
Chapter 54: Reporter and Reportrash (1)

Chapter 54: Reporter and Reportrash (1)

Entertainment Big News had its main office in Shin-sa-dong. Unlike most entertainment news companies which were quite small, Entertainment Big News occupied an entire five-story building in Shin-sa-dong. This was all thanks to the staff who spared no means or methods to make money.

Among them, Reporter Ju Kang-Yong sat in the most prestigious spot on the third floor and was writing a sensational article about the trending actress Jung Yoo-Jin. Given her beauty, he assumed Yoo-Jin had to be involved in some school violence incidents.

[Rookie Actress J: Her Private Life]

-The hottest new actress J from The Morning Takes Off. Was she really a bully?

(We are currently seeking articles about actress J. Entertainment Big News, reporter Ju Kang-Yong)

"Let\'s see. Did anyone send me new emails?" Ju Kang-Yong opened his email but frowned upon seeing the inbox.

[(Sender: Park Eun-Yung) I\'m Yoo-Jin’s friend. Back when we were in the same school, Yoo-Jin was extremely kind...]

[(Sender: Teacher Choi Min-Joo) Yoo-Jin was a positive example for others...]

[(Sender: Jung Woo-Ram) I have a physical disability. With Yoo-Jin’s help, I could enjoy my high school years...]

"Damn, is this for real? Is Jung Yoo-Jin some kind of saint or what? There\'s nothing here to write about. Fuck. How could someone as pretty as her have such a kind heart as well?”

He was hoping for some juicy tip-offs about her past, such as bullying or smoking issues, yet found nothing but stories of her kindness and helpfulness in her school years. The reason he chose Jung Yoo-Jin as his next target for the article was that she was the most trending actress. However, he felt hopeless after receiving such unexpected emails. After all, nobody would be interested in reading an article about an actress’ kindness.

At that moment, Reporter Cho Kyo, who was seated next to him, leaned over the partition with a sinister smile.

"What is it? Is there nothing to write about?"

"No. I thought I\'d find at least one... but I just can\'t make anything out. With such good looks, I thought she should have been one of those bullies during her school days. Hey, don\'t pretty and rich kids become bullies these days?"

"Yeah. Things are different now than they used to be for us. Not just the tough ones but even the good-looking ones are bullies now. It\'s a different world."

"I heard even student council presidents are bullies in Gangnam. Is that true?"

Cho Kyo-In chuckled. "It sure is. That’s why teachers can\'t do anything about them bullying other students. These rich kids are backed by their parents who would call their lawyers if a teacher even scolds their kids."

Ju Kang-Yong spat out a curse with a look of disbelief on his face. "Fuck. I’m so jealous. I wish all those privileged brats living off of their parents\' money would just disappear."

Having been raised in extreme poverty, the mere mention of those with privileged backgrounds and rich parents triggered a furious resentment in Ju Kang-Yong. To him, his parents were nothing more than a nuisance.

Then, Cho Kyo-In inadvertently recalled something. "But wasn’t Jung Yoo-Jin known to be an orphan since her part-time days in Cheon-Ho-Dong Burger Queen?"

"Wait...did you say she has no parents?"

At that moment, a wicked smile crossed Ju Kang-Yong\'s lips as an idea crossed his mind.

Cho Kyo-In frowned upon deciphering Ju Kang-Yong’s intention. "Sigh. You asshole. You’re gonna do that again? Hey, isn\'t it a bit inhumane to exploit someone’s hardships?"

"That’s why you don’t make money, dumbass. Do you think we are working at some national newspaper company? We\'re here to give the public what they want. That’s our job."

"Sigh. I just can\'t deal with this. Do what you want."

Cho Kyo-In might not have strayed far from being a so-called ‘reportrash’, but he had his limits and refused to cross a certain line. On the other hand, Ju Kang-Yong was different—he was a rabid dog and the scourge of humanity.

Ring Ring Ring.

Just then, Ju Kang-Yong’s phone began to ring.

"Who could this be?"

Ju Kang-Yong answered the phone with a nonchalant expression. "Ah, yes. This is Ju Kang-Yong from Entertainment Big News, the top newspaper company investigating the truth of the entertainment industry."

He introduced the company with an absurdly grandiose title, but his expression instantly brightened as he recognized the voice on the other end.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Kim. How have you been? Yes?"

The caller was none other than Chief Kim Dong-Soo of Hoop Entertainment, with whom Ju Kang-Yong occasionally collaborated. Kim Dong-Soo was passing along some information about Jung Yoo-Jin.

