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Chapter 2220: 2220. Recruitment Efforts

Chapter 2220: 2220. Recruitment Efforts

While many people thought a more established education system was needed, the idea of an academy that started at a young age and had many classes and paths to follow was loved. People thought that it would be the best chance to ensure that all cultures could be taught.

This was also the biggest benefits of joining together with Genesis. All kingdoms could have a free and safe place for their people to travel for education. Especially those of nobility, royalty, or even those that just might be in risky situations.

The very simple reason was that Genesis was creating guards that were considered unbribable now. The simple reason for that fact was the training.

There was already an elite guard group being trained with incredibly intense training of all sorts. Illusions to strengthen the mind, armors with rune formations to ensure that they were incredibly tough, and even more the physical training needed to handle dangers of all forms. These elite guards were even going to be sent against elder dragons to ensure that they could only be rivaled by the greatest strengths of the world.

Many had an unhappy feeling of this before they saw the methods of training. These were guards offering their entire futures regardless of race. Their armors wouldn\'t even allow for their faces to be seen. The amounts of rune seals and magic used to keep them unbiased and secret about all things was also immense and evolving.

That aside, Walker smiled a bit when he saw Scylla waiting for him. "The rune formations\' second, third, and fourth activations went perfectly for the dragons. Their territories feel more alive than before."

By alive, Walker meant that he could sense the greater density in manas. He was sure that there would be an increase in that as well as time went on. Especially since the world\'s mana and the elemental planes were connected now. It would be interesting to see the environments of Genesis perfectly meld together over time.

"Honestly, I am very impressed with the quality behind the formations. They can run without maintenance for a hundred years. Not that they will. They will be walked daily by the younger rune carvers and rune researchers for education and maintenance. They will also be updated as time goes on. The multiple formations will ensure that no issues happen."

This had been something people worried about. If one rune formation collapsed, what would happen to all the others? The unbalanced manas would cause massive damage to the city and the people there. Luckily, the multiple formations ensured that if one failed or even three of the four failed, the mana would be balanced. It would also activate a fifth formation surrounding all of Genesis. A safeguard.

"That\'s very good. Some of the demi-human people worried that they would face dangers if there was an issue. We are often not magic focused compared to other races." Scylla knew this was changing though. More unique warriors were being born. Those who had found a chance to explore the magical abilities of their bloodlines, some being ancient bloodlines that surfaced due to the world returning to proper flow of mana.

"So, again, what was it you wanted?" Scylla wasn\'t being rude, she just got Walker back on the main topic. She already expected that the rune formations would go over well. She hadn\'t heard of Remey\'s little fight, but she would be glad to hear of it later. She wanted to fight a few dragons too.

"I was thinking that you should be the one that designs all the battle classes. Find the instructors. Find unique weapons and techniques. Find whatever you need. All physical battle classes will fall under your design. Plans for courses and the right instructors could change everything we know about battle." Scylla\'s eyes were already shining with her desire to create this.

As a demi-human, Scylla had found joy on the coliseums. And as she had grown she had become a general for the demi-human kingdoms. Now, she was a representative that represents all of the demi-humans within and even outside of Genesis for her king. Besides that, she wanted to do more. Make the coliseum even more lively.

This was a chance to do all that and more. But Walker had not stopped. "Besides that, we will need a unique teacher that will be focusing on the outline students that don\'t fit within some of the many classes. By that, I mean someone that can teach one on one unique battle styles. Preferably a proper weapons master."

Scylla was staring right at Walker as if she was trying to look through him. However, he soon caught on that her mind was running wild. There was so much that she could do. So many people coming to ming. All people that would make amazing teachers that could easily provide what walker needed.

"If you had not chosen me for this, I would have considered destroying all of Genesis in anger." Scylla wasn\'t serious, but Walker was sure that if she wanted she could complete that task. Luckily, she was very involved and had a deep connection with genesis now. She would easily do anything to protect it.

"Please stop making that joke. A few people actually think you might go wild and destroy the -city."

"The city? Maybe a building or two. But that\'s why I train in the coliseum where there are plenty of different protections." Scylla\'s sly reply made Walker give her a slight glare. But to be fair, she wouldn\'t actually destroy anything. She had trained her newfound strength and was completely in control. Any warrior was careful with the power they held.

"I will start to prepare plans and gather people to build their own plans. I have a few retired warriors in mind. They said that they wouldn\'t even teach anyone in the coliseums. But I have a feeling that those old bones will want to make their way here since Genesis has better healing for them to feel like they are alive again."

Part of Walker worried that Scylla was just going to head off and kidnap these retired warriors. Plenty of them would have crossed her path during her rise to become a general. Yet, if she did find them, he might be able to see skills and strength that he had not seen in his life. To be fair, Walker had not studied every weapon or form of fighting yet. Just a few.

"I will also find the right magic teachers. Plenty of mages had changes in their system to classes that are more in line with the kind of studies and affinities that they have. So many of the basic elemental mages took on different forms of magic or mage classes when the world returned to flow of mana."

"I did hear about them. There is an entire group that came together calling themselves the mag archivists. They gather more information for the mage tower and also document all the magic classes. You should start with them." Scylla\'s advice was much needed. Walker had heard of them but not really had any time or chances to look in to it.

"That\'s good then. I will do that. I have to check a few things around the magic tower too. I heard that an arcane craftsman had a few ideas about starting to create a new magic tower. One that would exist near the bridge to the elemental planes. Also smaller ones that would be the key to the teleportation rune formations." part of this seemed like he was missing information. Enough that Walker was becoming even more curious.

"I know that look. You are going to learn something crazy again. I can\'t wait to see it." With that, Scylla left Walker behind who was sure that she was right. Whenever he wanted to learn something new, no matter what it was, something interesting would happen.

Clearly, a class called arcane craftsman would be interesting. But to be fair, plenty pof new classes like that would be very interesting. However, Walker had no idea if it would be something to do with all around crafting magic things or if it was crafting specific magic things. He had no idea. Too little was known.

What was sure though, if someone had gained such a class and they were interested in the magic tower, then they would have a lot to handle. Plenty of people wanted to see the full capabilities of a magic tower or a few smaller new magic towers getting built.



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