
Chapter 795 Saving The Elves

Chapter 795 Saving The Elves

"[Divine Holy Light Magic]: [Grand Purification]!"


A massive flash of pure divine light emerged, covering everywhere. The light spread further into the rest of the caves, purifying absolutely everything. The mushrooms were all disintegrated, the Demonite disappeared without trace as well, and whatever other monsters left behind… Well, they died without hope.

Once everything finished, we were left slightly blind… But the ugly mold and mushrooms growing over the people disappeared instantly. I guess we didn\'t even need to take out the roots.


[You have partially healed everyone out of the Miasmic Mold Disease!]

[The Miasmic Mold, however, is much stronger, and fueled by the magic power of whatever has created it…]

[Once enough time passes again, it will begin spreading once more.]

[Find whatever is the origin of this Mold, and make an elixir out of that thing… Of course, once you kill it.]

I see, I guess this won\'t be over so easily… But at the very least, everyone seem much healthier and better now.

"Hm? W-What is… happening?"

"Ah! I-I\'m alive?!"

"Where is this place?"

"W-What\'s going on? Ouch, my back…"

"Huh? Who are these people?!"

"The mushroom monsters… They\'re nowhere to be seen."

"Huh?! E-Emeraldine?!"

The people quickly woke up, many of them instantly recognized Emeraldine among all of us. She started crying out of happiness, greeting everyone.

"Everyone! We came to your rescue!" She cried.


"You\'re back!"

"And you\'re so strong… that aura!"

"Divine power?! Are these your adventurer party friends?!"

"So you had a big party of strong adventurers… you did as you dreamed of!"

"Hello." I said with a smile. Everyone else also greeted the people politely. "I\'m Maria and these are Lucifer, Jonathan, Partner, Nyx, Takeshi, Laura, and Tear."

"S-Such a huge part of so many people…"

"Ugh, my head…"

"Thankfully Emeraldine rescued us…"

"Uncle! Uncle!" Emeraldine tried to wake up her uncle.

"Ah! Huh?! Eh?! OH! E-Emeraldine?! EMERALDINE!!!"

Her uncle suddenly stood up like a zombie out of his grave, and instantly screamed in happiness the second he saw Emeraldine.

"UNCLEEEE!" Emeraldine started crying again.

The two hugged tightly, it was clear that they loved each other a lot like family. I remember that Emeraldine always talked me about her uncle when she taught us Alchemy. He is a Master Alchemist of the highest order after all!

And because he\'s like her father, this means he\'s my father-in-law! I have to act politely in front of him to gain his respect, naturally.

"Nice to meet you! I\'ve heard a lot from you." I said with a smile. "But Emeraldine neve gave me your name though."

"Oh! My name is August!" Laughed the charismatic old elf. "It is nice to know that my dear Emeraldine is in the hands of such reliable party of warriors! So many people too! Of all kinds of races no less! You must be very open-minded; I\'m relieved you accepted her in your party!"

"W-Well… Yeah." I nodded, just playing along for now. I mean, we have registered as adventures and as a party, so it makes sense… to an extent. "We are totally adventurers."

"S Rank no less." Lucifer nodded.

"Yeah!" Partner nodded. "I\'m a Majin by the way, not a Vampire!"

"O-Oh, I see." August nodded nervously. "A-Anyways… there\'s a lot to talk. But it seems that you\'ve saved us from sure death miraculously… I really thought we were done for… You have our eternal gratitude, as the chief of this village, I thank you from the deepest of our hearts."

"No problem, we did this because Emeraldine is really precious to us." I smiled. "Anyways, everyone must be tired, let\'s go to the surface for now."

Once we went back to the surface, the people that was happy to be saved quickly remembered everything got destroyed and fell into depression once more.

"Our houses are all destroyed… And the forest is so pitch black…"

"E-Everything is dying…"

"Is this the judgment of the Lady Freyja for having escaped her continent?"

"Our ancestors\' sins are now falling upon us…"

"Lord Freyr has abandoned us…"

It seemed the elves were quite religious, believing in their "Vanir Gods" Freyr and Freyja. And there were a few others, such as Njord, their parent. However, they thought that abandoning their continent was a sin their ancestors committed, hence, they believe this is their judgment for having betrayed them.

"I think staying here is dangerous…" Emeraldine sighed. "How about we make a temporary camp outside? Maria, can you put in your inventory everything in the houses?"

"Sure." I nodded, doing it in less than a minute.

"W-What… everything disappeared!"

"Was that space magic?!"

"Incredible! To be expected of S Rank Adventurers!"

"Now, let\'s go." I smiled, quickly grabbing literally everyone, and pulling them into my shadows. "Ah, sorry about this, it\'ll be in a flash. It is like a shadow world thingy. Just don\'t mind it."




"T-This is amazing! I neve thought dark magic could go this far!" August was fascinated. "Huh?"

"Huh? Hi." Arachne suddenly greeted them while she slept in her bed inside my Shadows. "So many people… I\'ve missed a lot. Yawn… But I\'m too sleepy…" She continued sleeping anyways.

Once we arrived outside the forest, we were greeted by the grasslands and normal forests. Emeraldine quickly put to work her Nature Magic, growing several houses using her Spirit Tree Magic, and reinforcing them with spirit magic to resist miasma, and even have healing effects on people that was inside of them.

"I\'ve only made a couple of buildings, but I hope they can suffice for now." Emeraldine sighed.

"Her magic has advanced to incredible lengths!"

"Emeraldine, you\'re our pride!"

"This is an almost god-like power…"

"Y-You made this yourself?!" August was shocked.

"Yeah, now please get in, we\'ll distribute the things from everyone else and also make something to eat… You\'re not completely healed, so you need to rest and stay inside these healing houses I made." Emeraldine said.

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