
Chapter 291 Welcomed Into The Duchess Residence


I was barely able to rescue the poor Julia from the hands of a sudden assassin attack. It was very shocking, didn’t she had any sort of security in here? Well, now that I detect it, there are Barrier Stones set around the territory as pillars, which create a barrier that seems to not let things get inside that are not authorized… But somehow it didn’t worked in the Vampire? Did he had some ability? I didn’t even checked his status properly before choking him, oops.

Julia hugged my little snake clone body, which I said was like my familiar instead of just a detached piece of my soul, because that’s way more believable than just telling her that… I’ve seen some magicians that can use spirits and familiars, so it is more probable. The difference between spirits and familiars is big though, Familiars are something like temporary artificial spirits that can be made out of magic to serve a purpose, sometimes they can attack automatically, scout the area, and connect with the user’s mind. Advanced magicians use them for everything, even as assistants if they’re like alchemists in a workshop.

They disappear after the mana they were given to exists is exhausted but can be given mana constantly so they can keep up alive for longer, they lack ego and intelligence, and are more like drones, magicians can use them as “phones” in a way, control them remotely, and use them to talk from long distances too. I guess my snake ghosts are like my own version of familiars, though I wonder if I could make the conventional ones.

Spirits are different from familiars as they are… well, the essence of elements in the world, they’re the pillar of elements, small souls that create elements and are the embodiment of them, they’re seen as sacred by mostly all people, and those that can use them are very few. I am supposed to be a Spirit Mage but I have yet to find one for myself in all this journey, which sucks a lot! Maybe I am too scary for any spirit to get closer, I remember that Emeraldine’s spirits are scared of me, so maybe they don’t get along with Undead like me, sigh..

Anyways, I tried to comfort Julia while she cried, she was very scared and she literally almost died there, it must have been a traumatic experience for her young heart. She’s soon to reach the age of 17 I think, but she’s still very young. I petted her head with my snake tail for a bit, while the soldiers began to inspect the body of the Vampire.

“Calm down, Julia, I am here for you, dear. I was actually coming here but I was stopped by some guards outside the Noble’s residence gate, and they didn’t let me get inside, even when I called for you…” I sighed.

“Eh? R-Really?! Geez! I remember that I told them some time ago to watch out for anyone named Maria that said to be a Shadow Magician, these incompetent fools forgot something so important?! I am firing them all!” Said Julia angrily.

“They were also trying to scam me for my money, and when I said I didn’t had any money, they tried to bring me to a closed room to probably do some very unsightly things to me! If it wasn’t for my friends, I would had killed them all for trying to do that…” I said.

“Eeeeh?! T-Those bastards! I am going to chop their heads! How dare they be so vulgar?! I cannot let such men be my guards, I’ll put them into the guillotine!” Said Julia angrily.

“Young Lady, I don’t think it is necessary to kill them…”

“T-They had yet to commit a crime, just being sent to the prison is enough…”

The two knight guards seemed a bit empathetic of the guards that were into raping girls, but I guess they were right in that, they don’t deserve to die… Most of the time I only kill when I am really pissed, feeling psycho, or the guys really did some fucked up shit beforehand. Which is most of the time, so I shouldn’t really be the one making decisions here.

But Julia was also in an emotional state so I guess she was impacted more than I thought, she immediately jumped into the guillotine, huh, that’s quite crazy. I guess a Duchess can just easily condemn someone to die if they wanted, so much power in a little girl body! I wish I could be a duchess too…

Well, technically I am like a queen in my little town, but there’s no way I would ever kill any of my lovely people, that’s horrendous! Anyways, enough of thinking nonsense for the day.

“Yeah, don’t kill them, just punish them in other ways.” I sighed. “It’s not like I am motivated to ruin the life of people so much today.”

“Hmph… Okay.” Sighed Julia. “W-Well, what are you two waiting for?! Bring this corpse outside of my sight! Also, call the maids and butlers to clean this mess, and send a servant to open the gate for Maria and her friends, NOW!” Julia’s words were domineering and she easily made the entire manor’s servants move to her will.


And like that, when I opened my eyes in my main body, we found ourselves walking back to the gate. I convinced my lovely trio that I had managed to finally convince Julia, all while saving her from a sneaky Vampire Assassin, of course, the praises showered over my own self and I couldn’t help but laugh evilly as I feasted in my own ever-growing ego!

“You saved her from a Vampire?!” Asked Emeraldine in surprise. “Incredible, if it wasn’t for your, she would had died… That’s scary, are Vampires behind everything ONCE MORE? Can’t these guys take a break?”

“Good work.” Said Lucifer, petting my head. “You really saved her there.”

“Master is of course amazing!” Said Partner.

“Hehe, yes, yes! I am!” I laughed evilly.

After a few minutes, I went back to normal.


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