
Chapter 387 The Elf Encounter [Pt 2]

Chapter 387 The Elf Encounter [Pt 2]

'Abominable half-breed…?'

He took another look at Aurora's face, and what he saw wasn't an emotion synonymous to pity, kindness, or sadness. It wasn't anything warm and fuzzy that was synonymous with a happy reunion.

This was the opposite.

Aurora' tears were not for Esme, but for herself and her people. The look she gave Esme was that of disgust and slowly growing rage.

"A Half Elf… that looks like Older Sister…? How repulsive!"

Esme was so stunned by the response that Aurora gave that she fell silent. All the resolve and confidence that she had accumulated for this moment fizzled out almost instantly.

She just stood there, like a statue, and watched as Aurora uesed words to tear her to pieces.

"Isn't that a bit too far?" Rey finally spoke up, his brows raised in annoyance.

He didn't want to speak up, since both parties were Elves, and it was only right for family to sort things out themselves. However, he quickly changed his mind once he saw how Aurora treated Esme.

And more importantly… he noticed how hurt Esme looked.

'This bitch clearly doesn't see Esme as the same kind as her.' For the first time since the start of the conversation, Rey frowned.

"You stay out of this, filthy human. Our deal is complete, so you may be on your way." Aurora waved her hand and dismissed Rey with that gesture.

"You will leave this Half Elf here, though. I have some questions for her that are not the business of humans."

'What the hell…?' Rey's frown deepened.

"I will have to tell you to excuse us now."

After listening to how Aurora spoke to him about Esme, and how she glared deeply at the object of attention, Rey felt a tinge of relief that the Elf had exposed her true feelings.

Even the two Elves behind Aurora expressed the same disgust as they stared at Esme, though there was still some level of shock in their demeanor.

'To think I wanted Esme to return to these assholes.'

On one hand, it seemed the Elves wore their hearts on their sleeves. That made them a lot easier to deal with than humans, who were experts at concealing their feelings.

If Aurora was an intelligent human, she would have pretended to get along with Esme until Rey and Aldred left. Perhaps they would have even gotten to the Eastern Continent before the ill treatment started.

Instead of doing things in such a calculated fashion, Aurora and her sisters spilled the beans so quickly.

'Maybe it doesn't matter to them. If they can simply get rid of us and capture Esme either way, then there's no need to pretend…' Rey's mind flowed.

Either way, he was grateful to them for showing their true intentions.

"Esme is never returning to you." Rey took a step forward, swiftly throwing the sack of goods to Aldred.

The nimble man caught it instantly, holding it tightly whils Rey folded both hands and planted his heels on the ground.

"I believe I already told you to leave her and return to your vile settlement—wherever that is."

Aurora's frown deepened, and she gave Rey an intense glare.

Despite all of this, however, not an iota of her beauty was sullied. In fact, Rey thought she looked even prettier when she was in a terrible mood.

'Ahh… what am I thinking?' It was an inappropriate thought to consider at the moment, and he quickly chastized himself for it.

"Why don't you make me… bitch?" Rey responded with words of his own.

He was never very good at coming up with insults, so he merely spat out what cane to his mind first. It felt good, letting out a tiny bit of his frustrations on the Elf, but he knew that it came at a cost.

'I guess it's too late to form a cordial relationship.' The flustered look on Aurora's face told him that much. 'We'll just have to go with Plan B.'

Rey didn't blame himself for speaking out, though. The Elves started it, and it was clear that they were not interested in any kind of mutual understanding in the slightest.

They were arrogant, rude, and extremely insensitive people—

though it seemed like they would be the exact opposite merely based on their appearance.

It annoyed Rey to the core.

'Forget an alliance with them. I don't even care.'

He simply stood his ground and waited for what Aurora would do in response to his words.

"You bald monkey with no proper cognitive function. You dare address an Elf with words that are meant only for lower creatures like your kind?"

Rey felt the insult seep into his soul, and it hurt him intensely.

"Imbeciles like you should know their place and do what they are told. I have been as kind to you as I possibly can, so leave now while I still offer you the grace of my understanding… fool."

Rey inhaled deeply, trying his hardest to exercise full control. Perhaps using [Dead Calm] would be perfect here, but Rey was also aware that he could kill the Elves simply based on the intense intent they were directing towards him.

Speaking of intent, Rey could feel immense bloodlust coming from behind him. He swiftly turned to Aldred and rapidly shook his head.

'Don't do anything, you idiot!'

Fortunately, Aldred saw this and took control of himself. It was a close call, all things considered.

"Why are you still here, fool?" Aurora asked, narrowing her gaze at Rey.

Any second now, and the Elf could attack him. He had to prepare for whatever they could dish out and ensure they made the first move so he was justified in his actions.

"Is it because of the the half-breed vermin?"

That's right. He had to patiently wait until they raised their ppowers against him…

"A freak of nature like that should not exist. She should not even have been bor—"


Before Aurora could conclude her words, Rey left his position and appeared right in front of her.

"Hey…" His voice came as a threatening whisper.

His eyes were wide open, and his clenched fist drew close to Aurora as he stared with nothing short of the intent to pummel her.

"... Shut up!"





Thanks for reading!

Damn, the Elves really are mean to outsiders. But let's not forget how kind they are to each other.

Okay? Okay!

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