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Chapter 2187: 2187. Origin Race

Chapter 2187: 2187. Origin Race

The immortal king had clearly misconstrued something here. While he sensed the death mana surging around and being put back in place, he had seen that as the power over death. Not that the being which had managed to appear here was here to stop him and Walker from causing even more damage to the elemental planes.

"Foolish child. You have gone against many laws. Cracks formed within your very own existence as you did so. Truly a crime that can not be equaled within the planes of today." The voice caused the mana to shiver. Not in chaos, but in authority.

The being that Walker was looking at was humanoid, or maybe that was just how Walker could perceive it. The completely white form had a dense death mana around it causing the smooth humanoid shape not to have any features as a human, merfolk, or any other race would have. To be more specific, it was like looking at an unfinished mannequin.

"What!?" The immortal king felt everything crumbling around him as the pressure grew and focused on the core within his chest.

"I am bringing back my race. We will be reborn as proper immortals. We will-"

"Silence now child. I will be the one to decide your fate. Those who have sealed their souls have also broken the laws. Cracked their very existence. They may be unable to return to the flow built by existence itself. They may be forced in to chaos. Losing all form. Losing all that they could ever be and ever was."


That was all that the immortal king felt. He could sense that every single word held a greater deal of truth than anything he had ever heard. No matter what he had learned through experiments, he had never felt so sure of what he had learned just this moment.

\'Adult #$%DHds-\'

\'Appraisal is currently failing. All skills are being sealed temporarily.\'

"Little one. Wait while I handle this foolish child. I will lecture you in a moment."

Walker wasn\'t sure what happened. The system itself had responded that he had been blocked from using the all around appraisal skill. Something that had never happened since he gained the skill. But, if this was what he thought it was, then it was possible.

He had first thought that this might be the king of death, just like the other elemental planes had their kings. The beings that ruled over and were able to embody what each mana that were made of and ruled was. Everything they did stood for what their mana was. That was why they were what they were.

Now. Walker believed this was something else. "You\'re an adult member of the origin race."

"Oh, you understand now. Good, that is why I felt you. Using foolish methods to battle this equally foolish child. Both of you are too young. I understand that. Now hush." Walker felt he couldn\'t speak even if he wanted to. He was being treated like a baby.

Maybe he was.

Compared to this origin race adult, he could be the youngest being it had seen in generations. Or he could just be that small by comparison. Age was something that Walker was unsure of in the grand scheme of things for when he considered races and the races within the elemental planes itself.

"You have broken the law of death. While becoming an undead, you broke the flow by trapping your own soul. As the world system returned to existence, it learned all that you and others have done. Records of that are within the very mana you touched upon."

Reading history itself from mana. This was definitely related to time mana. Walker felt awestruck listening to this.

"As you struggled to discover your failures, you caused a turn of events which sealed the world and broke the bridges to the elemental planes. The being that caused it has already returned to the flow as they should have. Their soul was collected by the law of death. It has moved on as it should within the flow."

"You did not continue your research simply because you wished to return your race. That was possible in many forms. However, your species continued to break the flow even before the breaking of the bridges. Each one that trapped their own soul for the fools\' belief in immortality is at fault."

The pressure grew as Walker felt as if he could be torn apart by his own mana at any second. "Now free, you roam the planes searching for more power. Causing the law of death to stir in anger as you awaken its peaceful stillness. Causing blossoming life to become frail and slow."

"As such, you will spend ten thousand years repairing the damaged souls. Repairing the flow you have broken. You will be cut from any tie to the world and the panes after such. Then you will return to the flow to be reborn fresh. That is how your race will return. After ten thousand years. Not as immortals, as something new. Something precious and innocent."

Mana surged and the immortal king was gone. Only small wisps of mana proved that he had ever been there. "Now you little one. Were not born of any that I know. Children are only born every few thousand years. No, you are miraculous. The world was your parent. An isolated place that became the perfect nesting ground to give a new origin to our race. Astonishing." Now Walker felt that he was being observed behind a glass wall. Or maybe he was just a small ant by comparison. Being looked at from what could only be mountains above him. "No need to worry, I am speaking to the others that ventured here with you. They have done minimal damages. Nothing worth anything more than a talking to."

For a split second, Walker almost felt a little relieved.

"You have not."

"You allowed emotions to taint your control of your own form. Brought mana to match the foolish actions of the one you chased. You are too young to realize your existence is part of all that is all around you. You were too naive to understand your ability to forgo the system and stop that child from using mana entirely. From even speaking if you so wished it. You could have even sent that child in to the chaos without a second thought."

"You are not yet ready to come this deep. To the edge of what is and what one day may be."

"The mana speaks of your actions. Saving others. The world sang praises of one who began with a simple feeling of hopelessness only to rise up and become a role model while inspiring others to become the very same."

"Given new paths to those that had never believed that they may see them. Existence itself is even impressed. You have felt its call."

"Still, you damaged the planes and did not grasp your true abilities. As such, you will be disallowed from any of the planes outside the elemental planes, the life plane, and the death plane. The space plane and time planes will not allow you near them unless you comprehend

them properly."

"You may find that cruel, however, we are a race that upholds the flow of existence itself. Our work ripples through all that is. You will come to understand everything in time. Once you are no longer within that form and rise above. That is also not what you are prepared for." Since Walker felt he was looking at something unfathomable, he began to feel dizzy. "You can sense it. The differences between what you are and I am. You are not ready. As such, this is my only gift to you little one."

A flurry of mana made Walker feel that he was completely out of control of any situation. But he also felt that he was able to glean something from this. He was able to feel the differences between his control over mana and this older origin being\'s mana control.

Being banned for certain elemental planes until he had the right knowledge did not feel

unfair. This was someone that could literally read through mana and see what had occurred. Not just the mana here, but all mana. This being had seen how Walker had acted in every situation. Had seen how his party acted. Knew them as if watching a play.

"I see you still desire questions. Come looking then. In a few thousand years once you have

grown enough to learn something. For now, learn what you can. Grow as you should. Remain a human to your world. You are not immortal, neither are others of our kind. We just live much longer than others."

The being stepped away and in that step, Walker could tell that all things had shifted. They were not longer within the death elemental plane. No traces of the immortal king were there. In fact, the party was all standing next to one another right before the bridge of the world. Their shock was the only thing remaining at the moment.




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