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Chapter 2076. Safe And Not

This spirit race individual is one that has always lived within the in between of the world and elemental planes. It would normally never go anywhere with balanced mana since it thrives in chaotic manas. It is also very negative toward anything balanced due to this fact. While it lacks intelligence in the same way as most members of the spirit race, it was one of the oldest and most true forms of spirit race. Due to this, it can easily use its chaotic mana to make small places of disruptive mana which will stop skills from working. It was forcefully pulled through a crack in what used to be a sealed bridge to the elemental planes. Due to being unable to return, it wanders the ruins of a lost civilization that ascended toward the origin of existence. Its only proper counter is the origin spirit…\'

Walker wanted to read in to more of the all around appraisal. He was amazed that there was even a chaotic mana spirit at all. However, he was sure that the intelligence being lesser was due to the broken form that it took. It made a lot of sense though. The spirit race could make their bodies out of all mana. They were born of mana, so why wouldn\'t there be chaotic spirits?

"Fleur, you and your friends are the only ones that can hold them off and wait for us to beat that demon lord. Then they should be able to return home." Walker had a feeling in his gut that the chaotic mana spirits would make a mad dash for the chaotic mana when they repaired the bridge to the elemental planes. That was the only way that they would get to where they wanted to go. If the chaotic mana spirits weren\'t able to do so, they would remain here causing trouble and drawing in ore mana which would become chaotic. "I really underestimate chaotic mana. It\'s not bad, but in its own form." Walker sighed a little as he sent a mental good luck to Fleur who had called upon the others for the spirit race. The genesis forces witnessed this and gave a battle shout. They were dealing with their own dangers right now. Seeing the spirit race taking a clear stance in battle inspired them much more. It brought all the races much closer than they had been a second ago. Su had taken charge of those that were transporting the injured. She had found yet another use for her twin shields. They could act as sleds to allow those who could not walk to be dragged toward the healers. It was amazing seeing the speed that a medical healing area had already been set up. There were beds off the sand already put up as if they had been there for hours. Even a tent was being erected right where they were going to be sitting to prevent the sun from burning anyone. This was all still too small to say that it was part of the plan. The immense amount of effort that was going in to every move with perfect precision made the Genesis forces appear to have been working together for years, not a short while at all. But Walker could not focus on that. The battle still raged on as he stepped higher in to the air. The royal dragons had been fighting, Ventus had even managed to land on the corrupted floating city. However, that had drawn the attention of the major enemy that they had all be on edge about. The draconic roar twisted with corrupted mana was shaking the very air. Every corrupted undead angel still able to fly began to flock toward the corrupted city. Toward where Ventus had just dripped Remey and Barry. This had been the signal that the corrupted undead dragon had just let out. Since it was the most powerful corrupted undead being within the pawns of the demon lord, it was able to wield a certain amount of authority. It also somehow managed to have some semblance of intellect. Whether it was the natural instincts that came with being a dragon or whatever it was, this was not a good sign. The roar in response came from Ignus. His roar followed with a neutral flame breath that spread for longer than what many people would have expected possible. The heat reaching down through the air and all the way to the beach. Heat of the forges wouldn\'t even be able to handle. Walker was stepping through the air and struggled to handle the heat since he had gotten much closer. But these flames had burned through many of the corrupted undead angels that had begun to head toward where Ventus, Barry, and Remey were. He was protecting them, but also drawing the attention of the worst opponent out there. When a boulder shot down from above, everyone heard the cracking that followed. Terron had moved to support Ignus, but the corrupted undead dragon had shattered the boulder with its skeletal rotting tail. The spikes attached to it from the wyvern king. Easy was not a word for this battle.  …



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