
Chapter 190: Leaving Bohol Island (1)

Chapter 190: Leaving Bohol Island (1)

The moment the beautiful sight of the Virgin Islands was unveiled, Park Bull-Chool disembarked from the boat and shouted, "AD Kim, please ask the tourists for their understanding. And AD Choi, could you ask the tourism office staff to control the crowd?"

There were dozens of boats also preparing to dock. Since it was a major tourist destination, the assistant directors quickly disembarked to start controlling the crowd.

"We apologize. We\'ll finish filming as soon as possible."

"It won\'t take long."

Thanks to the swift actions of the assistant directors, we were able to use about half of the Virgin Islands for our shoot.

The boat carrying Yoo-Jin, Miso, and other company staff also arrived at the Virgin Islands.

However, seawater was surging in places where the water was shallow enough to touch the bottom.


I jumped into the seawater first and turned my back to Yoo-Jin. "Climb on."

"It\'s okay, oppa. I can get down holding my clothes," Yoo-Jin replied.

"No, you\'re shooting in that dress. If the hem gets wet, you\'ll have to change clothes again," I insisted.

Yoo-Jin hesitated and nodded. "Alright."

After hesitating, Yoo-Jin gently climbed onto my back. She held onto my neck with both hands, but I couldn\'t tell if she was on my back or not because she was so light from skipping meals all day yesterday.

Even during the short walk to the sandy beach, Yoo-Jin chattered non-stop.

"Am I heavy?" Yoo-Jin asked.

"Not really," I answered.

"Hmph. Would it hurt to say I\'m light?"

Yoo-Jin had been talkative since the morning, perhaps because she was embarrassed about getting angry yesterday when I got injured.

After carrying Yoo-Jin to the pristine sandy beach, Lee Yung-Jin and Lee Mi-Ri hurried after us. Lee Yung-Jin disembarked holding Miso and Lee Mi-Ri was getting down with the clothing bags.

Once everyone arrived at the sandy beach, Park Bull-Chool quickly gave orders.

"Okay, we\'ll shoot for just one hour. Staff, move quickly. And since Miss Yoo-Jin needs to film barefooted, those who are free should check the sand again for any debris."

The Virgin Islands were open for about an hour and a half. Having to capture numerous shots within that time, the staff began to move hectically.

I entrusted Yoo-Jin and Miso to Lee Mi-Ri and started scanning the sandy beach with Lee Yung-Jin.


With the signal from Park Bull-Chool, Yoo-Jin stood on the deserted sandy beach.

"Miss Yoo-Jin, are you ready?" Park Bull-Chool asked.

"Yes, sir!" Yoo-Jin exclaimed.

Park Bull-Chool looked at the staff and shouted, "How\'s the shooting team doing on the boat?"

"We\'re good to go!"

Aside from the sandy beach, preparations were also underway on a boat about ten meters away.

"Let\'s launch the drone first," Park Bull-Chool instructed.

A filming drone took off from behind us with a whirring sound.

Subsequently, Park Bull-Chool called two assistant directors holding a portable green chroma key background.

"AD Choi and AD Kim, run and stand behind Miss Yoo-Jin with the background as soon as the cut is called!"

"Yes, Mr. Park."

The meticulous instructions were over in the blink of an eye.

"Alright then. Staff who are free, please continue to control the tourists. We\'ll start shooting as soon as it gets quiet," Park Bull-Chool added.

The moment the surroundings quieted down with the help of the staff, Park Bull-Chool shouted to start filming, "Ready~~ Action!"

As the call to start filming echoed, Yoo-Jin, dressed in a white dress, began walking barefooted on the sandy beach of the Virgin Islands. Her white dress fluttered in the wind and her long hair whipped about.

As she walked slowly, Yoo-Jin carefully took out a Cocari Sweat can stuck in the sand. The can was coated with seawater and sand. However, the unfazed Yoo-Jin opened the can and began to drink refreshingly.

Gulp, gulp.

After taking about three sips, Yoo-Jin pulled the can from her lips and shivered slightly. Then turning around slowly, she began to smile brightly at the camera.

Yoo-Jin looked more beautiful than anyone in the world as she stood against the backdrop of the blue sky, sparkling white sand, and turquoise sea.

\'She looks beautiful,\' I thought to myself.

