, they accelerated and sped straight to Qingshui High.

The time was already past ten, usually it was around this time that Qingshui High ended it’s night revision session. The Ferrari and Hummer entered the school grounds. The lights in the Grade 12 classrooms were still switched on. Even a few of the Grade 11 and 10 classrooms were still lighted up.

Hence, it was obvious that, like Ling Yun and Ning Lingyu, many Grade 12 students had the same idea. Many had come back this afternoon to get a headstart on their studies for the new term. They were back in gear as they studied even harder for the last stretch before the entrance exams.

In Qingshui City, along every street and corner, roses were planted everywhere. Naturally, Qingshui High was no exception. Verdant stretches of roses lined the fences and lush bushes of roses were planted along the lower walls. It was now the end of March and the start of April. Thus, some of the roses were already in bloom and a fragrant, flowery scent was floating in the air.

The two cars drove straight into campus, stopping right outside the girls’ hostel. Ling Yun, Ning Lingyu and Tang Meng all got off the cars. Whereas Xue Meining, who was worried that others might see her, remained in her Ferrari.

“Big Brother, since you’re staying alone outside school now, you have to be careful, okay? And remember not to skip anymore lessons next week!”

After a journey of silence and deep thought, Ning Lingyu seemed to have finally come to terms with what she was worried about. Now, looking at Ling Yun with her beautiful eyes, she was smiling sweetly and back to her usual self.

Ling Yun placed his hand on his chest and reassured her, “Don’t worry, Lingyu, Big Brother promises you, until the entrance exams, he will not skip anymore lessons! Unless…”

Hearing that, Ning Lingyu could not stop herself from laughing. Her smiling face was like that of a blossoming flower. She raised her beautiful brows and glanced at Ling Yun.

“I knew that ‘unless’ was coming !” Ning Lingyu scolded her brother playfully.

All of a sudden, she walked to the side of a wall. After making sure that no one was around, she raised her hand and gently plucked a pink rose from a bush. She then walked slowly to Ling Yun’s side. Looking at him shyly, she then passed him the yet-to-bloom rosebud.

“Big Brother, thank you for buying a phone and even a laptop for me. Um… this isn’t much but please take this rose budding as a gift from me. Make sure to make it bloom, okay?”

Seeing his sister’s weird behavior and serious face, Ling Yun could not help but smile helplessly. He took the flower bud from her and placed it close to his nose, giving it a sniff. He then gave a look as if he was drunk from the fragrance before replying.

“It smells wonderful. Don’t worry, Big Brother will make sure it blooms beautifully!”

Upon hearing that, Ning Lingyu’s pretty face unconsciously blushed as she nodded her head shyly. She replied with a shy ‘mmm’ before quickly taking her stuff and dashing into the hostel.

“What a weird girl. It’s just giving flowers, what’s there to be shy about? To run off without even saying goodbye, where are her manners? That silly girl!” Ling Yun mumbled to himself with a smile before turning to Tang Meng.

“Now, let’s get that spoiled lady home. After that, send me to my apartment.”

Then, Ling Yun was about to enter the Hummer but was held back by the arm by Tang Meng.

“Boss it’s not that I refuse to let you take my car but I don’t have the guts to incur the wrath of your new girlfriend…”

Ling Yun frowned.

“What girlfriend… Er… Oh… Okay…”

Reluctant as he was, Ling Yun had no choice but to go back to Xue Meining’s car.

“Let’s go, we’re sending you home!” Ling Yun exclaimed the moment he entered the Ferrari.

“Come on, start the engine. Why are you in a daze?” Ling Yun asked after noticing that Xue Meining was not doing anything.

The spoiled girl was motionless as she stared at the wall where the rose came from. Her face was slightly pale and her face perplexed. Suddenly, without thinking, she asked, “Big Brother Ling Yun, do you know the meaning behind the rose?”

Of course, Ling Yun had no idea about flower language. He put the pink rose to his nose and sniffed it again.

“So this flower is called the rose. What a nice smell!”

Xue Meining turned her head and her thin brows creased to form a frown as she looked at the enchanted Ling Yun. After a moment, she asked, “Do you like this flower?”

Ling Yun smiled proudly before answering.

“My sister gave this flower to me, of course I like it!”

The young lady nodded her head and replied with an “okay!” Before storming out of the car in a huff!

She walked to another side of the wall and bent her delicate body. In the next moment, she had started plucking the blooming pink roses in a frenzy! In the blink of an eye, her hands were full of roses. She then ran to Ling Yun and forced the bunch of pink roses into his hand.

“You like it, don’t you? These are from me!”

Ling Yun was stunned. He could not comprehend what was going on. Is flower gifting the hot trend in Qingshui High right now?

However, he did the same thing as when Ning Lingyu had given him her flower. He placed the bunch of flowers to his nose and sniffed them as well.

“Hmm… this kind isn’t bad too!”

“Hey, I thought you were scared that the other students might see you. Is it okay for you to get off the car?”

“It’s okay!” Xue Meining replied in a huff before entering back into the car and starting the engine.

Tang Meng looked on in envy as Ling Yun received flowers from both beauties. He felt like crying in his heart.

Why didn’t any of them give me flowers too? Haha…

“Ah! Since no one wants to give me any, I shall take some for myself!” Tang Meng exclaimed before getting off the car. He then ran to the wall and plucked a whole stalk of roses. He was in a plucking frenzy before mimicking Ling Yun, putting the flowers to his nose for a sniff.

“Oh, these flowers that Ning Lingyu gave him really do smells nice!”

Once done, Tang Meng finally calmed down. He got back to his Hummer and started up the engine. The next moment, he was speeding after the Ferrari that had left towards the school gate!

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