
Chapter 8: Star Jung (1)

Chapter 8: Star Jung (1)

When I opened the door to the meeting room on the sixth floor, I could see Kim Dong-Soo and Gu Seong-Cheol, the chief of Actor Division 2, fiercely arguing with each other.

“Chief Gu. You seriously need to start educating the talent agents in your division. I can’t believe he neglected his actress to be somewhere random during working hours! He even ignored my orders and lied about Jung Yoo-Jin catching Lee Ji-Yeon’s eye!”

“What did you just say? Huh? The problem started when you tried to get our division’s staff to do your work!”

“What’s wrong with focusing on cash cows that bring us money like Yung-In rather than focusing on the extras? Isn’t it only natural to borrow staff from other divisions if we have urgent matters to deal with?”

Gu Seong-Cheol burst into anger at Kim Dong-Soo’s aggressive excuse.

“Hey! Do you think Yoo-Jin will always be an extra? Besides, it’s Division 3’s job to pick up Ju Yung-In, not ours! Why would you tell my boy to pick her up?”

As the argument continued for a long time, I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

Ahem. I’m here.”

Kim Dong-Soo turned his head and approached me with big steps.

“Hey, newbie! How dare you ignore my orders and leave the set? Are you out of your mind? You thought you could get away with lying to me?”


Kim Dong-Soo grabbed me by the collar.

At that moment, I realized that I hadn’t actually accepted the five stages of grief.

Is this the sixth stage?

Anger welled up, but strangely, I felt like laughing for some reason. Perhaps this was because my anger had surpassed its limits.

It’s so fucking nice to see you again, Kim Dong-Soo.


Kim Dong-Soo, a thirty-two-year-old veteran with six years of career, was a man of competence and overflowing ambition.

With his hair fixed up with pomade and wearing silver-framed glasses, his sharp eyes piercingly stared at me as he grabbed me by the collar.

He was promoted to the position of deputy section chief in his second year, team lead in his fourth year, and division chief in his sixth year. Even after attaining the position of Division 3 chief in six years, something that usually took others at least ten, Kim Dong-Soo continued his rapid growth.

Although it was true he received full support from the company’s largest faction, Seoul National University of the Arts, no one in the industry could deny Kim Dong-Soo’s natural talent for his job.

Given this background, Kim Dong-Soo would often get staff from other divisions to do his work as if they were staff in his division. His ego was so big that he even had the audacity to grab me by the collar in front of Gu Seong-Cheol, a senior executive in the company.

But things were about to change now, because I was back, and I knew Kim Dong-Soo better than anyone.

I was tempted to make a scene, but I was currently a first-year talent agent. Suppressing my anger, I looked at Kim Dong-Soo.

“Excuse me. It’s true that I made a mistake, but could you please let go of my collar?”

Kim Dong-Soo seemed taken aback. My behavior was completely different from the past, when I would get scared over nothing.

“What did you say? Hah, look at this punk. Hey, newbie. You do realize that Ju Yung-In missed her appointment today because of you, right?

At that moment, Gu Seong-Cheol intervened.

“Hey! Why are you grabbing my boy by the collar? You better let him go right now.”

Kim Dong-Soo trembled angrily and let go of my collar.

“There’s no need for long talks. Newbie, your salary will be cut by fifty percent for six months. Do you understand!?”

What? This is unexpected. Six months is too long!

With a monthly salary of 2.2 million won, a 50% cut would leave me with 1.1 million won. The punishment was harsher than I thought.

I glanced at Gu Seong-Cheol, but he only nodded with a frown. It seemed hard to salvage the situation now.

Ah, whatever.

The punishment was relatively light considering that I was able to save Miso in return. If I needed to buy anything, I could simply use the expense account of the company.

“I understand. I’ll have the statement on your desk by tomorrow morning.”

Perhaps it was because my calm response irked him, but Kim Dong-Soo frowned once again.

“You cheeky bastard...”

‘What are you clenching your fist for, huh? Are you going to punch me?’

As I prepared to dodge, Gu Seong-Cheol stepped forward in an angry manner.

“Cut it out, you punk! A salary cut is harsh enough. Don’t you dare think about hitting my boy in front of me. I don’t know what I’m going to do if you cross the line one more time. Do you understand?”

Although Gu Seong-Cheol was a man 172cm tall with a fat belly, he had practiced judo professionally in his youth. He had the skills to win medals in national competitions, and it was said that he could easily incapacitate someone for at least four weeks.

They say he can break someone in half when he gets angry. It looks like I’m in for a show.

Just then, the meeting room door opened and a sharp voice rang out.

“That’s enough, everyone!”

Division Chief Kang Ji-Yung appeared with a flushed face. She was wearing a tight black two-piece suit and Channy accessories. With a model-like figure towering at over 170cm, she had the looks to be a popular celebrity.

Kang Ji-Yung reeked of alcohol and looked pretty messy.

