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Chapter 2267: 2267. Focus On Space

Chapter 2267: 2267. Focus On Space

The dragon breath flames from Midnight steadied as the potion became slightly clearer. It was not major to anyone else\'s eyes, but to Remey and Midnight, this potion had just become better because of this process. "Perfect." Remey quickly bottled it in a small vial before she started to cool it.

"That removed the water mana from the potion which was halting the earth mana absorption it needed. Now we can send this off to the earth dragon territory so they can see what it does for their hatchlings. It\'s a little rough, but I think it will help them awaken some of their natural earth related abilities better."

This potion was a dragon specific affinity potion.. An earth dragon affinity potion. Remey had managed to focus on it using two herbs that had been found to have earth affinities when an earth dragon was nearby it.

It wasn\'t some amazing discovery through experimentation. Instead, Terron had brought it from the territory where the dragons had been working. He had mentioned that he noticed these small herbs growing underground and wondered if it was him or the dwarves that caused the herbs to grow.

The three leaf clay herb was an herb that normally only grew two leaves per stem. It also only grew in clay. However, it grew a third leaf in the clay that the dragons passed by often while they worked to maintain and grow their territory. It took them a lot of work since it was such a new endeavor.

It was noted that these herbs smelled much better and appetizing now that the herbs had grown a third leaf. A very interesting aspect for the herbalists focusing on the changes in certain herbs depending on the race nearby them. They had taken this information and begun their own tests.

The second herb used to be added to the earth affinity potion was another small herb that would rarely be thought of as important. Dungeon grass was an herb that was considered a weed. Yet, it grew in the dungeons of castles, caves, and anywhere dark and damp. It was often thought to be a water and earth herb too, not anymore though.

The influence of a dragon\'s mana caused the water affinity to disappear and the color to become a deeper brown. This led to it being only an earth affinity herb which was actually considered a nice snack to the earth dragon hatchlings.

Their sudden interest in a grass of all things was what made the herbalists and dragons notice it. Hence why Remey was not working with it as a small experiment. She had taken that as a reason to make potions to help the earth dragon hatchlings. It was much better to help them grow when they were young and small and needed it the most.

"That\'s another potion done. What do you want to do now?" Remey had been working like this with Midnight for a short while, but she had promised Midnight that she would help her with something too since they had both been looking for one another for help. Remey had no idea what Midnight had wanted to do though.

"Fight!" Remey stopped in her actions as she was setting down the potions that they had made.

"You want to fight?" While Remey did not have any issue training with Midnight, she was unsure why this had come up so suddenly. "I thought you would want some help with training the hatchlings or something. Especially since more of them have been finding you to learn things here and there. You even helped five of them get a spot in the coliseum learning from others."

"New skills to test." Midnight was right to the point. She had figured out a new skill after watching how Walker used his skills to create a dragon from out of elemental manas to fight. She wanted to try what she had grasped from witnessing that.

"Then let\'s go." Remey\'s curiosity was piqued and she knew that they could head to the coliseum and use space to train at any time. If they interrupted others\' training or battling, it would just become a spectacle to show off to others. The people there enjoyed it. Plus, they didn\'t have to worry about any competitions since everyone knew the coliseum schedules. It was a popular subject within the city.

Just as they entered, a group of training soldiers immediately started to shout and clear space. Midnight also shifted to her proper dragon from showing off her still growing size. She had reached much larger than she had been the last time she and Remey had fought head to head. Not that this intimidated Remey at all. She could show off some decent dragon form too if she really wished to.

The skeletal armor skill activated and Midnight shook her head slightly before she began breathing out hazy smoke. "No way." Remey recognized it was a skill she had seen Mordant use and how it definitely mimicked the way that Walker brought elemental manas to wrap his body when he took a dragon form.

"You figured out how to make your scales take on different elemental forms based on the dragon breath you use!" Remey shouted out as Midnight began to breathe normal dragon flames too. The mix of dark and normal dragon flames caused her entire body to radiate a deep black flame which could easily cause a lot of damage if used properly.

Remey was impressed.

Meanwhile, those within the coliseum were amazed and shouting for the fight to start. "Fine fine fine. Just try and keep up."

With a burst of fire, Remey dashed toward Midnight\'s much more intimidating figure. Midnight just stood there as Remey\'s fist hit the skeletal armor and her scales covered in black flames. The burst of flames from Remey\'s hit was shrugged off by Midnight who just huffed slightly. She had barely felt a thing.

While it was not all of Remey\'s strength, Midnight had made herself much more durable. Remey could also feel the danger of the black flames causing some decaying effects which she had to force away with her own flames. "So anything that touches you will now be hurt for a while and not just a little bit. I wonder what other kinds of flames would do?"

Midnight was showing her teeth in a grin as green flames escaped her maw causing the black flames to grow. She had mixed dark, fire, and wind mana to cause the flames to rear up and flash away from her. If Remey didn\'t leap backwards as quickly, she would have been pushed


"And you can make distance by forcing others away!?" Remey\'s excitement was matched by her sprint forward. She is unleashing a combination of punches to check if Midnight\'s new skills were going to be missing in any area of her body. This was what Midnight wanted Remey to fight with her.

Remey was going to test all the different risks of this skill. Mostly, if it was actually protecting all of Midnight. Especially her back where she couldn\'t easily cover without just using her tail. Which was exactly as Midnight went to do when Remey had tried to attack her back.

The whip of Midnight\'s tail threw the black flames at Remey and gave Remey more need to dodge or roll away. This prompted Remey to bring her flames even more. Along with the flame wings that flung out behind her as she jumped up to deliver a harsh downward attack using both flames and her body weight.

Yet, Midnight met it with her horns. They were reinforced with the flames and also with the skeletal armor. Both allowing her to slam her head forward with more force without damage and also to send the same black flames right in to the attack too.

Those witnessing this battle to test Midnight\'s new defensive skill were awestruck. They knew that Remey was powerful. Her flames aside, they had heard of the alchemical brawler who used special knuckles, and now gauntlets to gather manas that directly countered one\'s affinity. Beyond that, they had heard of her brutal physical attacks which could put down any of the strongest soldiers in a single punch.

But Midnight? They had heard of her unique skills and instinctual fighting style. Letting her instincts guide her to fight harder and with brutality. That was all putting aside her ability to use elemental mana based attacks.

They were all witnessing an educational, but more so, a fun battle of skills.


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