
Chapter 1038 Fighting

Chapter 1038 Fighting

Much like the previous two cities, the third and last city, the largest and richest of the trio was most likely being controlled in the shadows by even more vampires, or perhaps something else entirely.

Although seeing how we were greeted with vampires, it is not hard or bad to guess that it might as well be them.


"Do you Vampires do not grow tired of doing crimes and dishonoring the legacy of your ancestors?" Lucifer spoke before any of the Vampires moved. "I am already guessing that because you came here, you\'re already telling us that you\'re involved in something shady already, huh?"

"I guess it can\'t be helped, we\'ll have to kill even more Vampires." Sighed Partner. "Ugh, I am getting tired of this though. I hope this is the last place we meet them."

"It might as well be one of the last places." I nodded. "After all, I believe there\'s one of the four horsemen here. Remember that vampire woman that almost destroyed the Duchy of Affnaria? There might be another "big boss-level" Vampire here."


However, before I could keep talking, a blur of darkness reached in front of me. The black haired Vampiress appeared right above me, unsheathing a crimson katana and overloading it with her Blood Aura. Darkness surging endlessly from her shadows, further boosting the power of her weapon.

"You think you can just talk in front of us without a care of the world?!" She roared, her katana quickly clashing against my head.


However, there was no sound of her sword cutting through flesh, or even slicing through my soul or anything of the sort. In fact, the sound that was generated was very much like how a piece of metal would sound when it hit a very hard stone.


Her crimson eyes opened wide as I caressed her chin with my fingers.

"Such a beautiful woman, what a pity that you\'ve left yourself fall into such deep darkness. How many people have you killed? How many children have you used for your horrible experiments?"

"G-Get away from me!"

She stepped back, her sword swinging against me several times, each strike became harder than the other, yet I simply was not taking any damage. An S+ Rank compared to an L Rank was… nothing but a little rat- no, perhaps an ant?


"Haaahhh… W-Why is nothing working against you?!" She screamed at me in utter fury. "You\'re a ghost, and this Katana has been enchanted with Holy Water and a Blessing from the Emperor of Light himself!"

"Is that so?" I wondered with a smile. "Maybe because I am strong, no? Too strong for you, or anybody here to even handle."

I moved forwards, pushing through space itself as I appeared in front of her, she gasped, pushing herself back and firing a hundred projectiles of blood against me, attempting to blow me into bits.


"That should do some damage at least! I won\'t stop until your body is torn to smithereens!" She screamed, her swords and spears made of blood kept hitting my body.

Yet I continued moving, unfazed.

"This doesn\'t even tickle." I sighed. "More importantly, I am intrigued how you\'re all ignoring the strong sunlight coming from the sky right now. Aren\'t you Vampires?"

"T-That\'s because of the…! Why should I tell you?!" The woman screamed. "You might be tough, but nothing can survive this!"

She suddenly unsheathed a second sword, one that was completely pitch black, it had a lot of Demonite ores incrusted on them, which made the sword overflow with an Aura of Chaos.

"[Dual Demonic Sword Arts]: [Chaotic Onslaught]!"

She flashed through the skies, descending towards me as fast as possible, her two swords moving at incredible speeds and clashing against my entire body. Constant explosions of blood energy and chaos bombarded my body.

SLASH! SLASH! SLASH! She was doing her best, trying her hardest. These attacks were amazingly strong, yes, but not enough.

Not near as enough.

"Why is nothing working?!"

Her eyes widened as she saw my body completely unfazed, emerging from within the smoke. I smiled back at her, a second later, I pierced space itself, warping through the void and appearing above her.

"Good show, but let\'s end this. We got things to do." I smiled, my right left overflowing with shadows and moonlight energies. "[Moon Shadow Crescent Kick]"


An arc resembling a beautiful black moon emerged as I kicked her head, her entire body falling from the skies and landing on the seas of sand below with a single, explosive impact.


"A-Ah… W-What?! No… t-this can\'t be! Ugh… Gugh…!"

Her head had been torn open and her brains could be seen, her legs and arms were destroyed, and the rest of her body was completely twisted. Yet she was alive. Vampires had amazing regeneration abilities after all. If I give her a couple of seconds, she might regenerate completely.

"I\'ll end this with this strike."

I descended from above, as both of my legs released a phantasmal aura, resembling a long, sharp, and pointy great sword. The wind was pierced to the point it generated shockwaves that spread below and above.

"N-No… wait… WAIT!"

"[Soul Piercing Phantom Sword Kick]"

The impact was fast, my legs pierced through her head, splattering her brains into the sand and blowing up the rest of her body into a pile of blood and innards.



"[Creation of Death]"

Without wasting a single second, I quickly rose her back as an Undead, without destroying her little soul, and by fusing back all her mangled corpse to a perfect state.

"Eh? Huh?! I-I\'m back?!"

Her eyes set themselves on me, as she felt an endless pressure exerted over her. As my Undead, she was unable to fight back against my commands.

"Now, you\'re going to tell me everything you know about what\'s going on over that city, dear."



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