
Chapter 679 Not Lucky.

He believes that victory is already his and he spoke as if the outcome of their fight cannot be changed. He has been saying so and nothing has happened to indicate otherwise. He said he has got them. Then one of them dies early into the fight. At this rate, they will be defeated. It incensed them and threatened to overwhelm them. Their golden fur began to shine and vibrate. It was releasing a low humming sound into the air.

If there is something apart from crimes that make those of the lion of justice bitter, it is seeing the wicked strive and prosper. It is their life\'s mission to cut down the wicked and it seems they will fail here. Even worse, they know that their failure is because they are not capable enough. They are too weak to put the child of the plane in his place. 

They also know If they are to cut the child of the plane down, it will not be by strength since they are lacking in that aspect. So their bloodline sought to empower them more. Unfortunately, wishes are not horses. Wishing for something doesn\'t make it true. Soverick is still stronger than them even after the boost in power.

Soverick resumed harrying them. Attacks came at them from every direction. They had to use their divine ability to protect themselves. Otherwise, another one of them will be separated from the herd and promptly culled.

The fight continued with Soverick pressuring them. One misstep and they will lose their life. So they remained focused. They had to be. However, it also wasn\'t enough. Despite their resolve to see justice served and their willingness to do anything to achieve it, they got tired. One of them faltered while trying to activate their divine ability. It left them vulnerable to his attacks for a moment and another one of them was sent flying.

Soverick activated WRAITH OF DEATH: DANCE OF THE SPECTRAL WIND instead of attacking directly. His attacks were transported through the law matrix onto the separated person. They were attacked from all around and torn to shreds. Their armor and body suffered the same fate. Their body disappeared but the armor remained because it doesn\'t have a brand. The pitiful state of the armor is an indication of what they were spared from.

"Damn you Soverick Ghastorix." The remaining 3 roared bitterly at the top of their lungs.

Soverick smirked at them. "You thought you could fool me. You failed."

It turns out that he wasn\'t lucky earlier when he stopped at the very edge of the divine ability. That\'s why they failed to trick him now. 

The person that faltered didn\'t really falter. It just looks like it. They were hoping that will fool him but apparently, it didn\'t. 

The person failed to activate the divine ability intentionally. Soverick saw didn\'t know that at first so he simply took advantage of the opening. He selected one of them and separated them. The shoddy performance of the person he selected in defending themselves clued him in that something was up. 

That person defended well enough to protect themselves from harm while also making sure to be propelled outside. That made things obvious to him. You can\'t eat your cake and have it. You can\'t defend yourself well and also act incapacitated without cluing him into the fact that there is a scheme afoot.

They had communicated amongst themselves to bait him. So they were all eager to be separated. If he had capitalized on the separation by moving close to the person to cut them down as he did to the first victim, then he would have received a prepared divine ability to his face and the others would have used that opportunity to try and surround him. That is if he doesn\'t die outright from the blow.

Their plan failed because they can\'t fool him. He saw that the person that was sent flying wasn\'t injured. His eyes saw through the armor down to their body. He also saw the activation of the law fragments within the bloodline in their body. Fragments of light and destruction were being infused with Origin energy and loading up on power. 

It was as clear as day to him. So he knows that the person is not in fact dazed and vulnerable. They are just pretending to be so while secretly activating their divine ability. That\'s how he was able to stop in time when the first lady tried to trap him with her divine ability. The future is a mystery to him, and the past might be fuzzy, but the present is ever clear to him.

He also knows that each use of their divine ability weakens them. The law fragments in their bloodline that activate their divine ability is not a complete concept. Using a higher law like destruction is having its toll on them. He just has to keep the pressure on them and they will cave in.

He exposed his nice teeth with a charming smile and said to them, "Two down, three more to go."

The remaining three changed their plan. They stayed together but they began moving about to prevent him from using that strange unseen attack on them. He didn\'t bother to waste DANCE OF THE SPECTRA WIND on them. Any strong attack that he uses on them will be nullified by their divine ability so it is more efficient to use up their divine ability with simple but dangerous attacks. Then he will take advantage of any vulnerability that they show. 

He resumed harrying them knowing that they will fall soon enough. They have been fighting for less than 5 minutes but they are already weakened. The constant activation of their divine ability has left them weakened. Their spirit is worn out. The range and duration of the destructive wave have also reduced now that they are three. Their defeat is only a matter of time whether they believe it or not.


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