
Chapter 555 Can A Ghost Become A Lumberjack?



And before the trees could fall, I stored them inside my Inventory, the sound of the trees teleporting inside this pocket space echoed across the dark forest, as countless birds and other wild animals flew and ran away from the disaster.

"T-This is an ecological disaster!" Cried Laura.

"Is this really okay?!" Cried Takeshi.

"Hehehe, yes! It is okay! We\'ve got all this nice wood too; we\'ll make tons of furniture with it for our village. We\'ll have woods for days! These trees are softer too so they can be used and shaped way more easily than pine trees! [Mountain Slice]!!!"



More and more trees began to perish by the might of my axe, as the skeletons were simply taking out the roots left behind and then throwing them into a pile for later storage inside my Inventory.

"She\'s really going to cut everything…" Sighed Emeraldine.

"Well, isn\'t it alright though? This is her dungeon she can do whatever she wants!" Said Partner.

"I know but this is a beautiful forest…" Sighed Lucifer. "I wish we could have such a forest to spend time together from time to time, walking around, collecting berries and mushrooms, and the like… the snow land surrounding our village doesn\'t allow us such luxury."

"I suppose Maria can do as she pleases. Trees growing here at the end are just resources… Let\'s all calm down." Brunhild said. "It is better if we produce enough food for everyone. Since when you guys have been such naturalists?"

"Well, I guess I am being overexaggerated…" Sighed Lucifer.

"I am an elf so I can feel the pain of the forest and nature… even my nature spirit is crying a bit." Sighed Emeraldine. "But I know why Maria is doing this. She\'s not doing it out of spite or something, but because it is a necessity- even if she\'s laughing manically while slicing dozens of trees with each swing…"




After a few more swings, I finished what I was doing. I cut down over a hundred trees and expanded the territory of the farm too. We were going to use 40% of this floor for the rest of the farm, but the other 60% will remain as forests that we\'ll grow over time to gather both wood and also other resources. I am not heartless or something!


[You learned the [Chopping: Lv1] Skill!]

[You acquired the [Lumberjack: Lv1] Title Skill!]

[Chopping: Lv1]

A Special Skill granted to Lumberjacks who have cut over twenty trees all by themselves. A special Skill that enhances the natural ability to chop trees and not only that, but other things using an Axe-type weapon. Enhances damage dealt by using an Axe to chop something by activating this Skill by +25%, with an additional enhancement of +5% with each Skill Level.

A powerful Cutting Shockwave will be generated upon cutting something, which might cut any other targets within the vicinity (allies are not targeted). Additionally, when cutting trees, damage is enhanced by +50% and there\'s a 50% chance for the resulting wood to be of higher quality grade and improve its magical properties if the tree is magical.

[Lumberjack: Lv1]

A Title Skill only given to lumberjacks who have chopped down over a hundred trees by themselves. You have greatly mastered the art of cutting down trees and become an amazing Lumberjack.

Enhances Axe-type weapon Proficiency by +100% and Axe-type weapons Damage Dealt by +25% with an additional +5% with each Skill Level. When cutting trees, damage is enhanced by +50% and can ignore 20% of the tree\'s defenses.

Additionally, you can now guide yourself within any forest masterfully, detect trees more easily and be able to see and detect their age, texture, properties, and more intuitively, to find the best trees to cut down.

Wait, hold up! I got Skills out of this?! And they\'re just amazing! So I\'ve become an amazing Lumberjack now… Who would had thought a ghost could ever become a lumberjack to begin with? This is pretty nuts if I say so myself.

With the first skill not only my Axe Damage has been enhanced to insane levels, but now I can chop down trees even more easily. I wonder what other sorts of powerful magic trees are out there, which could be amazing materials I could chop down in the future…

Maybe that\'s my calling, I have to also find materials within trees! There\'s no way there aren\'t amazing trees out there of all types with amazing effects waiting to be cut and put into alchemy to create items!

And even more, it enhances their quality grade! What\'s better than that?

Oh, and the second Skill is… well, even more of the same, which stacks with the previous one to make my Axe Strikes even more lethal. I guess using my new Axe won\'t be a problem anymore.

And… Oh?!


Suddenly, my eyes shone brightly. I felt the power of the Lumberjacks flowing across my soul as I felt intuitively capable of analyzing the forest. I somehow "knew" what to do or where to go if I wanted more of the better-quality wood or just run away from the forest. Getting lost in one is no longer a problem, it seems.

I guess even Lumberjacks in this world are something else if they got such incredible skills…

"Alright you guys! Now go plow the land that was cleansed." I said to my army of "Skeleton Farmers" as I like to call them now. Everyone quickly marched forward towards their destinations without wasting a single second.

And as the rest of my group caught up to me, I greeted them with a smile.

"You seem merry after slaying so many trees…" Sighed Lucifer.

"That\'s because we are planting new seeds of course!" I said.

"Eh? We will!?" Asked everyone.

"What? You don\'t know about reforestation? That\'s what we usually do when we cut trees, to preserve them!" I said. "I\'ll use the Farming Skill to boost their growth too. Emeraldine, can you help out?"

"O-Oh, sure!" Emeraldine seemed happy that I wasn\'t a tyrant against trees.

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