
Chapter 254


While sleeping, I found the poor Dead Spirit of a man that seemed to be a Dhampir from all things, this man was discriminated by society, even in here, and lived by himself in the forest near the mountains, where he met the Ice Giants and had a friendly relationship with them. However, a character known as the “Frost Queen” suddenly showed up and ruined his life… quite literally, he was frozen alive, and died.

But I do wonder, who the heck is this Frost Queen, and how does she has any relation to the ice in the Demon Kingdom? Could she had done something? And also if he was a friend with the Ice Giants for so long, how come she suddenly showed up and killed him? Why didn’t she do it before? Or was there something that caused her to act this way? At the end, I decided to ask this man all these questions. He seemed willing and happy to answer them.

“The Ice Giants and I were friends… for around two hundred years…” He said. “Dhampirs can live long lives… Longer than humans and other races… I was an old man already, and I have accustomed to live in the forest, I even had my little house…” The man sighed a lot, he seemed to grow more and more saddened as he remembered when he was alive. Although he had a hard life, it was a life he liked living, and how it was suddenly taken away from him was quite sorrowful to hear about.

“I see… I guess you had a pretty peaceful life, the Ice Giants… Were they any good with you?” I asked. “Were they really your friends?” I asked these questions because ghosts sometimes feel like they had memories of good things, but they were actually fabrications of their own fragmented memories, or sometimes they just lose a lot of memories and recreate false and weird memories out of the fragments left behind. I am one of those ghosts that just forgot completely my life as the original Maria, and perhaps that’s for the best in some cases.

“Yes, of course they were… They helped me many times and I also helped them…” He said. “I gave them tools and specific things they had a hard time crafting with their big hands. And they offered me food and the strange plants that can grow in the ice.”

“Oh, well, well, that’s interesting… Perhaps you could bring me where they live?” I wondered. “You would do this for your Undead Queen, right, good man?” I asked this question while smiling coquettishly, the man was already my servant the moment he was called by me, all undead respond to me as their Queen, and would obey my words and commands no matter what. I have yet to find an Undead that actually fights against me when they met me now, maybe if I go into a Dungeon with Undead, there could be one strong enough to resist my Title Skill effects, but this little Dead Spirit? He’s already within my grasp.

The man’s dead spirit quivered a bit as if he was feeling a bit cold, there was barely any cold in this warm room, but his state of mind seemed to be still traumatized by how he died. He was even emanating a chill aura from around his phantasmal body, that might give Emeraldine, the closest to my bed, a cold.

“Yes… I would…” He said. “But the Ice Giants are… Being governed by her…” He said. “The Frost Queen.” The man seemed to quiver even more when he said the name of this woman.

“Tell me more about her.” I told to him, as he seemed to immediately obey me.

“She appeared some time ago before I died… The Ice Giants live around an ancient underground dungeon to known to anyone… Inside this dungeon there is a big landscape, like a small world by itself…” He said in between stuttering words. “And in this vast landscape there was a tower, an ancient tower… A group of Ice Giants entered it and found what was called… The Crown of Skadi.”

“Crown of Skadi?” I asked while raising an eyebrow. “You mean an actual crown?”

“Yes, an actual crown. It was an item found by the Ice Giants which they had seen as an ancient artifact of old times…” Said the man. “They were afraid of it and its powers, and they left it inside the tower, to not be touched by anybody… But someone stole it and wore it, a woman known as Tear… This was an Ice Giant woman… that used to be the sister of one of my friends…”

Apparently, the Ice Giants live inside a dungeon! Well, that’s quite interesting. And what’s more interesting is that there is a tower inside a dungeon that guarded such an ancient artifact, which was found by the Ice Giants, but in fear of its powers, they left it in the tower and decided to not touch it due to how dangerous it could truly be for them, they ended leaving this crown on its own, ready to be snatched by the someone greedy enough, and well, that’s exactly what happened.

Maybe they shouldn’t had revealed the existence of the crown to everybody to begin with! Perhaps that would had made it possible for her to not find it, right? If she didn’t knew about it to begin with! Or maybe they could have guarded the damn tower entrance? I guess they might had done it and I am judging way too ahead?

The man looked at me while his eyes seemed to be filled with the fear of that day and how much of a trauma it caused to him. I understand how you might feel but relax for a bit, you should as they say… chill out a bit. Hahahaha! Get it? Because you’re frozen! …Okay I better not tell him this joke.


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