A proud smile appeared on my face without me realizing it.

Simultaneously, Park Bull-Chool\'s voice rang out. "Cut~! Wow, that was fantastic. Miss Yoo-Jin, we\'ll do a bust shot and close-up of the face right away in a minute! Please be ready to go again."

"Yes, sir!"

Now a perfect celebrity, Yoo-Jin continued the same performance several times.

Since it was an on-location shoot, the same scene had to be captured from various angles repeatedly.


Thanks to Park Bull-Chool\'s rapid filming and Yoo-Jin\'s flawless performance, we finished the last scene before even an hour had passed.

We had scheduled a three-day shoot in case we couldn\'t finish in one day, but it seemed that wouldn\'t be necessary.

"Cut! That\'s a wrap," Park Bull-Chool called out with a pleased expression.

"Great work everyone!"

The staff celebrated the quick conclusion of the shoot.

"Let\'s quickly pack up the equipment! The tide will come in soon!" Park Bull-Chool reminded everyone.

"Yes, Mr. Park!"

The staff hurried to clear the equipment from the sandy beach since the equipment could not be reused if it got wet from the rising tide at the Virgin Islands.

Lee Yung-Jin and I also began to help the staff pack up. Yoo-Jin offered to help as well but I made sure she and Miso could have some time alone.

I wanted to give the exhausted Yoo-Jin and Miso at least some good memories after the shock of last night\'s events.


It took only about 20 minutes to finish packing.

Now, with roughly 10 minutes left before the Virgin Islands closed, Yoo-Jin and Miso dressed in a white dress were playing in the incoming tide.

"Miso, should we come back here again next time?" Yoo-Jin asked.

"Yes, Mom. Let\'s come again!" Miso cried out excitedly.

Despite squinting in the harsh sunlight, Miso\'s face was brighter than anyone\'s.

At that moment, I quickly took out my phone and started to take pictures of the two.

"Aren’t you thirsty, Miso?" Yoo-Jin asked.

"A little. But it\'s okay. I can hold on," Miso replied.

Yoo-Jin crouched down and pulled out the Cocari Sweat can she hadn\'t removed earlier from the sand. "Do you want to drink this?"

Miso looked at Yoo-Jin and asked, "Can I drink it?"

"Of course, it\'s fine."

"Then I will!"

Yoo-Jin, still crouched, carefully opened the can and handed it to Miso.

Miso began to sip the drink little by little and held it with both hands. After a sip or two, Miso handed the drink back to Yoo-Jin.

"Now you drink, Mom!"

Yoo-Jin replied with a smile, "But I already had some earlier."

"Mom\'s been shooting and working hard. So drink a little more."

Yoo-Jin embraced Miso with a bright smile and rubbed her cheek against Miso\'s. "Aww. Thanks Miso. I love you."

"He he, I love you too!" Miso exclaimed.

Yoo-Jin laughed as she drank the Cocari Sweat handed to her by Miso. The beverage, left out under the hot sun, was bound to be lukewarm. But Yoo-Jin drank it as if it were the most refreshing thing she had tasted today, given it was from Miso.

Yoo-Jin then offered the Cocari Sweat can back to Miso. "Miso, do you want to drink some more?"

Miso shook her head. "No, it\'s okay."

"Why? Aren\'t you thirsty any more?"

Miso looked around cautiously and pointed at the Cocari Sweat can. "Actually... it tastes like half seawater and half sugar water."

"What? Ha ha, is that why you hardly drank any? Because it tasted bad?" Yoo-Jin chuckled.

Miso smiled. "He he. I didn\'t drink it because I thought you might be thirsty. Really!"

"What~? Giving Mom something that tastes bad, huh? You\'re in for a punishment!" Yoo-Jin teased Miso.

Yoo-Jin tickled Miso\'s sides.

"Kya ha ha. Mom, Mom! It tickles!" Miso laughed non-stop.

The two continued to laugh joyfully even after setting aside the Cocari Sweat can. As the seawater began to cover more of the sandy beach, Yoo-Jin straightened her knees and stood up.

"Miso, the water’s coming in. Shall we go now?"

"Yes, Mom!"

Yoo-Jin held Miso\'s hand and started walking toward where I was.

Yoo-Jin looked at me and waved her hand with a broad smile. "Oppa! We\'re good to go now."

