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Chapter 2258: 2258. Light Horizons

Chapter 2258: 2258. Light Horizons

"Not at the moment, we have already gathered the proper information from various sources. The islands we are after used to be closest to this shore. Since there is a small village just over these sand dunes, we know that the area is relatively safe."

While it had only been three days since Su was asked to take control of the situation, a lot had come of it.

Walker had been forced to remain within genesis, mostly because he was the one that had the best ability to deal with the earth eaters. He could use various types of mana to cause them to die while they were small. On top of that, he was also able to better keep them contained.

As such, Su was given the lead. Partially as a way to get her out of Genesis where she had been running around a little too much, and partially so she could showcase her ability to lead the soldiers.

Su was often the greatest of the helping hands. For many, she was a hero that did not look down on the dirty work or the small tasks. Not that the others did, but Su went out of her way to handle them, making her held in high standing for that.

Being away from Genesis allowed Su to show her other skills that were not related to healing and helping others. As a true draconic guardian, she had a lot more going on in relation to defending Genesis than many knew.

Where people would expect that she would only have the role of defending Midnight, there was more to it. The other draconic guardians and dragon champions were very busy throughout the world right now.

The royal dragons had sent off their dragon champions to ensure that many tasks were completed. Whether it was finding the elders to bring them to Genesis in Terron\'s case, or managing the moving of villages in Current\'s case, they were working very hard. Some were even off helping map the more dangerous wilderness areas to be used for the future of Genesis and the world as a whole.

The draconic guardians were working in similar aspects. Many dragonkin would not be privy to the details that the draconic guardians\' position entailed. However, they were also responsible for managing the village or people below them. In Su\'s case, Midnight was Walker\'s true dragon champion. Meaning, that she had to be in charge of defending all of Genesis.

Was that all on her shoulders? Of course not. Plenty of races came together and representatives established proper defenses to protect Genesis and its people. But this issue was one that needed to be handled for the immediate and long term future of Genesis. Meaning that Su was more than glad to step up.

The smaller driving aspect though, was that she had been training in her personal time more. Specifically with the fact that she was technically a half dragon race now. She had wings and could breathe dragon flames. While the dragon flames were something that needed specific kinds of training, the flying was more flexible.

Su had spoken to various races for assistance in controlling this skill. She also had begun to perfectly incorporate it in to her battle style with her twin shields. Now, she was able to take the lead in this because she could both use the smaller ships made for exploration rather than travel and fly through the air to get contact with potential sky wyverns.

Their base was to be able to return to when they needed the time to rest. The challenge was to both map the coast and the best methods to get to these islands and also to be able to have a quick place to return to before taking an elemental rune teleportation formation back to Genesis.

"The islands are known to the angels as the gem islands. They said that they used to be thought of as a very dangerous place to go near. Not just because of the monsters that live on them as nesting places, but also because of the rocks exposed by the waves on the beach." Su\'s briefing of her traveling group while they left the beach and camp behind was very important.

The information they had gathered was why they had to keep themselves very prepared. Also why they had dark rune formations made to protect them on fabric shirts. "The light will reflect off of them depending on the gem like stones exposed. These lights will blind you and even have the chance to cause burning light to harm your skin and damage your armor." "I understand that all of you will think about light as a healing and protective mana. However, light mana is also very dangerous. it can be used to strengthen blades, be used to completely and permanently blind you, and even be used to condense attacks that will break your body down entirely."

This was very much a fact. Not many people faced the dangers of light mana nor were they able to combat them. Hence why they wore the dark rune sewn formations cloaks on their bodies. The dark mana gathered would allow them to resist the light mana if it was too condensed and potentially causing them damage.

Beyond that, the soldiers with her had some control over either dark mana or light mana because of their affinities. Skills that were defensive in nature since they did not have the innate intentions to start battles against the sky wyverns if they found them. Yet, Su also had a strange feeling while they moved ahead in the water on the small boats.

Call it instinct, she had a feeling that what she was beginning to notice as they traveled over the waves. She could see much better with her draconic eyes. As such, she was picking up on the strange colors reflected on the horizon\'s waves.

They were red, blue, green, yellow, pink, white, and purple. These colors were more normal to see during a sunset or a sunrise over the waves. The waters could potentially make these colors show on the waves which was why they were able to be seen as an amazing aspect of nature.

The group with Su had only been on their several boats for an hour before seeing these colors. But it was enough for her to direct the boats to keep moving. However, she noticed that there were no clouds on the horizon either. Which meant that as the sun rose, there would be even more light reflecting on the islands that she had heard.

"Lay down anchors while the sun rises. Rest for now, we are in a dangerous area." The soldiers followed the orders while the map makers were recording that they needed to keep an eye out for changes in the colors of distant waves around these islands. It would ensure that there would be warnings for those that came here in the future.

The map makers took Su\'s words very seriously. There was plenty of knowledge from the angels to back them up too. After the world returned to flow, there was a much greater chance that the islands and more to their gem light stone foundations.

As Su watched the waves, she noticed multiple fish monsters moving away as the sun reached higher over the hours. The sun was not blocked at all and it was high in the air above them. The fish moving away proved that there was danger ahead.

In the form of these colorful lights, Su realized that the light would be hitting the exposed gem like rocks of the islands over the horizon. In just a few more minutes, Su also felt that the air became heavier. "The light coming off the islands is heating the water because of how it is reflected. The gems are heating the water and would kill anything directly in it or too close. We will have a deep fog toward the end of the day as the steam from the surface cools in the setting sun."

The soldiers took very careful notes of this while the map makers realized that this unique coast would have a fog over it every night which would settle as the night went on. Meaning that the entire area was completely impossible to travel without some form of resistance or methods to defend against both heat and light.

"Would wyverns really be over here?"



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