Ju Kang-Yong, who had been worried about the lack of a story to write an article on, now had a big smile on his face.

Ju Kang-Yong laughed out loud after ending the phone call.

"Hahaha, Chief Kim really saved me."

"Why? What is it?"

Cho Kyo-In asked, but Ju Kang-Yong only shook his head. "Focus on writing your own articles. Don\'t look at someone else\'s meal."

"Wow. Look at this guy. Hogging it all to yourself again?"

Ju Kang-Yong grinned and said, "I\'ll let you write a supporting article once I set the framework. You can take the scraps then."

Cho Kyo-In smiled in response. "Really? If that\'s the case... leave it to me."

Tabloid articles gained more impact when written by several people. With more attention given to the articles, reporters could then extort more money from the relevant entertainment company. To make such threats work, at least three reporters had to be involved in circulating the article.

This was a perfect opportunity to make big money—and stepping on a rising star was an added thrill.


After parking my car in the underground lot, I checked my planner and browsed through the entertainment news. Then, I came across a tabloid article about Yoo-Jin.

[Rookie Actress J: Her Private Life (Reporter Ju Kang-Yong)]

-The hottest new actress J from The Morning Takes Off. Was she really a bully?

"This asshole. He did this in my past life and he\'s doing it again now?"

In my past life, Ju Kang-Yong had preyed on Yoo-Jin who had become a hot topic of discussion due to a tragic gas accident. I had prevented that incident in this life, but Yoo-Jin’s good acting and advertising fame must have caught his attention again.

I hurriedly went through my planner to check for events related to Ju Kang-Yong.

[Everyday V10]

[Date: February 7, 2020]

-10:00 AM Entertainment Big News Reporter Ju Kang-Yong. Spread school bully and abortion rumors about Yoo-Jin. Full strategy meeting.

That particular event hadn\'t disappeared from my schedule yet, which meant that Ju Kang-Yong was going to publish that terrible article again. I remembered how angry I was at even the titles of the articles he had published.

[Recently deceased M (5 years old) from the gas leak accident revealed to be the biological daughter of rookie actress J.]

[J, who dropped out of high school due to pregnancy.]

[J\'s daughter, adopted by J\'s sister and husband who were unable to get pregnant. She disguised her daughter as a niece.]

[Exclusive interview with K, who claims to be the biological father of the deceased child!]

Back then, I couldn\'t do anything as I had transferred to the Actor Division 3 after Miso\'s death. However, things were different now. Since I already knew the content of the articles Ju Kang-Yong would publish, I planned to act swiftly to prevent them.

"Ju Kang-Yong, it won\'t go as you wish this time."

I put my phone inside my pocket and rushed up to the office.


I entered Gu Seong-Cheol\'s office and presented him with the article I had found.

"Mr. Gu, could you please take a look at this?"

Gu Seong-Cheol read the article and immediately frowned. "Those scumbags are at it again, huh? Alright, I\'ll contact the Publicity division right away."

"No, we need more than that. Yoo-Jin has a vulnerability that they can exploit. If we don\'t respond properly, we could be in trouble."

"Vulnerability? What do you mean?"

"Don\'t you remember the rumor that spread about Yoo-Jin when she first joined our company?"

"The one about her having a daughter?"

Upon joining our company, Yoo-Jin had been embroiled in rumors that Miso was actually her daughter and not her niece. At that time, Kang Gam-Chan stepped in to quell the rumors and explained that Miso was Yoo-Jin’s niece.

However, Gu Seong-Cheol seemed to have understood that it could be dangerous if the reporters twisted this story.

"Yes. You know what kind of person Ju Kang-Yong is. He exaggerates and fabricates stories all the time."

Gu Seong-Cheol quickly understood the gravity of the situation and made a serious expression. "I see. This isn\'t something the Publicity division can handle alone. I\'ll report it to Miss Kang."

Thankfully, my opinion was quickly accepted. Gu Seong-Cheol immediately called Kang Ji-Yung to inform her of the situation. Upon hearing this, she immediately summoned Gu Seong-Cheol and me to the president\'s office.

When we arrived at the president\'s office, Kang Gam-Chan and Kang Ji-Yung were in a serious conversation amidst scattered documents about expanding the company in Japan and China.

"Mr. Kang, we are here.”