Miso also waved her hand. "Uncle Yoon-Ho~!"

I stopped the camera recording and told them, "You can take your time. We still have about ten minutes left."

"It\'s okay. We’re done playing," said Yoo-Jin.

That\'s when I sensed a sudden presence nearby.

"Mr. Jung, could you send me the footage you just shot?" Park Bull-Chool asked suddenly.

I turned around and said, "Oh, Mr. Park? Why would you need it?"

"It\'s because Miss Yoo-Jin\'s smile is so pleasant to watch. I think it could be useful."

Park Bull-Chool asked again with a seriousness I hadn\'t seen before. But since all the footage featured Miso, I set one condition.

"Whether it\'s for behind the scenes or Instargem, you\'ll have to pay a separate modeling fee for Miso if you use this footage. Deal?" I said.

Park Bull-Chool nodded. "Of course, I\'ll make sure to get it from Chief Kim of Cocari Sweat!"

Since Marine Boy Agency only handled the advertising production, the planning budget was managed by Kim Chang-Jin from Cocari Sweat. Park Bull-Chool assured me he would secure Miso\'s modeling fee on my behalf.

I nodded. \'That’s definitely okay then.\'

I told Park Bull-Chool that I would send him the files at the resort, and then had Yoo-Jin and Miso board the boat first.

Once on the boat, I asked Yoo-Jin, "Did you like the shoot?"

"It was the best. But can we come back here again next time?" Yoo-Jin asked with pleading eyes.

Yoo-Jin gazed regretfully at the Virgin Islands slowly sinking beneath the waves, her face flushed with sunscreen despite the hot sun.

"Of course we can," I replied with a smile.

As I put a hat on Yoo-Jin’s head, her slightly grimaced face brightened.

"Thanks, oppa. By the way, what are we eating today? Did you find any good restaurants?"

Even after yesterday\'s turmoil, Yoo-Jin was still looking for good places to eat.

I broke the bad news to Yoo-Jin. "I’m sorry, but we\'re flying back home tonight."

"What? Weren’t we supposed to leave tomorrow night?" Yoo-Jin replied as her brows furrowed.

"Yeah, but the schedule changed."

I had reported the onsite situation to Gu Seong-Cheol in the early hour and decided to head back as soon as filming ended, given that we couldn’t predict when the Ahas Organization might retaliate since Chris and Anita had been arrested.


Because Park Bull-Chool and the Cocari Sweat team were set to return home as per the original schedule, we were the only ones who arranged an earlier return.

Ricky promised to guard us until we reached the airport and didn\'t sleep a wink to stay by our side.

I was packing our luggage when I reassured Ricky, "Ricky, you don\'t need to blame yourself too much."

"That\'s nonsense, Boss. Something serious might have happened had we been a bit late," said Ricky.

"Let\'s not dwell on the past. But do you think the gang might try to retaliate if we were to come back to the Philippines next time?" I asked.

"Are you...considering coming back?"

"Yes, our little lady insists on returning. But I\'m concerned about safety."

Ricky\'s face brightened up. "Don\'t worry, Boss. Whether it\'s Ahas or anyone else, I\'ll make sure they can\'t even get close. I\'ll thoroughly sweep the resort and ensure everything is prepared next time you visit."

"I\'ll consider it then."

Seeing Ricky\'s expression lighten was reassuring.

However, an unexpected guest appeared as we were about to leave for the airport.


Jason, the president of the security firm, had come to the airport along with Eddie, the police chief of Bohol Island.

"I\'ve come to apologize on behalf of this region\'s law enforcement for what happened last night," Eddie apologized.

Eddie, the police chief, deeply apologized for the incident involving Yoo-Jin at a high-end hotel resort. He mentioned that Chris, Anita, and the Ahas Organization members would soon face trial.

I thanked him for the update, but Eddie hesitated as if he seemed to have more to say.

"What is it, sir? Is everything okay?" I asked.

As Eddie hesitated with his response, Jason scratched his head and spoke instead. "Mr. Jung, please hear us out without misunderstanding. But Daniel, the boss of the Ahas Organization, has sent a gift."

"A gift...?"

I was taken aback, almost disbelieving what I heard.

\'They sent us a gift after all the chaos they caused? And the police chief and the president of a security company brought a gang boss’s gift? What in the world was going on?\'

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