
Chapter 420 The Old Dwarves Are Back Home

A cute pink-haired half-dwarf girl greeted us. She had pink-colored rabbit ears atop her head and was currently the receptionist we ended talking to in the Guild.

“Hello, yes, we are visitors here. However, we have brought some people here that had gone missing for a long while.” I said, quickly presenting the trio of dwarves.

“Oh, you’re former citizens?” Wondered the young lady.

“Yes, I am Baldur.” Said Baldur.

“And I am the old man Balladur.” Said Balladur.

“I-I am Darfu, I had left my country some long time ago, but was enslaved… I went through a lot but lost most of my things, it is the same for these two old men, we would want to regain our ID Cards.” Said Darfu.

The advanced society of the dwarves had special ID Cards that every citizen had to have. However, these three had lost them.

“I-I see… Darfu, Baldur and Balladur… Let me check.” The lady said. Apparently, they keep the registration of all people in large magic books. They lacked technology enough to make things as convenient as computers, so they kept things registered all written in papers. Of course, these books were magical and it was easier to look for people in them.

“Here… Darfu Rockstrike! Oh yes, it is you, you have the same face. Can you show me your thumb for a bit?” the girl wondered, as Darfu put his left thumb over the book’s page.


The book shone bright red, quickly showing that it was indeed him.

“Very well, getting a new ID will cost you a small silver coin, we can begin the creation process right away.” She said.

“Alright, here.” Darfu paid and then, after a few minutes, a small artifact in the shape of a cube at the side of the girl began to emanate a lot of steam, opening up with a shiny metallic medal.

“There you go.”

“Thank you!” Darfu grabbed his medal, which was like his ID, and couldn’t help but feel happier.

The same process was going to be done for the two dwarves, however, the lady quickly stopped looking for a little while as if she was trying to make sense of the history and the actual status of these two old men.

“V-Vice-Guild Master of the Iron Steel Guild? And… Vice-Guild Master of the Hammer Stone Guild…?” The girl was left shocked. “Y-You’re the Old Masters Baldur and Balladur, in the flesh?! It was already thought that both of you had died! In fact, it was registered that you died!”

“What?!” the two old men asked angrily.

“There’s no way we died! These old bones still got enough energy to live another hundred years!!!” Baldur roared, hitting the table.


“My flesh is just as youthful as before! My muscles had yet to go away too, so I am as good as I was when I was twenty years of age! I am not dead!” Balladur said, hitting the table as well.


“Uwaaaah! P-Please calm down! I’ll do my best to contact both current Guild Masters about this!” The girl cried, feeling flustered.

“You two stop making a scene!”

I smacked the head of the two old men, quickly shutting them down. They were annoyingly temperamental sometimes.

At the end, and without realizing it, we found ourselves inside a large hall right in the enormous house of a Noble, the Viscount that was living in this district. We were sitting right in the same table as the Guild Masters of the two most prestigious guilds of this country, the old men were also here, and even Helga ended getting mixed into this, she was as stiff as a frozen tuna, she felt too nervous to even blink.

Two figures sat down over the chair, one was an old dwarf lady, with long gray hair made into braids tied around her neck, she had a long nose resembling the beak of a bird, and she wore a brown coat with several beautiful jewels. The other figure was rather young instead, slightly taller than the lady, he was probably another half-dwarf, however, in difference to her, he had a single big eye in the middle of his face, he was a half-cyclops and half-dwarf, amazing. He had a long black beard and was wearing black armor.

And sitting at the end of the table was a young Dwarven Lady, the Viscount of this area of the city, apparently each descendant of the royal family was given a District within the enormous cities to manage by themselves, she was the one in charge of this area, so she was forced to come. She was rather gorgeously beautiful, despite being small as a dwarf, only reaching at most a meter and a half, she had a sexy body, with a big chest, wide hips, long and silky red hair, and captivating green eyes with pale white skin. It was obvious she had never forged in her life if her skin was so purely white. She paired it all up with a beautiful red dress, however, her face seemed very nervous.

“Hahah, long time no see, old hag!” Laughed Baldur.

“Wow, you’re still kicking? I was sure you were dead by now.” Laughed Balladur.

“You two…!” The old lady that was the guild master of the Hammer Stone Guild roared, hitting the table furiously with her hands. “DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS?! I EVEN CRIED YOUR DEATHS! AND NOW YOU LAUGH AT MY FACE COMING BACK FROM YOUR DEATH?!”


“P-Please, Lady Aquamarine, calm down a bit!” Cried the Viscountess, desperately attempting to calm down the old lady.

“You shut your mouth little girl; this is a talk of the adults!” The woman roared, the young lady shut down immediately, despite being probably already over twenty, she was considered a young girl somehow…

“You’re making a fuss again, grandma Aquamarine…” The cyclops man sighed. “Shouldn’t you be happy they’re alive and back here?”

“Happy? Yeah! I am happy that they’re here so I can smack them good!” The old hag suddenly jumped over the table and began chasing down the two old men that started to run away from her in circles…

This was already a bit beyond ridiculous, are all dwarves this crazy?

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