“I had to rush here in the middle of drinking with President Choi from MBS because someone called me saying you two were fighting!”

The two chiefs hastily stepped back at Kang Ji-Yung’s rebuke.

“Chief Kang, it’s not like that. This punk was...”

“Excuse me, Chief Kim Dong-Soo. Did you not hear me telling you to cut it out?”

Kim Dong-Soo bowed his head.

Kang Ji-Yung let out a deep sigh and turned her gaze toward me.

“So you’re Star Jung, huh?”

“My name is Jung Yoon-Ho. I apologize for the trouble, Ms. Kang.”

I bowed and apologized since this was an incident caused by me. But Kang Ji-Yung waved her hand to cut me off.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not asking for an apology or anything. But did you lobby Lee Ji-Yeon today or what?”

“I’m sorry?”

‘What is she talking about out of the blue?’

“I mean, what on earth did you do to have our actress featured in her drama until the final episode?”

The atmosphere in the meeting room shifted when Kang Ji-Yung mentioned the exciting news about Lee Ji-Yeon’s script revision.

Kim Dong-Soo, who had been calling me a liar until now, frowned.

“Ms. Kang, is that true? I mean, Lee Ji-Yeon is famous for not revising her scripts once they’re submitted!”

Kang Ji-Yung’s joyful expression twisted again at Kim Dong-Soo’s remark.

“What? Do you think I’m so pathetic that I would lie about such a thing? Chief Kim. Are you challenging me right now!?”

“No, that’s not what I mean...”

Kim Dong-Soo flinched at Kang Ji-Yung’s ringing voice. With a charismatic expression, Kang Ji-Yung held out her phone in front of Kim Dong-Soo’s face.

“Here, look. Check it out with your own eyes.”

[(Lee Ji-Yeon): I saw an interesting actress at the set today, Park Yoo-Jin, was it? Ah, it was Jung Yoo-Jin, right? Anyway, she has a decent face and good voice projection. I like her.]

Considering Lee Ji-Yeon’s personality, this amounted to high praise. However, upon seeing the KokoTalk message, Kim Dong-Soo frowned again.

“W-where does it say here that she would appear more in the drama? If you’re trying to cover for the underperforming of Division 2...”

Kim Dong-Soo wasn’t the kind of person to stubbornly persist in a situation like this. But perhaps because he was so angry today, he couldn’t properly judge the situation.

Kang Ji-Yung’s eyes narrowed at Kim Dong-Soo’s argument.

“Oh-my-goodness. The more I think about it, the more it blows my mind. I rushed here in the middle of important business because I heard the chiefs were fighting and turning the company upside down, and this is how you treat me? Do I look like a joke to you?”

Kang Ji-Yung burst into anger and scrolled down the KokoTalk messages.

[Attached Files]

[<The Morning Takes Off? Episode 23 Revised Script - Role of Lee Seol-Ran]

[<The Morning Takes Off? Episode 24 Revised Script(Final Episode) - Role of Lee Seol-Ran]

“Can you see this? Lee Ji-Yeon sent me the revised scripts herself! What more do you want? Do you want me to give you a briefing?”

Kim Dong-Soo’s face hardened like stone. This wasn’t him just being stubborn—he was blatantly disrespecting the authority of the Division Chief.

“I-I apologize. It seems like I made a...mistake.”

Despite Kim Dong-Soo’s apology, Kang Ji-Yung’s cold demeanor remained unchanged.

“Why can’t people know when to stop? You really crossed the line today! I was in the middle of persuading President Choi to cast Jo Min-Sung for the lead role in MBS’ anniversary special, but now that opportunity is gone because I had to rush here. Everything is ruined!”

Jo Min-Sung was a top star representing Hoop Entertainment. Upon hearing that Jo Min-Sung’s drama casting was jeopardized because of the fight between the chiefs, Kim Dong-Soo’s face turned beet red.

“Um, about that...”

“Enough! I have nothing more to say and I don’t want to hear anything else from you. Get out and deal with the staff watching from outside. And I’m going to cancel Star Jung’s salary cut, so don’t mention it anymore.”

“I-I understand,” Kim Dong-Soo said in a slightly trembling voice.

Seeing his hunched shoulders was somewhat satisfying.

That’s right, Kim Dong-Soo. You better be humble next time.

Kang Ji-Yung turned toward me next.

“But Star Jung, you’ll still have to submit your written statement. After all, it’s true that you left the set during work hours. Copy that?”

The half-cut salary was replaced with a little paperwork.

As the situation was resolved, Kang Ji-Yung looked at Kim Dong-Soo.

“Why are you still here? Do you want me to hold the door open for you or what?”

“I-I’ll head out right now.”

Kim Dong-Soo left the meeting room, slamming the door behind him.


Once the commotion was over, Gu Seong-Cheol’s shoulders slouched.

