
Chapter 5092: Suddenly Destroyed

His next destination was Deity and it only took one step for him to arrive.

“Rumble!” After loud detonations and flashing lights, Deity fell into destruction.

An endless power shook the three continents and crushed everything in its wake.

“Does Li Qiye want to destroy Deity now? How is he so fast?” A dragon lord shuddered after analyzing the situation.

Everyone thought that he was still in the depths of Heaven Burial but now, destruction ravaged Deity.

“It’s over for Deity.” Ancient ancestors only thought about their own sects, not caring for Deity. They told their juniors to stay the hell away from Li Qiye.

During this destruction, the old gatekeeper of the cemetery back in Eight-stallion looked up at the sky.

“Here again? Must have recovered then.” His eyes turned cold and in the next second, he disappeared from sight.

In actuality, Li Qiye was surprised as well. He had only entered Deity and this started, prompting him to take a closer look.

He saw that it was a mess everywhere with no one in sight. Swordgrasp School, Godchaser Palace, and Immortal Pagoda have been obliterated.

Numerous ancient ancestors and other experts have been slaughtered. The culprit was too fast with the killing. None of them even saw the enemy before being destroyed.

The lucky surviving disciples sat on the ground to stare at the ruins and mountains of corpses. The only thing they saw during the attack was the corpses of their seniors raining down from the sky. The power immobilized them so they couldn’t join the battle.

In just a few seconds, the strongest sects of Deity have been wiped out. The other tributaries became scared; the top-ranking members either fled or hid in safe places like rats.

Eventually, ancient ancestors from the other dao lineages came to take a look and were shocked at the efficiency.

Of course, this wasn’t a total massacre since there were surviving members. Alas, the targeted sects’ ancestral grounds have been thoroughly destroyed.

The divine palaces of Godchaser were gone. The ancient pagoda of Immortal Pagoda was reduced to ashes, the same for the fire beacon of Swordgrasp…

“Did Li Qiye do this?” One ancient ancestor wondered while staring at the flames and smoke of war.

With Deity gone, there would only be ten great lineages left in the lower continents.

“The foundations are still there, it’s not a complete destruction for Deity.” One dragon lord got closer to the ruins and checked the individual sect. He became rather confused.

This was completely different than what Li Qiye did to Heaven Burial. He only took care of Heaven Burial Mountain, not the tributaries. However, he did absorb all of its resources and foundation, effectively putting an end to the lineage. In this case, the foundation remained for the top lineages in Deity so it wasn’t over entirely.

“Is it actually Li Qiye?” Another wondered because the method was different.

“Who else is strong enough outside of Li Qiye?” An ancient ancestor responded.

No one disagreed with this because he was the only one strong enough to take down Deity in the lower continents, especially in such a short time. Truth Conqueror and Stone Ox couldn’t have done it.

“Where is Conceal Conqueror?” Someone else wondered.

Some assumed that Li Qiye was here to look for Conceal Conqueror.

“Maybe she died in the battle too.” A dragon lord speculated.

“She could have gotten away again.” A peer responded.

“I heard that the beacon of Swordgrasp was lit during the battle.” One ancient ancestor revealed a key piece of information.

“Really? Then the upper continents know about this.” The others became emotional.

Swordgrasp had a direct communication line with Heaven and Divine Alliance through the beacon. This was reserved for crises or important matters. Thus, it hasn’t been lit for a long time until now.

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