
Chapter 56: Reporter and Reportrash (3)

Chapter 56: Reporter and Reportrash (3)

I arrived at the meeting place to meet Choi So-Hye, the team lead of the Culture and Entertainment Department at Central Daily Newspaper. But in the meantime, a new article by Ju Kang-Yong had been uploaded.

[‘The Private Life of Rookie Actress J’]

-The Morning Takes Off, On-Set Sketch.

-Clash with sunbae Park Eun-Bin?

-\'Sunbae, you don’t like me, do you?\' Rookie actress suggests. Is there an inverse relationship between popularity and personality?

(Seeking tips. Entertainment Big News Ju Kang-Yong)

Ju Kang-Yong was truly a master at captivating people with his attention-grabbing headlines.

‘How does this guy constantly get better at writing each day? He should be a novelist instead of wasting his talent on writing tabloid articles.’

I couldn’t believe he even fabricated a statement by Park Eun-Bin and attributed it to Yoo-Jin.

Fortunately, the publicity division of Hoop Entertainment was also engaged in a media battle to prevent Ju Kang-Yong\'s article from reaching the top of the entertainment news rankings.

I began reviewing the articles as I scrolled up, starting from the top-ranked one.

[Blue Sky’s First Script Reading. Fierce Acting Competition Among the Actors.]

[Ju Yung-In and Jung Yoo-Jin, Hoop Entertainment’s Dynamic Duo in Action!]

[SBC\'s Ambitious drama Blue Sky Cranks In on January 30th!]

While I was checking the articles, I heard the sound of Kang Ji-Yung walking into the room.


Then, a beautiful short-haired lady, who was wearing a suit, entered the room with Kang Ji-Yung and started to scan me from head to toe.

She was Reporter Choi So-Hye, a future bigwig who would shape the Korean entertainment industry.

"Is this the guy?"

"Yes, he\'s our company\'s rising star. Pretty good, huh?"

Choi So-Hye giggled at Kang Ji-Yung\'s remark. "Hey, he\'s totally your type, isn’t he?"

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Just sit down already!"

"But he looks more like an aspiring actor than a talent agent..."

"Unnie, for real. I\'m tired. Let\'s just sit and talk. My legs are swollen from walking all day."

"You are always so prickly... Alright, then."

Choi So-Hye approached me first and extended her hand.

"I\'m Choi So-Hye. Nice to meet you."

Choi So-Hye, who was a competent and youngest team lead at the prestigious Central Daily Newspaper, was a year senior to Kang Ji-Yung in the industry. In three years, she would independently establish \'Star Special,\' a company that she would propel to the pinnacle of the entertainment journalism industry.

However, my present meeting with Choi So-Hye was not focused on her capabilities; rather, it was because I knew she possessed information that could do more than merely tarnish Ju Kang-Yong\'s reputation.

We sat down after exchanging brief greetings.

Choi So-Hye, looking at the pricing of Hanwoo on the menu, complained to Kang Ji-Yung.

"What? This is too expensive, isn’t it? Won\'t this violate the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act?"

"This isn’t a bribe. It\'s for a tip-off to uphold social justice. Don’t you eat with your sources?"

"Oh, is that so? Then let\'s start with soju."

"Soju? In broad daylight?"

"What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know that reporters in Korea don’t care about the time when it comes to drinking?"

Kang Ji-Yung sighed and pressed the call button.

"If I keep up with your drinking pace, I might end up crossing the threshold to the afterlife."

Wait a minute. Is \'Barrel,\' known for being a heavy-weight drinker, actually talking about being weak in the face of alcohol? I’m getting scared of Choi So-Hye.

I had never drank together with Choi So-Hye before in my past life. But looking at Kang Ji-Yung\'s exhausted expression, it seemed like I wouldn\'t be walking out on my own two feet today.

As expected, Choi So-Hye’s order of alcohol was on a different scale. She started with three bottles of soju for appetizers. After placing the order, Choi So-Hye opened her mouth with her eyes sparkling with interest.

"Anyway, let\'s just cut to the chase. You’re the one who called me here, right?"

"Yes, Miss Choi."

"I did hear the news that Ju Kang-Yong has been messing with the actress you are in charge of, Mr. Jung. But if you\'re thinking of asking me to write a counter-article against him, then you\'ve got the wrong idea."

Her reaction was only natural because even though the entertainment section of newspaper companies often wrote or pulled articles for money, it was a different story with Central Daily Newspaper, one of the top three newspapers. Such big newspaper companies were more strictly regulated.

