
Chapter 284 Hel's Watchful Eyes


“Then I am going out! This is actually a clone so I will just destroy it for now, have a nice day, my beloved daughter~” Said Loki, as she quickly turned into smoke and dissipated into thin air.

“Always with your stupid tricks…” Sighed Hel, looking at the pink smoke dissipate in front of her. She was a bit tired, she tried to talk with her father some more, but he always spoke nonsense and barely told her any of his truth, he was a man that was always joking to the point that it was incredibly hard to reach the truth from his words alone.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ Hel looked into Maria through a small crystal ball, as she saw her in the Duchy of Affnaria once more. Hel seemed a bit surprised that she saw her there again, it seems that the ghost woman was oddly attached to this town, a town where she was beheaded, where she met her bitter end….

Hel saw all of it back then… She saw her suffering, how her entire army ended being chased down, how they were all brought to her… their souls.

“You’re attached to this duchy way too much, Maria… Are you still trying to figure out the past you’ve forgotten? …Do you truly wish to remember that suffering so much?” Sighed Hel while waving her head.

“Well… So be it… You may do whatever you please.” Said Hel. “I will be watching over you, my Blessed Apostle. Let’s discover your past together.”


I ended spending a lot of the time playing with the cute Arachne, which made my mind a bit exhausted when I finally woke up the next day in the Inn, moving two bodies which I’ve poured my complete mind into is very stressing when I am constantly controlling both. Usually, what I do with clones is leaving a copy pasted mind into them, which is actually independent, so I don’t have to share the burden of controlling a new body.

These minds are all connected to mine like a hivemind, but have intendency, they just let me know what they do or what they think, sometimes asking me questions if they’re in doubt, or things like those. However, with the clone with Arachne, I had to put my true mind into it so I could interact better with her, this causes a lot of mental exhaustion, which hits me even harder because I have no brain to transfer this exhaustion into, so it hits my soul directly and makes me dizzy.

Yeah, even as a ghost, I can get something similar to a headache, but it is through my entire body, and the bad thing is that there is no medicine or pill that can heal me from that, I have to just repeatedly use Undead Healing on myself and heal my soul stress and pain caused by overusing my mind. That night was rather busy with Arachne, she was more active than other times.

I have begun to pour more Mana and Aether energies into this clone so it can grow a bit stronger, I want to adopt this adorable little girl and teach her to be a good person, so I will slowly teach her how to speak common tongue better, and… well, I guess I am growing overly attached to her. I initially just wanted to see her and inspect how she would do; I had even thought she would slay me or something, but nothing like that ever happened, she was just very lonely, and wanted someone to not be so lonely anymore, someone that could look after her and… well, give her the warmth of family, something that she seems to lack severely.

A-Am I really going to adopt her as my daughter?! I mean, the spiders are not there for nothing, but they’re… like, not doing anything aside from giving her the bare basics and then leaving her, they do whatever she asks them, and she used to ask them to play with her, but they didn’t know how to play, nor how to give her hugs, or anything… She had tried sleeping with them, sometimes trying to be cuddled by them, tut their bodies are covered in a hard chitinous exoskeleton, so that’s quite unlikely.

So when I showed up she was happy, I wasn’t warm, but I was quite squeezable for her, and she ended liking my humanoid form at the end, hugging me lovingly as I petted her head, at the end, I am still sleeping in her bed with my other body… She sleeps long periods of time, often an entire day (24 hours) and is active another 24 hours, or sometimes several days in a row. She’s quite a playful girl. I want to bring her books for her to read as well, she seems to somehow be able to read despite having a hard time speaking.

I also want to cook her some tasty food so she can learn how food can be tasty and not just drink out the juice from a half-living animal, that’s kind of weird, but I guess she’s a spider so she doesn’t know better… I will show her some tasty food, at the very least some grilled meat or some stew… Maybe I could go out to find her some ingredients with the spiders, if she even allows such a thing. Well, for now I shouldn’t worry about this.

My stress and mind exhaustion had gone down a bit more, and I felt way better, so I decided to quickly stand out of the Inn bed, finding out there was Partner at my side, she had sneaked in. Of course, as a ghost, I am able to easily pass through any physical objects~ So it is not so hard to go around and escape her embrace.

Though, she had gotten very clingy, more than before, I suppose we are already like… in an official relationship, aren’t we? Maybe… I haven’t really said anything of that regard to her yet…


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