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Chapter 2152 2152. Different Mix

Chapter 2152  2152. Different Mix

This elemental spirit requires three forms of mana to be able to function. It can grow by accumulating additional manas but they are limited depending on the balance. However, it is considered extremely dangerous since it will send its lighting through nearby objects and beings unintentionally. This is due to the unique balance within its created body. The lighting mana that can often be confused for chaotic manas is extremely energetic. It moved very fast as well. Due to this, it moved with seemingly random actions along with very dense manas that burn and also influence the functions of living bodies. When these spirits utilize the manas that they wish to fight with, they can cause massive storms of lighting. They can also draw in water, light, and fire manas from their surroundings to create a smaller lightning territory of their own. Fue to this, they are avoided by many other spirits and monsters.

Depending on the binds with other beings, the lighting spirits can inhabit certain forms of earth mana. Crystals and metal being two of the major ones. If this is done, it brings stability and allows for the birth of a very unique spiritual golem only ever seen once in every hundred years due to the complexity of materials and manas that must come together to form it…\'

A lot more information was there about how much mana the lightning arc spirit could use at once. How it was able to balance the three manas within it. Also how it was different from other lightings like the blue lighting spirit, the red lighting spirit, and the purple lighting spirit. Not that the all around appraisal told Walker what made them all different when it came to what manas made the other three up entirely. This was still amazing. It was how the manas came together. Not just the fact that it was these three specific manas. But the exact amount and densities of each fo the three manas, which gave very different results. Many people would fail to see how this influenced magic and mana theory in general. However, Walker had studied many manas. He had meditated on them for many, MANY, hours. That being said, he was sure that if he were to focus on the same manas he could sense coming from the lighting arc spirit, that he could also make lighting much more easily. The reason he had never focused on fusing the manas to make lighting the way he had learned before and witnessed a monster do before in the elven forests, was simple. It was very dangerous. With how strong he had been and how much mana he could wield, an attack with lighting could cause severe damage. Because lightning was able to spread and the lightning storms that he had witnessed caused devastating random damage, he had avoided the risk. Killing someone while training this magic would make it pointless to use and understand. Now though, he had changed. Right this second his body had already begun to absorb the ambient manas that were left behind by these unique mana combinations. These unique mana fusions. Walker had moved beyond what humans were and reached something called origin race. Because of that, he had been absorbing and acclimating to the manas of the elemental planes much faster. He knew this and now he could understand what else it was doing beyond just changing his perspective about mana as a whole. Right now, he could sense the mana that the lightning arc spirit was putting off naturally. He could even make it if he manipulated the manas. More importantly, he could understand that the lighting arc spirit was in distress. There was something dangerous to it nearby. A large brown figure moved toward it. from what Walker could tell, it was like an overweight alligator. Too large and ground but still looked like an alligator from the swamplands. \'Smoldering alligator Nôv(el)B\\\\jnn

Due to the pressure of the fire mana burning within its body, the earth scales it grows are always red hot. This will darken or grow in color depending on the temperature hitting the scales. Meaning when it is entirely submerged within magma, it is at its weakest when it comes to physical defenses. But highest in magical defenses. When it is outside of the magma and cooling, its scales harden making it extremely tough against any physical attack. However, it will be weak to the flexibility of magical attacks. This causes its predators to vary in number depending on their strength and hunting grounds. However, they are seen as a very tough opponent because they can control the what of their bodies by using greater amounts of each mana. Therefore making this dual affinity monster powerful. It often hunts dangerous prey for fun since it is a battle focused species of monster. They will battle even the strongest opponents just because they sense that they can. Otherwise, their scales are invaluable to many since they can adapt over the vast array of heat and cooling…\'

The reason that this smoldering alligator had come here was simply to fight the lightning arc spirit. A powerful opponent for sure, but that was only if it wanted to fight. The lightning arc spirit was clearly unhappy and wanting to run. But moving outside of the boundary it was in could be very dangerous for it. The manas were not balanced right this second. Walker didn\'t see a reason to leave things be though. He didn\'t want to watch the smoldering alligator just defeat this lightning arc spirit just because. The idea that an entire species of monster just liked to fight because it could fight, was incredible, to the say the least. He channeled the manas and caught the attention of the lightning arc spirit in a single flash, Walker sparked an arc of lighting. The control he had now was easily a hundred times better than the first time he saw lighting attacks being used by a monster in the elven forest. Just enough mana had been balanced for it to easily race along the lighting bolt that Walker haad created. The lighting arc spirit moved in front of him in a panicked manor. Walker resisted all the small arcs of lighting that sparked off it toward him where he split the manas and held them around the lightning arc spirit to help it keep balance. The smoldering alligator had no intention of stopping its movements right now.

"I think we should have just stayed away from all this. Maybe the immortal king would get eaten before we catch up to it." Gil\'s joke fell on deaf ears as Su began to prepare herself to defend them from this very large opponent. Remey was the dame, small flames lit up around her. Between Midnight and Onyx, there would be a lot more trouble for this monster. 

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