"It\'s not about asking for a counter-article."

"Then what is it?"

"I’ve heard rumors that you\'ve been investigating Ju Kang-Yong\'s crimes for a while."

At that moment, Choi So-Hye’s gaze suddenly turned sharp. Attacking a fellow reporter, even within the domain of tabloids, was generally avoided in Korean journalism. However, Choi So-Hye had ignored this culture and was digging into a sunbae reporter Ju Kang-Yong.

"How did you know?"

Choi So-Hye looked at me with suspicion and a cold expression.

That was when Kang Ji-Yung joined the conversation. "Don\'t be too guarded, unnie. Everyone knows Ju Kang-Yong is capable of such behavior. I told him myself because I assumed you must be investigating him as well."

I had already mentioned the crimes Ju Kang-Yong had committed against female rookie reporters and actresses to Kang Ji-Yung, including some specific incidents. As such, the conversation flowed well.

"Right... That human scum. I can’t even keep track of all the crimes that asshole has committed."

Just then, the server came in.

"I\'ll serve the side dishes first."

We paused the conversation for a moment as the server brought the drinks and side dishes.

Choi So-Hye asked the server to serve the Hanwoo a bit later.

“Then what should I do about the side dishes and soju?”

"Oh, please serve those now."

After the server left, Choi So-Hye poured me a glass of cold soju as her stern face softened.

"Let\'s have a drink first and then talk."


As the cold soju she poured me slid down my throat, I felt more alert. Choi So-Hye stared at me for a while and offered me another glass.

"Another one."

After pouring me a second glass, she asked, "This isn\'t going to be an issue with the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, right?"


I calmly emptied my glass and answered, "I don’t even know what that is."

"Okay, great. If you don\'t know, you should have another glass."

‘What does not knowing have anything to do with having another glass?’

I found the logic puzzling as I stared at Choi So-Hye, who kept pouring me another glass of soju.

\'I did hear she’s the type to drink without food, but I’m different! Can we order some meat?\'

After gulping the next drink, Choi So-Hye finally started to respond to my offer. As she revealed all the information she had gathered about Ju Kang-Yong, the bitterness from the soju in my mouth began to taste sweeter.

She already had enough evidence to put Ju Kang-Yong behind bars.


My head was throbbing—or maybe my body was swaying.

Why is someone shaking me?

When I forced myself to open my eyes, I could see Choi So-Hye shaking me at a close distance.

“Star Jung. You made a promise. Okay ?”


“Star Jung. Hey. Why aren’t you saying anything? Are you dead?”


“Unnie, stop it. He’s a light-weight drinker.”

"Hey, Ji-Yung. You are taking the guy\'s side? I\'m really disappointed. We promised to grow old together as elegant single ladies, don’t you remember?"

"Ah! What kind of nonsense are you spouting again? And whose marriage plan are you trying to ruin? When did I ever say I\'d grow old and single with you!? You are always lying whenever you open your mouth!"

"He he he. Kang Ji-Yung, of all people, taking a guy\'s side. Ji-Yung and Yoon-Ho sitting on a tree. K, I..."

Kang Ji-Yung continued her sharp grumbling. "Ugh, I hate it when you get drunk! Unnie, just stop it already!"

"Shhh, be quiet. Now give me the information fee."

"Hey, buying you meat and drinks is the information fee! Ugh, I feel so dizzy.”

"Not that!"

"Ugh, then what?"

"Let me join in too!"

I had barely managed to regain my senses but chose to feign unconsciousness to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Choi So-Hye set a few conditions. The first was to write an article exposing Ju Kang-Yong\'s criminal facts under her own name. The second was to ask Hoop Entertainment to take care of the lawsuit costs for the victims. She also set a condition that if an appeal were to be made against her, Hoop Entertainment had to assign a lawyer to her.

"Our company might not protect me. So you need to take responsibility."

Kang Ji-Yung nodded. "Got it. Whether it\'s money or lawyers, our company will cover it. All you need to do is just hand over that data, unnie."

"Okay ."

Finally, I possessed the card to utterly destroy Ju Kang-Yong. Left unchecked, he would have caused harm not only to Yoo-Jin but to many others as well.

Fortunately, the deal was made and I could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Of course, I passed out at the same time the deal was made.


"What the fuck is this? Are these people rotten with money? Articles defending Jung Yoo-Jin are lining up like crazy."