“Sorry, boss. Jo Min-Sung is gonna make a scene if he finds out that he had missed the chance to appear in the anniversary special. What should we do?”

Even though Gu Seong-Cheol held a lower position than Kang Ji-Yung, he spoke to her in a casual tone when alone, given that he had been working for Hoop Entertainment since its early days.

Kang Ji-Yung sat down and smiled.

“Oh, that was a lie.”


“I’m not crazy. Did you really think I would leave behind the opportunity to get Jo Min-Sung casted? I had already confirmed his appearance with President Choi before coming here.”

“Oh, really?”

“I only said what I said earlier because Kim Dong-Soo kept arguing with me and pissing me off. But seriously though. You guys aren’t five. This whole thing was so stupid.”

“I’m sorry. I’m embarrassed. Hahahaha.”

“Stop laughing, sunbae[1]. I’m still angry, you know.”

In spite of what she said, the atmosphere gradually lightened as the conversation continued.

“Well, I’ll take my leave now.”

As I stood up and said goodbye, Kang Ji-Yung stopped me.

“Where do you think you’re going? Although it’s only temporary, you are still in charge of Yoo-Jin. You need to attend this meeting, Star Jung.”


“Of course. Lee Ji-Yeon personally revised the script herself and requested Yoo-Jin to appear in two more episodes. Shouldn’t we discuss how to handle this matter on set?”

In Hoop Entertainment, it was difficult for first-year staff to even attend division meetings. But here I was, given the opportunity to attend a meeting with senior executives.

This seemed like a good start to my second life.


The planning meeting for Yoo-Jin’s career development started.

Kang Ji-Yung and Gu Seong-Cheol began to explain to me the issues that would arise due to the script revisions. Although I knew very well what would happen, I pretended to hear this information for the first time and nodded as if I understood.

After listing precautions, Gu Seong-Cheol looked at Kang Ji-Yung.

“Chief Kang. Lee Ji-Yeon typically continues casting the actors she likes, right? Do you think she’ll want to work with Yoo-Jin in her next drama as well?”

“Probably—that’s why I was thinking of giving Yoo-Jin a push. What do you think, sunbae?”

“I’m not opposed to the idea, but I’m worried that giving her a push too early might backfire.”

“What are you so nervous about, sunbae? This isn’t like you. Just go for it. If Lee Ji-Yeon offers a role to one of my actors herself, I certainly wouldn’t refuse.”

Since Lee Ji-Yeon had taken an interest in Yoo-Jin, it was only natural for the company to think about the possibility of her casting Yoo-Jin in the next drama as well.

However, there was one major problem—Lee Ji-Yeon’s next drama In the Name of God, set to air next year, would be a complete failure.

How should I bring this up?

I would have no choice but to refuse Lee Ji-Yeon’s offer to work with her because her work was going to flop. But at this point where the scripts hadn’t even been released yet, I couldn’t bring up that topic. After all, no one in the industry would think that a drama written by Lee Ji-Yeon, a big name in the industry, would fail.

Then there was only one remaining solution left—to get Yoo-Jin casted in another drama as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the meeting was coming to an end.

“So, sunbae. Please ensure the remaining two episodes wrap up well on set. That’s our priority for now.”

“Okay. Besides Yoon-Ho, we’ll also assign Team Lead Oh to the set. Having a team lead on set will definitely make Yoo-Jin look more prioritized.”

After finishing the conversation, Kang Ji-Yung turned her gaze toward me.

“By the way, could you tell me what happened on set today? There’s no way Lee Ji-Yeon would increase Yoo-Jin’s showtime without a reason.”

“Actually, at the set today...”

I told Kang Ji-Yung about the day’s events.

“Yoo-Jin’s performance was excellent and Lee Ji-Yeon was impressed by her?”

“Yes. Although she just debuted, I believe she can certainly handle a leading role with her acting skills.”

Hahaha. Your faith in your actress is extraordinary.”

Kang Ji-Yung looked at me as if she found me impressive.

“You are in your first year, right?”


“Maintain this attitude and keep up the good work. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

At my polite response, Gu Seong-Cheol chuckled and praised me.

“See, Chief Kang? I’ve always told you that Yoon-Ho is extraordinary.”

Thank you, Chief Gu.

“Oh, my. Sunbae. I don’t recall you saying such a thing,” Kang Ji-Yung said as she tilted her head.

Hahaha. A-are you sure about that?”

Gu Seong-Cheol stealthily glanced at me and turned away.

My appreciation for him dissipated in three seconds.

I take back saying thank you, Chief Gu.

“Now, the next question.”

Kang Ji-Yung’s tone turned cold as she asked in a serious manner, “I watched the 9 o’clock news. Why were you in Cheonho-dong when you were supposed to be on set?”

Kang Ji-Yung’s sharp voice struck my ears.

1. Senior, a person who has more experience in work or school ?

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