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Chapter 2034 2034. In To The Vampire Nest

Chapter 2034 2034. In To The Vampire Nest

Therefore, the seals had been made out of stones that naturally held a purifying light affinity. One that caused many of the vampiric monsters to become dormant or even perish when they went near it. The sheer amount of bones around the massive pillars showed the royal dragons that these sealed pillars were definitely valuable in a way. 

Unfortunately, the way that they were made stopped the dragons from entering. If they waited, then the vampiric monsters within the sealed ruins would gain strength back and enter. The demon king was also a part of the people entering the ruins. 

If they allowed this without stopping them, then the potential for more issues to arise would be exponential. Simply because there was the fact that the corrupted mana that the demon king was using to cause chaos was already an issue. A vampiric monster more ancient than that of which more of the Genesis forces had ever faced, would be much worse. It was hard to imagine what a corrupted monstrous vampire would be like. 

When Ihgnus unleashed a flame breath concentrated on one of the pillars, various runes appeared. They held protective light manas that tried to resist the attack. They had been made to do so. But the runes were cracking and broken. The pillar was also showing signs of cracking. 

As Mordant released a shadowy breath full of decaying darkness mana, the same could be seen. But worse. Mordant had pushed forward the chain reaction of breaking that was allowing more and more of the barriers in place to crack and fall. 

This was only more evident as the sound and feelings of manas being broken and unsettled grew. The other royal dragons had also begun their attacks where they could. Terron released a devastating breath of deep, almost metallic, mana. This attack was the product of him becoming a dominator dragons. 

While every single of the royal dragons had grown, they had not begun to delve in to all of their new skills and strengths. This war simply because of lack of time. They had been forced to use their enlarged and purer mana reserves constantly to field the attacks and defense of the Genesis forces. But they had no qualms doing so. 

All of that had shown them how far the dragon race had fallen in terms of strength. They had not advanced in lifetimes due to their arrogance and their own forces being within small villages. They had been too prideful. Missed the chances to learn from other races. Therefore, they had not taken steps to become stronger in other ways than just mana purity. 

Walker witnessed the pillars that had been barriers to the vampire ruins flailing, his breathing only increasing as the rest of the party had gathered with him to take the important steps within these dangerous ruins. 

They all had lost some of their mana because of what they needed to do. But the weapons they needed were made and being made. The forces that came with them were prepared. There was many things that could be better, but this was just life. Nothing was going to be perfect at all times. 

Screeching from vampiric monsters echoed through the ruins. The stone huts and homes were where these monsters had lived. Where they had been forced to lay dormant for years upon years beneath the waters of the salty ocean. Now they were free and they were following the orders of their master. They were happy to have a chance to fight and feats once again. 

This would have been intimidating for anyone else, but the party could not stand idle. They wanted to eradicate the monsters here. "Try to stop the real vampires in chains from dying. They are not enemies. They are just a race held captive by a monster of their own kind. I assure you, that we will free them." Walker said this to one of the soldiers behind their party. He was certain this order would be passed to everyone. 

The dragons were looking to return to the ground and begin to walk in to the fight. But when they had started to get nearer to the ground, large screeches that made everyone\'s ears ring with pain were heard. Walker darted his eyes to black shapes in the sky. 

\'Titan vampire bat

Bred by the pure vampire royals, this enslaved titan vampire bat is considered one of the most powerful vampiric familiars of the vampire race. They are enslaved currently and have been forced to slumber for generations. While still weak from that, they are a very hard monster to fight. 

Due to their innate abilities to use sound to cause illusions and chaos with the senses of their opponents, they will be considered a tough opponent alone. But with their strong teeth, numbing saliva, and claws, they are even more dangerous. 

They have great strength and ability while flying, especially within the night. They will fight as much as they can against their opponents as long as their master commands it. The only thing stronger than them is their loyalty when it comes to any vampiric monsters bred by the true noble vampire race…\'

" Those are not a good opponent to see." Gil sighed as he drew an arrow back. One of the basic arrows made from the light ash wood trees. 

"No they are not. But they are also enslaved. Have the royal dragons pin them down. They can\'t be allowed to fight and move. They should be connected to those enslaved vampires. If we save then, they would be the greatest allies for the genesis forces as they return to straight." Walker had to think of the future. 

His mind was on the when, not the if. They would save these vampires held in chains. They would save their history and the goodness that they could have within them. It just needed to be done the right way with the right time. 

"It looks like Ventus had already done that." One of the titan vampire bats was currently trapped in a wind stream of wind. It could not try and land without plummeting from the sky. Ventus knew her strengths. In the sky, she had the advantage. Even as a dragon, she was the dragon of wind. The wind dominator dragon that could control the very skies that others just flew in. How could any monster in the air fight her?

With a confident smirk, Walker\'s eyes fell on the monsters coming from the ruins. Many more grotesque monsters had started to show themselves. Some were even showing off their previous traits of where they had come from before they were made in to the vampiric monsters that they were. 

Most had the same things in common though. Red eyes devoid of intelligence. They were just monsters used as pawns to fight and follow any order they were given. They were tools that did not deserve to exist because they only wanted death and blood. 

"Barry moved to the left, Scylla to the right. So we are heading right in alone, right?" Remey took a step forward because moving in to a run. She didn\'t wait to hear what Walker said to her as a response. She was prepared to fight already. 

The rough wooden gauntlets made for her could easily burn up, but she held back her flames. She was already very powerful. Every punch she threw would deal massive damage to the vampiric skeletons and the other vampiric monsters heading toward them with the foolish ideas that they could beat the party. 

"I was going to make a path. No problem." Su seemed to be wondering who the shield wearing hero of their group was. She had thought her shield charge would carve them a path through the basic walls of these ruins. Yet, Remey had taken that job. 

"Brother, wings." Midnight got Walker\'s attention. She didn\'t say much, but it was enough to call out the winged vampiric monsters coming from a nearby larger ruined home. He could tell that these monsters had once been somewhat humanoid. They were emaciated and weak looking, but their claws and teeth screamed that they could kill things easily even in that form. 

"Thank you Midnight, I will end this." Walker prepared a large fire ball in the next instant. 



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