
Chapter 415 Flying Across The Skies With Dwarven Aircrafts

“Yeah but moving across mountains’ a pain, the mountain where our home is has been mined a lot, although there are several paths undiscovered yet, most of the mountain belongs to first and second guild so freelancers like us are forced to come to the neighboring mountain to mine for stuff we can make a living with.” Said the black bearded dwarf. “Name’s Blackard by the way.”

“Ooh, I see… It must be hard then…” I said.

“Not really! We have it easy with our Dragoons we purchased!” Laughed a lady dwarf.

“Yeah, it is honest work but not bad either!” Said a second.

“It is possible to join the first two guilds to mine our home mountain but it’s a hassle and we have to pay taxes for what we mine, we can barely keep like 50% of what we mine, so it’s better to come to this free land and get 100% of it! It’s dangerous because there’s a bunch of monsters roaming around sometimes, but we have gotten lucky until now for none of us to kick the bucket yet. So we decided to form our own little guild, we are still just starting but we plan to take over this entire mountain for ourselves.” Laughed Blackard.

“You guys are ambitious, I like that!” Laughed Baldur.

“Yeah! You remind me of my younger years, when we used to go mine the main mountain and we explored all of it, bringing treasures of ores every day, was fun!” Laughed Balladur.

“Haha, you really got good memories, huh?” I laughed a bit. “It is interesting how your entire country works. So there are two guilds governing the place?” I wondered.

At the same time, the dragoons quickly set off into the skies, they moved similar to small aircrafts, and had a motor in the back fueling the entire artifact with magic. It was amazing how they managed to recreate technology from earth but using magic as fuel. Maybe I could learn a lot from them and buy a variety of interesting products! I wonder if they got modern kitchens, that would be awesome.

The dwarves quickly put on some googles to travel across the skies, as they nodded.

“Yeah! There are two guilds, the Iron Steel Guild, and the Hammer Stone Guild, both had existed from ages, and were formerly one but split into two due to the disputes between the former guild master, twins like these two old men.” Said Blackdar.

“We are governed by a King and a Royal Family, both have power over the entire territory and the guilds are the ones that control it with their permission, other mountains which hasn’t gotten enough settlements have yet to be proclaimed as the territory owned by the royal family. So it is a free for all in here, the other surrounding mountains are also often visited by people that want to make some money but can’t join the guilds or doesn’t want to pay taxes to them. When we got such big families its sometimes hard to maintain them if we don’t risk our lives a bit.” Said the lady dwarf with red hair and beautiful green eyes. “Name’s Helga by the by. I might look young and beautiful but I am the mother of five kids! I gotta maintain my family somehow! Gahaha!”

“F-Five kids, wow…” Said Partner in surprise.

“I’ve heard that Dwarves multiply like rats.” Said Lucifer.

“Oi! Don’t say that of this humble hard-working mother, idiot!” I said, reprimanding Lucifer.

“Gahahaha! It’s fine! I was in fault for fucking my husband way too much, gahahaha! He got a workshop at home so I bring him ore and he makes stuff to sell.” Said Helga. “Life’s hard but every time I think about my little apple pies, I keep moving forward.”

“My bad, I’m sorry if my comment was untasteful.” Said Lucifer. “You’re a good woman.”

“Hahaha, hearing that from an Ancient Dragon as handsome as you flatters me way too much! Come on, I got a husband you know? Gahahah!” Helga began to laugh cheerfully as the other dwarves laughed in unison. They surely loved to laugh as loud as possible.

I guess the dwarves worked rather simplistically but owning an entire mountain could really hurt the rest of their population, forcing them to go out into other mountains to make a living seems a bit too much. Can’t they lower down the taxes a bit? I guess it is in the nature of dwarves to be greedy but still… Well, for now I might consider joining this group into mining the mountain, if I can just take anything I want freely then it would be pretty nice.

Although also exploring the mountains’ mines and the caves in there also sounds interesting, I’ve heard there are dungeons in there. I wonder if Dwarves got adventurers to take care of monsters. Although apparently they’re all pretty capable of fighting by themselves, so maybe the necessity of an Adventurer Guild is not really necessary.

“Do you guys got an Adventurer Guild?” I wondered.

“Adventurers? No, we don’t have that stuff here, but we got a Quest Board and Requests, and there’s a few other stuffs. But unlike the Beardcutters we don’t need to make a guild exclusive for some people that fight monsters, we all fight monsters here!” Laughed Blackard.

“All of you?!” Partner asked in shock.

“Well it was obvious after we saw them act so well against me.” Said Lucifer. “You look used to deal with monsters.”

“We go to a school that teaches us how to fight, and we are instructed how to level up and learn Skills since we are kids, so we just hunt monsters sporadically around our mining caves we mine when we are kids, there are a variety of nearby dungeons too, so we are all used to monster breaks.” Said Helga.

“That’s how we live, if we don’t kill the monsters first, they’ll overrun our place. We are all risen to be warriors if the situation calls for it.” Said Blackard, as the other dwarves nodded.

As the dwarves finished speaking, we quickly arrived at their home.

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