
Chapter 1289 Second Death.

Chapter 1289 Second Death.

These fragmented rocks are like him. They are fragments of the soul of an Origin god. They are stronger than him since they are crystalized by the concept they possess but they are not aware like him. It would be very nourishing to him if he could eat them or graft them to himself. Unlike him, they are full of power. That\'s why they are producing soul light like the great mother.

He said with regret. "Unfortunately, I can\'t escape the zone of no return. I will be doomed if something goes wrong. It is not worth the risk since I might not be able to do anything to them even if I get access to the fragments. A dead Origin god is still a true immortal."

His divine sense can reach beyond the zone of no return because it is powerful but he can\'t pull back his divine sense. That means he won\'t be able to escape the zone of no return and might be consumed by the dead Origin god.

Besides, he might not be able to consume the fragments even if they were helpless and unaware. It is clear that they are of a higher existence than him and everything in the spiritual dimension because they can consume a massive amount of souls without corruption.

He had tried to consume one soul fragment and he experienced spiritual corruption. He had to use Origin essence to get rid of it. But these fragments are not even aware as they guzzle soul fragments like water. This is most likely due to the protection of their concept. It is something he doesn\'t have so he gave up on his wild dreams full of greed.

Then he stopped projecting his divine sense into the zone of no return. Even though he can\'t eat the fragments of this incapacitated origin god. The information he gained is still precious. It enlightened him on a hunting technique.

He said to himself, "If they are able to pull souls to themselves, then I should be able to too. I don\'t have the help of a concept but I am aware and I have a lot of soul force to spare."

He began researching a technique to attract souls to himself. If he succeeds, he will be able to turn himself into a black hole and create a feeding ground anytime he wants. It is a technique that will take a long time to achieve and it will be better if he is stronger so he decided to eat in the meantime.

He paid attention to the soul fragments that were coming in waves toward the feeding ground. Every soul will feel the force of attraction but only soul prowlers like him who are aware can resist the pull to various extents depending on their strength.

As for unaware soul fragments, they are but lambs to the slaughter. They are easy pickings who won\'t resist at all. Those are his preferred targets but he will eat other weak soul prowlers too. He is not a picky eater.

The zone of safety is not the same for every soul prowler. Weak soul prowlers have a larger zone of no return so they will have a smaller zone of safety. That means they can only stay at the edge of the feeding ground so he decided to stay at the edge too.

The larger the zone of safety within the gravitational field, the larger the hunting space of the soul prowler which means the more soul fragments they can safely feed on. He has a very large zone of safety so he encountered a lot of soul fragments.

He said when he spotted a suitable target, "Prepare to die a second time."

He is not one for gluttony. But if it will make him stronger, then he is willing to make gluttony a sin and commit a lot of it. So he extended a tentacle of soul force to the first soul fragment he encountered. It wound around the soul fragment and pulled it towards himself.

Then he used the first and most important soul-fighting technique he knows. He turned the tentacle of soul force into a sharp single-edged blade that he swung vertically to cut the soul fragment.

His soul blade dissected the irregularly shaped white soul fragment into two. Then he cut up the two pieces into smaller pieces. It was then that he allowed himself to eat them.

He didn\'t eat them directly like some ignorant soul prowler. He knows of and has experienced the threat of madness. So he used the best soul technique for eating. He extended his tentacle of soul force to the little pieces. Then he injected his memories into them.

This is a form of brainwashing. It is a very important process for soul grafting. This will ensure that there won\'t be any rejection when he grafts the soul to himself.

The process of brainwashing is a slow but very important process. You try to overwhelm the soul with your memories. You input so much of your memories that the memories contained within the soul fragment will become the minority and be overwhelmed.

The memory overload will create a shift of identity in the soul fragment. It will cause the soul fragment to think it is a part of yourself or that they are you.

The brainwashing will fail if you don\'t have enough memories to overwhelm the memories contained in the soul fragment. But that shouldn\'t happen if you cut the soul fragment into a small enough piece. That way the total resistance of the soul fragment has been fragmented before the struggle.

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