
Chapter 240


Darkness Magic, the ability to harbor Darkness, the element opposite to light. With it, I had been even able to fight against the powerful holy light that the priests of the Light God are able to wield. Unlike Death Magic, which is very complex, and it controls an entire concept, which I have a lot to learn from yet, Darkness Magic is way simpler.

And thanks to my Unique Skill, my cheat ability named “Supreme Magic” I can easily shape magic itself, which seems to be an incredibly hard work even with the aid of the Soul Book’s Skills to most of the people here, they often depend solely on the Skills they learn, which they can conjure almost immediately, but shaping magic itself and just generate new Skills out of new Spells is seem to be an extremely hard thing to do.

I guess due to the existence of Skills within the Soul Books, the actual ability of shaping magic became rather obsolete in some areas. Although I am sure that other races such as Elves might have an easier time conjuring conventional magic and might be able to do it better.

However, unlike Death Magic where I have to think deeply what I want it to be used into, Darkness Magic lacks that much complexity that comes from such a primordial element such as Death, so it is easy to shape, it is just conjuring darkness and shaping it, like you shape light, water, wind, fire, and so on, it is way less complex than a concept by itself like Death is.


And while being over my bed (well, the Demon King’s bed which were washed), I began to conjure darkness out of my hands and shape it. Supreme Magic lets me shape it however I want, and I’ve already made several new Spells in the past that ended turning into Skills, but there are also several other ways I have used it and did not turn into a Skill, I guess not always will spells go into converting into Skills.

Let’s see… Darkness Thread!


The darkness quickly compacted itself and tightened into a long and thin thread extending all around the room, it was beautiful and not so complex to create. These threads could help me at doing traps and wrapping around foes to stop them from moving. I have tried using tentacles, shadows, and so on, but incredibly hard and sharp threads might work better, especially if I could even cut them down into pieces with them.

Sharp enough threads can be a powerful weapon by itself! Just thinking about those anime characters that use threads to fight and are very deadly… it is the perfect combination between refined fighting style and also a strong and lethal weapon… all in just some sharp thread.

I know it is quite unrealistic, there is no way thread can cut down people into pieces, even the sharpest thread will only leave wounds over the skin and won’t probably pass through the fat or muscles completely, even less the bone.

But it is nice to imagine… And in this fantasy world, I can make a thread out of darkness, so nothing is too crazy in my opinion. Also, by using the Materialization Skill, I can temporarily materialize this thread and through my magic manipulation, make it as sharp as I possibly can.

I directed it towards a nearby furniture and quickly tried to slice it into pieces.


And as I wrapped it around the thread and then pressed the thread against it, the entire wooden furniture exploded into sliced chunks… Wow.

“W-What was that? Oh?!” asked Emeraldine. “Maria, have you made a new Spell? Is this… thread?”

“Yeah, don’t touch it or it might hurt you…” I said. “It is a deadly thread I’ve made out of Dark Magic, it can slice through things although I don’t know if it can ignore defense, it probably can’t because it is a physical object after I use Materialization on it, so defensive enough foes could possibly break it… but for weaklings, it is a nice way to use my magic to slice them up easily. Just blasting them with dark magic is sometimes not the best option out of it, so you sometimes need to bring new ways to kill people.”

“T-That’s a bit eerie-sounding but I agree, sometimes wasting too much Mana into killing armies is exhausting,” said Emeraldine. “When we were being chased out by that duchy’s army, we had to use a lot of energy and mana to keep them away from us… And you had to constantly raise them into Undead to fight against their own army because they were too many.”

“They were all mobs though, there was no single soldier that stood a chance against us!” said Partner. “Even those Generals died in one hit of my Blood Spears.” Partner smiled devilishly showing me her sharp vampire fangs, she had grown quite sadistic.

“Hm… Yeah, I had thought about setting up some traps with this, but I fear that the people of our town might fall for them too, so we’ll see. At most I will use them in an emergency if we are ever attacked… I don’t think they’ll work in cutting off that Curse Ice, that was clearly conjured by something stronger than me…” I sighed. “To free these people from the ice, we’ll need to find the source and ask it to free them… be it by force or gently.”

“Yeah… Well, maybe we can find clues in the Iceland Kingdom, we can find more information there, so don’t lose hope, Maria.” Said Emeraldine, as she sat down near me in bed, and began to hug me and caress my head.

“That’s right, Master.” Said Partner. “We can find clues slowly, don’t get sad over it, at least they’re alive, right?” Partner also sat down to my other side, hugging me as well and caressing my head too.

“You two girls spoil me too much…” I sighed. “I think I’m gonna nap until tomorrow… If anything is needed, just wake me up.”


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