
Chapter 314 Moving To The First Dungeon I Explored


We flew quickly after leaving the manor. I decided to go as fast as possible by using Shadow Traveling, which consumes a nice amount of Mana but allows for an insanely fast traveling even in midair. Anywhere where there is shadows I can teleport to, so we reached the front of the dungeon in less than twenty seconds.


“U-Ugh… I think I am going to throw up all I ate…” Cried Emeraldine. “M-Maria, please don’t do that again without warning! Also did you had to drop me out of the window, Partner?!”

“But we were all jumping, you were the only party pooper that wasn’t jumping!” Said Partner.

“W-Well, excuse me! But I am not a supernatural muscle-filled monster like you guys! I-I am not sure I could survive such a big fall!” Said Emeraldine.

“Who are you calling muscle-filled monster? I am bone-filled!” Said Partner while angrily discussing with Emeraldine..

“Okay, okay, sorry…” I sighed. “Partner, apologize.”

“Uuugghh…” Partner looked angered, but then apologized at the end. “Sorry… I shouldn’t had dropped you off the window…”

Emeraldine looked at her boringly, Partner didn’t even seem to mean it, but an apology was better than no apology at all. These two girls were weird, sometimes they were besties and other times they were discussing and acting like rivals or just straight-out enemies… I do admit that Partner did something pretty bad.

“Don’t do that again!” I said to Partner, as she nodded timidly.

“I’m sowyyy!” She cried, hugging my chest, and rubbing her face over my chest.

“Alright, calm down… D-Don’t get sad out of the sudden… Was I too rough? I’m so sorry dear…” I said, quickly feeling like my heart broke apart as I saw my beloved crying.

“Maria she’s manipulating you again with her crocodile tears!” Said Emeraldine, as Partner suddenly let out a strange sound.

“Guh!” She muttered, as I looked at her, she seemed to be actually fine.

“She’s really good at emotionally manipulating.” Said Lucifer.

“Okay don’t make this up into some drama, let’s get inside.” I said.

I quickly decided to ignore the hijinks of my party of insane lovers as I walked straight into the dungeon’s area, the first thing we found was a large group of priests, adventurers, mercenaries, soldiers, and knights camping around it. They seem to have been keeping the monsters inside the dungeon rather well, and the priests alongside various magicians had raised a large stone made out of magic which they used to seal the dungeon shut. Of course, that’ll only stop low-ranked monsters, if a big guy decides to get out he’ll get through it with ease.

We were quickly greeted by a blonde knight who seemed to be a noble-born man. He was rather dignified-looking, and looked at us while raising an eyebrow. He was sure he didn’t see us some moments ago and we popped out of existence right behind him.

“W-Who might you be? Are you adventurers? We have sealed the dungeon for now so there is no need for you guys to come pester us any longer.” He said.

“We came from Young Lady Julia’s Orders, we are a group of Mercenaries paid to clear the dungeon.” I said.

“W-What? You lot?!” He asked. “You just look like a group of thieves to me! Lying about something like this is punished with the law.”

“I am not lying, dumbass.” I said, showing him a paper showing Julia’s sign, it was magically enchanted as well.

“You dare call me dumbass- Ahhhh?!” He asked in shock. T-This is authentic?! Wait a moment… Marie?! Y-You’re… the one that… defeated the B-Ranked Undead in the Graveyard and that enormous undead army!” He said in shock. He quickly lowered his head and asked for forgiveness. “I am so sorry! I-I wasn’t aware! Please forgive my rudeness!!!”

“It’s fine, it’s fine, let us go for now. We came here to slay the monsters but if some leak out you’re killing them, prepare everybody here to open the dungeon for us.” I said.

The man grew paler as I spoke, he seemed to have been here for days now and he had surely not taken a bath in a while as well. He was nervous and most likely battled the horrors inside of this dungeon so he was too nervous to do as I said immediately.

“B-But the monsters inside are so powerful… A-Are you sure about this?!” He asked.

“Geez you’re such a coward.” Said Partner, pointing her spear at his neck. “Do as Marie says!”

“Partner calm down…” Said Emeraldine.

“Just to make you feel safe I’ll bring out some Undead. I am a Necromancer.” I said.

I summoned a few dozens of Undead, mostly soldiers and giant spiders, the people around us quickly got shocked out of the sudden appearance of Undead and many were readying to fight, some even began running away in horror. The blondie quickly convinced them that these undead were mine, and that I was the famous Marie. It seems that in just a single day I became a famous figure in this fiefdom.

“I’ll leave these Undead to guard your backs, guys. Don’t worry they’re below my command. If any monsters show up they’ll fight them. You can assist them in killing them too and gain some EXP in the way. Easy peasy, right?” I asked. “Now… Lucifer?”

“Understood.” Lucifer said, as his two hands suddenly grew disproportionally into giant dragon claws, and he grabbed the entire boulder blocking the way into the dungeon, destroying all seals put over it in a second and then throwing it away into the skies.


The giant boulder hit the forest faraway from here. Probably killing some random animal or something because we suddenly gained like 20 EXP. Anyways, the entrance to the dungeon immediately exuded a blackish and miasmic aura that would be toxic for most people.

“The miasma is leaking! Cough… cough!”

“Get away from it!”

“Walk back!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll create a light barrier this so the miasma doesn’t get out.” Said Emeraldine, as she conjured wondrous magic.



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