Kang Gam-Chan pointed to a side of the table for us to sit. After we sat down, Kang Gam-Chan opened his mouth and spoke. "Ju Kang-Yong has started writing articles about Yoo-Jin, hasn’t he?"

"Yes, here they are."

Gu Seong-Cheol showed Kang Gam-Chan the articles on a tablet.

"Of all people, it had to be that scoundrel. This is going to be a headache. We are screwed," Kang Gam-Chan sighed.

Kang Ji-Yung, who was seated to the right of Kang Gam-Cha, had a stiff expression on her face and suggested, "Mr. Kang, what about negotiating directly with him to have the article taken down? It seems like it\'s all about money anyway..."

Kang Gam-Chan pondered for a moment but soon shook his head. "Ju Kang-Yong is the type who would demand for more if he senses weakness in his opponents. Let\'s prepare a rebuttal article together with the Publicity division and get the legal team ready."

Kang Ji-Yung nodded. "Yes, Mr. Kang."

But I knew this wouldn\'t be enough. Given Ju Kang-Yong\'s persistence in my past life, I was certain he wouldn\'t stop here. The event in my planner, which had remained unchanged, proved my point.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke up.

"Mr. Kang."


"Why not use this opportunity to reveal the truth?"

"The truth?"

As the conversation continued between Kang Gam-Chan and me, Gu Seong-Cheol and Kang Ji-Yung tilted their heads in wonder with puzzled expressions.

"What are you talking about?"

Kang Gam-Chan began to share Yoo-Jin\'s life story after a moment of hesitation. "Actually, Yoo-Jin..."

As he recounted Yoo-Jin\'s past, Gu Seong-Cheol’s expression changed drastically with every second.

Regardless of how many times I had heard this story, it never ceased to shatter my heart. Not only did Yoo-Jin have to bear the pain of losing her parents, sister, and brother-in-law, she also had to adopt Miso amidst opposition from relatives.

When the story was over, Gu Seong-Cheol and Kang Ji-Yung made a serious expression.

"That means we can’t deny it if Ju Kang-Yong writes that Miso is Yoo-Jin’s daughter."

“Technically, no, we can’t. Miso used to be Yoo-Jin’s niece but is now her daughter."

Gu Seong-Cheol scratched his head and looked troubled.

"This puts us at a disadvantage."

On the other hand, Kang Ji-Yung was sipping her cold drink and pondering for a moment.

At that moment, Gu Seong-Cheol spoke in a tone that sounded like he was scolding me. "Yoon-Ho, when did you know about this? You should have told us sooner!"

Then, he turned toward Kang Gam-Chan and complained to him as well. "Mr. Kang, you should have informed me earlier too. I feel really let down."

However, Kang Gam-Chan shook his head. "Yoo-Jin had requested for me not to tell anyone. Yoon-Ho figured it out himself."

After being deep in thought, Kang Ji-Yung opened her mouth to speak. "That’s not what’s important right now. What\'s important now is how we handle this situation."

"I know. I actually have something prepared for such a situation."

Kang Gam-Chan began to reveal the plan he came up with in advance. "I\'ve already agreed with PD Na of KBC Human Story to make a documentary about Yoo-Jin."

"A documentary? That sounds promising."

Indeed, Yoo-Jin\'s life story was compelling enough for a documentary. Moreover, a documentary on public broadcasting would have a much greater impact than any scandalous tabloid article.

Only then did I understand Kang Gam-Chan’s confident attitude despite the serious issue.

"If we start filming now, it can be broadcast within two weeks. It\'ll be tight, but we should be able to craft a strong narrative,” Kang Gam-Chan explained.

Kang Ji-Yung immediately agreed. "Yes. I support this approach despite the short timeframe."

The consensus was to confront Ju Kang-Yong’s lies using a truthful narrative rather than negotiations.

However, I had another strategy up my sleeve. Looking at Kang Gam-Chan, I slowly opened my mouth. "Sir, I have a viable plan."

"What is it?"

In response to his question, I momentarily adopted the role of ex-Vice President Jung Yoon-Ho of Top Entertainment and began to present my thorough plan. As my story unfolded, expressions of astonishment, disbelief, and anticipation appeared on everyone’s faces.

"It\'s a bit extreme, but it seems to be the best course of action if we want to settle this definitively. Let’s go for it.”

"Then I\'ll get started on the preparations.”

The battle against the despicable Ju Kang-Yong, which I couldn\'t fight before in my past life, was now about to begin.

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