Ju Kang-Yong faced an unbelievable situation.

He had replaced Yoo-Jin’s name with \'J\' to avoid a lawsuit but had secretly configured the system such that his articles would show up when people searched for Jung Yoo-Jin as the keyword. However, the number of articles that appeared when one searched Jung Yoo-Jin\'s name was overwhelming, as if she were a top star.

Because of this, his own articles didn\'t even show up in the first 5 pages of search results.

"Are they really trying to mess with me or what?"

Ju Kang-Yong\'s forehead bulged with thick veins.

"Fine then. Let\'s see who wins this battle."

Ju Kang-Yong got up abruptly and rushed to the editor-in-chief\'s office. Editor-in-chief Go Dong-Min, secluded in a separate office, was admiring the scantily clad leader of the sexy idol group, Kim Eun-Ji, who was wearing a rag-like swimsuit.

"Wow! Isn\'t this art? This is real art."

He couldn\'t take his eyes off the monitor as he clicked his fingers.

"If her popularity drops, she might strip even more. Hahaha."

Go Dong-Min chuckled while touching his lips.

However, Ju Kang-Yong, who had silently approached him from behind, let out a deep sigh.

"Sir, that\'s the limit for her. She won\'t strip any more than that."


Go Dong-Min was startled and quickly clicked on another tab, but it was filled with even more naked pictures.


In a panic, Go Dong-Min hurriedly closed all the internet windows and glared at Ju Kang-Yong with a frown.

"Damn it! You bastard, you scared me! Didn\'t I tell you not to silently approach me like a thief?! You asshole!"

"Mr. Go, I knocked and called your name when entering."

"D-did you? Wait. But what\'s this about her not stripping anymore?"

"Kim Eun-Ji got a proper sponsor two weeks ago."

"What? Who?"

"The vice president of Jaewoon Group."

Go Dong-Min\'s eyes sparkled. "Then are you going to write an article about that?"

Indeed, the sexy idol group \'Nine Ladies\' and their leader Kim Eun-Ji\'s sponsor could be a good story to write about.

"No, not about that. I came to ask for more funds for the project I\'m currently working on."

For a moment, Go Dong-Min\'s face twisted. "You jerk, don\'t you know the company\'s situation? You know we’ve got no money."

"You always say there\'s no money regardless of whether there is or not. If you keep this up, I\'ll really go independent. I mean it."

Ju Kang-Yong brought in millions annually for the company by scamming other celebrities and agencies. Remembering this, Go Dong-Min quickly changed his tone.

"Ah, look at this guy\'s temper. Why does our conversation always lead to this, huh? You know me saying \'no money\' is just a habit. You know that if you ask for it, I would definitely give it to you. So, how much do you need?"

In the face of a single threat, Go Dong-Min completely changed his attitude.

"Mr. Go. You know I\'m working on Jung Yoo-Jin\'s case right now, don’t you?"

"Of course I do. What\'s up? Is it not going well? But it\'s your work after all, so how can it not go well?"

Ju Kang-Yong frowned and showed Go Dong-Min the current situation on the internet using Go Dong-Min\'s desktop.

"The opponent is spamming their articles, so mine aren\'t getting high exposure no matter what I do. To solve this, we need to invest more money in my articles. We need a significant amount."

"A significant amount... 100 million? Hey! No way! With that money..."

As Go Dong-Min began to shout in a loud voice, Ju Kang-Yong shook his head. "Ah, my ears are going to burst. Who said a 100 million? 10 million is enough. If it increases, up to thirty million. That should do."

"Oh, is that so? Hey. Why didn\'t you make it clear like that before?"

"So, you\'ll transfer it to my account by tomorrow morning?"

Go Dong-Min nodded. "Alright. But don\'t divert it elsewhere. I\'ll check later, alright?"

"Okay ."

After his conversation with Go Dong-Min, Ju Kang-Yong walked to the break room as he muttered to himself, "Damn it. Jung Yoo-Jin. I was going to stop at 100 million, but that won\'t work. You\'ll have to cough up about 300 million."

Ju Kang-Yong’s purpose for writing tabloid articles was simple—each time he published an article, he would either receive money from advertisers due to high views or from celebrities and their agencies in exchange for taking the article down.

However, since the plan wasn\'t going as intended and he ended up having spent money instead, Ju Kang-Yong planned to extort several times more than the original amount he intended to collect.

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