
Chapter 816 Arrival

Chapter 816 Arrival

However, this time, it was a different kind of "goddess".

"[Selene\'s Palm]"


Before she could even react, a huge palm made of moonlight energy descended from the skies, crushing three Sandworms at once! The beasts died in an instant, splattered over the floor.


What followed after were the same attack crushing a fourth, then a fifth, and then a sixth Sandworm, each one was being crushed as if a Legendary Titan had suddenly showed up out of nowhere.

"W-Wha…?! That voice!" Catarina knew exactly where those attacks came from, as she heard her voice and saw her figure.

She had changed a bit since the last time she saw her. Her appearance had grown more "divine" she looked more bright, her hair had now become slightly purple, with deep black and silvery-white strands, she still had horns, but her dress was much different, looking as if it had been made of pure moonlight.

Anybody wouldn\'t believe her if she told them the woman floating right there was actually a ghost and not… a Majin of the highest order. Ghosts were often thought to be measly monsters, purified, and exorcised before they could become actual threats.

"Who is she, Lady Catarina?!" Asked Silva, climbing over the muscular woman\'s back to look out.

"T-That\'s… Well, I\'m sure now, that\'s Maria. The woman that gave me a second chance." Said Catarina.

"A second chance?" Silva was confused.

"Hey! Are you guys alright?!" Maria quickly flew back to where they were, gasping in shock as she realized who was there. "Catarina?! It\'s you!"

"H-Hey…" Catarina muttered while feeling a bit embarrassed. "I didn\'t thought you\'ll save my ass again… What a way to meet up again, Maria."

"I never thought we would find you here!" Maria hugged her tightly. "And who\'s this little blessing over here? Hi!"

"H-Hi…" Silva muttered, feeling a bit overwhelmed by Maria\'s powerful presence, which by merely existing sent a strong pressure.

"A lot has happened but we have to get rid of these damn Sandworms, never thought a damn stone could summon so many!" Catarina sighed.

"Nah, don\'t worry about that, we got this." Maria nodded, as she pointed at Lucifer, Partner, Emeraldine, Nyx, the twins, Tear, and Jonathan fighting the Sandworms and eliminating them easily one after another.

In just a couple of seconds, the entire swarm of huge monsters were completely eliminated. Maria smiled as she felt a bit of EXP flow to her, but not near as enough for her to Evolve at all.

"B Rank Monsters are piss easy, don\'t cha worry." She smiled. "Anyways, we should pick them up, so wait up here!" Maria flew around the city, storing every Sandworm Monster corpse inside her Inventory for future materials, in the way, with Emeraldine\'s help, they repaired the broken walls with roots and golems made out of sand, mud, and souls, leaving the walls pristine.

"W-What happened?"

"Weren\'t we being attacked by sandworms?"

"They\'re all gone…"

"D-Did you see that?! A few people flying around!"

"I saw a huge dragon killing the sandworms!"

"Maybe another monster hunted them down… I hope they don\'t get us though."

The citizens were naturally shaken, the nobles in the noble district glanced through their windows, the panic in their hearts gone as many sighed in relief. Though, this wasn\'t thanks to any of their pathetic guards.

In the largest building within the noble district, a fat man covered on gold accessories and ornaments, long red painted nails, and an angry expression glanced at the scene in utter disbelief. His face filled with frustration at what could had been his beautiful pets turned into worm paste.

"My worms! Why are they gone?! Where did they go?! Why were they summoned ahead of time?!" He cried angrily. "They cost a fortune to get here!"

"Honestly speaking, Lord Sanctus, why did you even wanted them?" Sighed a red-eyed woman at his side, with brown skin and long black hair. "I mean, the Warlocks still made it but-"

"Because they could help me fend off any bastards that tried to get here! Maybe I could even use them to conquer the other cities… Sandworms are the strongest monsters in the desert after all! Hahaha!" Cried Sanctus. "But now these bastards that should had brought it here are probably all dead… And I hear a damn kid was the one that stole it?! You damn blood suckers know really well that I am the one keeping you all so comfortable in this place without the church getting their noses into your hideouts! Find the bastards that stole my worms and bring them to me!"

"Sigh…" The beautiful Vampiress sighed, nodding. "(If it wasn\'t for this stupid fat ass\' position I would had already drained all the blood out of his bloated body) Very well, my lord."

"Fufufu! And do it quick! Okay? I also need a refund from you, that crystal cost a lot and it\'s all your fault it was lost. After all, you said it my city would be safe from bandits and thieves!" Sanctus said. "Quickly! Go!"

"Yes…" The woman sighed, stopping herself from giving him a deadly glare as she turned into sand and disappeared.

As she flew away, the man glanced through the window of his huge temple-like house, specially built after the ancient inhabitants of the Goldsand Desert, long gone.

"Was that really a dragon, here?" He wondered. "And who were those people flying around? Ugh… My peaceful utopia is now filled with bandits and whatever those were! Can\'t even get a good night\'s sleep now! Hey, you three, what are you waiting for? Dance! Move your bodies! I\'m bored!" He groaned, throwing a cup of wine to three young girls sitting in the end of the room wearing revealing dancer clothes.

The girls weakly started to dance, their faces filled with fear, as their necks and legs were shackled with golden chains…

"Yes! Yes! Move your body, you little whores! Tonight I\'ll be having a lot of fun breaking you all…" The disgusting bastard licked his lips.

Little did he know of the beings that had arrived on his "utopia".

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