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Chapter 2264: 2264. Alliance Growth

Chapter 2264: 2264. Alliance Growth

"The dwarven king managed to get this. We need a solution so I can have answers." Since Terron had never heard of a statue dragon, he was now dedicated to knowing more. That meant he had to be able to get in to the sealed cave.

"And there is not a rush to do so, I know you want answers sooner than later, but I am not rushing the sky wyverns to bring their children here when they are few and are at risk. They did not fully trust us right now. That\'s why Current has been busy with the water wyvern king too. He has to be watched."

The trust that Walker wanted was not as slow as it could be, mostly because the sky wyverns did not have much choice but to trust him. However, that did not mean that the sky wyvern queen had just decided to bring all her people there right away. She was still trying to learn about Genesis so that she knew what she was bringing them in to.

There was also the resistance from the water wyvern king. According to what Walker had heard from a dragonkin working under Current, the water wyvern king had yet to stop walking through the city. He had also not mentioned whether he liked a single thing or not. But the odd part was that a group of kids had somehow begun to hang out around the pair as they walked.

Not that this could be a bad occurrence. Many people were weak to children. It was just a fact of instinct. Too many people could be bent in to doing certain things to make that pure smile that children have brighten a day. Children were often innocent and a sign of a positive future after all.

"Hmm, you are very adamant in keeping things slow and steady. I appreciate that. But I am not getting any younger and following you might not have been very wise."

"Brother did not let you wander about alone. He asked me to follow you for your safety. I\'m sorry for not introducing myself, I am Onyx." Walker smiled since he had sensed Onyx coming closer but also because he knew very well that the sky wyvern queen had already accepted that she would bring her people here at least.

"I didn\'t worry that you would do anything wrong, but I did worry that you would have trouble getting around with your current condition, even if you are feeling better." Walker smiled a little seeing that the sky wyvern queen was clearly able to move about much better.

He did notice that she kept looking off to the side. "You can sense the earth wyvern queen, right? She is living here temporarily. Terron is staying here to ensure her safety and also to make sure his territory is built properly." Terron looked over from where he had been standing.

The current situation where Mordant had pulled the king of the deep caves back out of the sealed cavern they found and the sudden notice that there were remains of an ancient dragon both made him react quickly. However, the sky wyvern queen being here right now took precedence.

"Now we have quite the arrangement here." Mordant laughed a bit realizing that there was a mix of people that would shock many others if they saw it. "King of dwarves, two royal dragons, a hero, and the father of a race. Not to mention the guests we have now. What an oddity this city is." Mordant was truly enjoying himself right now. He felt that Genesis was the best decision to join in his life.

"All that aside, I am glad that you are here. And I promise, these weirdos won\'t bother you too much. You are a guest and they know how to respect people." The looks that Walker got from everyone made him wonder just what to do with these previously very high ranking people. They were definitely different than they were before.

"This is a very good place." The sky wyvern queen didn\'t bother harping on how everyone acted or how she wanted to be treated. In fact, she was much more glad to see things like this since she had never seen such things before. All of this was new, but it wasn\'t scary in any shape or form. Isnetad, it inspired her to wish to learn about it all.

Why all of these powerful beings were together.

How she would fit in to this.

What it would look like for her children\'s children\'s children to live here.

"Will the other of our guest support this?" Terron looked at the sly wyvern queen. He had stopped her with this question since she was walking toward the opening in the cave and the damaged ground all outside of it.

"If he decided to be stubborn ang go agasunt this, I will beat him in to place again. He has plenty reason to stay here though." While she did not divulge anything else, everyone could tell from her tone that she knew the water wyvern king much better than what they expected. It wasn\'t just that they had been forced together to help their young, instead, there was a bond there.

"Now, let me see these prey for the hatchlings." The sky wyvern queen wandered in and the earth eaters seemed to flee from her presence alone. They could sense their innate predator. One of the few to still exist. "They are little, but they can be corralled. They can be a good source of food for them." she reached out and grabbed a small earth eater crushing it between her fingers then eating it like a small snack.

A slight bit of wind mana escaped her body as if it was relaxing for the first time in a long time. The earth eaters were able to help the sky wyverns adjust their inner mana flow using the natural earth mana and also help their digestive system. While not required to live, it was better to have a natural diet for everyone.

"Reading the appraisal that the king of the deep caves got, I can tell that we will have more research on keeping these monsters for food for your people. If we can figure it all out after the issue is handled, then we can make a lot more progress." Walker calmly explained the plan while he used some fire mana to keep a line to prevent the little fleeing earth eaters from moving to other parts of the ground.

"You should just flood them and let them all die. They shouldn\'t like water." The grumbled voice of the water wyvern king broke the conversation that was being had. Current also stood beside him while a few kids attempted to sneak well behind them. A few guards still managed to catch the kids and began to scold them for coming to an unsafe area well away from where their parents must have known they should be.

"You made some little friends I see. You always have a knack for getting the attention of the hatchlings. I don\'t know what it is. The last few that hatched like you better than their own mothers, is wear." The sky wyvern queen looked as if she had seen this a hundred times before.

"They are fed well. They don\'t fear the way other races look. They can handle the pressure of mana from stronger monsters passing by. They also look to learn whenever they can by asking questions. They also are not restricted even though this alliance went to war with some of the races before." The water wyvern king did not miss learning about things here and there. Current nodded along with this though.

"So you accepted it then?" The sky wyvern queen just wanted to hear it, but the water wyvern king did not say another word. "Cold and stubborn. Fine then." she looked at Walker, "As the queen of the sky and water wyverns, I accept the alliance and will help you. In return, you will give a safe nesting ground for us and also heal their wounds. We expect to be able to get food that both our young ones need."

"As a founding member of Genesis, I accept you and your people as another race to be represented within Genesis. Both of your types of wyverns will be allowed a representative. Regardless of king or queen wyvern, that is up to you. Otherwise, welcome to Genesis." Walker saw the others around all affirm this with nods and slight smiles. It was another major step for their homes.



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