
Chapter 397 There's Nothing Better Than Farming To Relax!


A vast field expanded before my vision, as rich soil emanated a small aura of mana that made it sparkle. Despite the unforgiving cold of the outside world, the greenhouse interior was rather temperate and slightly warm, this was all thanks to the magic crystals and fire-attribute spirit stones used in the construction of these buildings, which make them so they remain warm inside, an ideal temperature to combat the ice cold from the outside. The plants also feel better in here than outside, where only pine trees can survive the cold so much.

“The dwarves did an amazing job in these greenhouses! They’re so big and warm… It feels completely different than in the outside world.” Said Emeraldine, feeling way happier in this area.

“Yeah, this is way better.” Partner sighed.

“Well, for now, we should start with the basics!” The goblin chief said, commanding the group of people. Goblins, although nomadic in nature, were also proficient farmers. Apparently the chief used to live in another town where they settled for years by raising plants in the rich soil, these plants were infused with their Mana and grew abnormally fast as well.

“The wife of the Elder used to be a proficient Druid. She was a woman connected to nature. It was thanks to her that we learned the ways of Mana Infusion in plants, and she helped us rise them for many years.” The Chief said.

“Oh, so that’s what it was…” I said. “She must have been an amazing woman.”

“She really was!” The chief said.

The chief quickly decided to lead us into how to prepare the soil. We all grabbed farming tools that the dwarves already crafted with iron ingots they got from melting any tool we have found around, mostly rusted stuff, and shaped them into farming tools.

“With that shovel, bring the soil up from the ground so the nutrients below the soil are exposed. Like this!” the chief said, hitting the soil with the shovel and then gently upping a large piece of soil, rolling it out as if it were a pancake. The rich soil from below, which was sparkling even more, was revealed. This was probably the ideal soil to put the seeds on. if you leave the seeds over the dry and nutrient-less soil, it won’t grow into a plant at all. “It take some practice to do it right but try it out!”

“Alright! Heave ho!” I cried, graving my shovel and then delicate pushing up the ground. “Nnggh…!”


Suddenly, over a meter of dirt was lifted off the ground.


“Y-You have to control your strength a bit more, lady.” Said the chief. “Come on, put that back, that won’t do.”

“Sorry!” I cried. “I am usually super weak physically, how come I am so strong with this? I can’t control my strength?”

“Erm, how much Strength stat do you have, Lady Maria?” Asked the chief, while everybody else looked at me.

“Erm… I think it is over 15000? Not much, right? Lucifer has over forty thousand.” I said while nodding.

“F-Fifteen thousand Strength?!” The chief suddenly dropped over his butt. “I-I only have barely a thousand…”

“Oh? You have? But haven’t you been growing stronger?” I wondered.

“Yeah… but not as much, lady Maria…” Sighed the chief, as he quickly stood up again, everybody was looking at me with strangely new eyes.

“Not only she’s amazing at magic, but she’s also a monster in strength as well..”

“Our lady is truly an all-rounder. Is there something she can’t do?”

“Indeed, there is nothing!”

“You guys realize I am failing at this farming stuff, right?” I sighed.

And like that, I kept practicing and trying, until finally, something remotely similar to the technique that the Chief did was finally made. It was barely that, and it took me more effort than I had ever expected.

“Phew… GEH?!”

However, I already saw that my line of the field was way behind everybody else, as I saw the chief at the front while everybody else was following him quickly, even Lucifer, Emeraldine, and Partner were doing better than me?!

Am I the only one that just sucks at farming?!

“There’s no way I am going to lose to you all!”

I roared my lungs out, unleashing my fury. I infused Mana into the Shovel and then began to repeat the same thing I did before, finally replicating it almost perfectly! This was all thanks to my amazing memory and the ability to insert motion memory into my body because my soul contained all of my mind, and because my entire body is my soul, this wasn’t so hard to pull out.


I continued moving the soil as I moved forward, quickly catching up with everybody else and coming right after the chief.

“I did it! Ugh… I feel mentally exhausted… Repeating the same motion over and over again is really a pain.” I sighed.

“S-So fast!” The chief muttered. “Excellent work, Lady Maria! …However, you kind of messed up a bit.” The chief pointed behind me as I realize di had left an enormous hole through the entire line… I had not done it correctly at all.

Maybe I applied too much force as well, I shouldn’t had put mana into the shovel.

“Ugh, let me do it again…”

At the end, a few hours went by and I finally kind of learned a bit about how to do it. I had also calmed down my anxiety a bit and learned to remain calm and serene while controlling my own strength, so it wouldn’t get out of control.

And at the of that, we decided to take a small rest while Emeraldine and a few other magicians with her affinity began to work. They channeled a domain of life and nature with her help, as her two spirits began to float around the entire field, blessing it. The seeds for the plants were already planted, so they quickly received the blessing of the spirits.


[You learned the [Farming: Lv1] Skill]

[You acquired the [Little Farmer: Lv1] Title Skill]



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