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Chapter 2031 2031. Great Weight

Chapter 2031 2031. Great Weight

The way that Walker had begun to delve in to the more unique manas, was what had truly spurred this. He had found earth manas that were dense and purer. Being around Terron had driven that home. 

He had the mana senses to be able to greatly understand and use manas that were stronger than before. His learning was also well over what many people would be considering above average. These factors made Walker sense that earth mana was somewhat influenced by this but also partially made up of this. 

However, the concept that another mana would help an elemental mana come in to existence was odd. It made his head hurt while he put more strength in to condensing the light ash wood. Again though, his mind was reminded of other manas. 

Space mana was the most mysterious and Walker was still barely scratching the surface of what he could possibly know about it. But he had learned to displace other manas to make spatial mana react. To teleport things. 

He had also begun to understand the space elemental mana runes. These things would be used by the rune carvers to make spatial teleportation formations. They would not rely on other runes at all sooner than later because of the many people working so hard to create and understand these runes. 

Furthermore, Walker and started to theorize how to use spatial mana alone to teleport himself shorter distances. He was yet to be successful, but that was enough. The theory and the ability to sense it more was what he needed. It had allowed him to open his mind to space mana at a deeper level where he could grow more than he already was. 

A thought appeared in his mind that suddenly halted all the manas. The light ash wood wasn\'t under pressure for just a split second. But that was not a bad thing, the manas reacted with double the strength as a new mana emanated around Walker. 

Gil\'s focus became much sharper and he could tell that he was feeling something different then he had even felt before. His body felt more pressure. Heavier. As if it was being weighed down from every side. That was due to the mana that Walker had begun to emanate after unintentionally drawing it in. 

\'The unique mana, Gravity, has been discovered for the first time within the world due to the break in mana flow. The chaotic mana has been broken down in the immediate area to release the unique Gravity mana.\'

Walker felt the notification from the system more than he could really understand at the moment. But in the back of his mind, he understood that the chaotic mana flowing in to the world was actually somewhat helpful. 

Different unique forms of manas that were not the basic elemental manas were able to grow in larger amounts. This allowed the chaotic manas corrupting things, when purified, to allow people to potentially understand these manas. To be able to grasp where they come from and the other manas that they work well with. 

Hot springs were an example of this. The water, earth, and fire manas together allowed for three to be very clear change when it came to the way the entire environment grew. They naturally worked with one another without volatile damage occurring to the land and even causing amazing magical properties related to healing. 

\'The skill, gravitational condensation has been taken from the gravity mage system. The skill gravitational condensation had been automatically learned through the manipulation of earth and spatial mana related to natural mana.\'

\'Gravitational condensation- mana depending on the item being condensed. 

Using potent gravity mana, it is possible to increase the density of an item. The tougher and more powerful the material, matter, item… the more gravity mana, earth mana , and space mana is needed to make the item… condensed. 

When condensed, the properties of the item material… are massively improved. The purity is also improved. Due to this, it becomes harder to forge, craft, and manipulate in any way. Specific skills are needed to do so. However, the quality of the end products will be many times greater. Especially if properly used with applicable skills. 

There is a danger that the density will be causing too much pressure. When this occurs, the target will be greatly broken and cause an explosion which will harm the area….\'

The explanation had multiple potential targets listed. But what Walker was focused on was that he could make this even more dense. He allowed the feeling of gravity mana to spread over him. 

Due to this, he felt that his own body was weighed down much more. It made his body creak as he pushed for more aman to head toward the light ash wood piece. But it only caused it to condensed by half yet again. 

Not that this was bad by any means. Not to mention that there was another bonus that came with Walker allowing this mana to permeate his body. To put stress on him that he had never felt before. 

\'The skill, gravity mana manipulations had been taken from the star fighter system. The skill weak gravity mana manipulation has been learned…

The skill gravity sense has been taken from the moonlight walker system. The passive skill gravity mana sense has been combined with existing high mana sense skills, and a hidden skill &^%^%*...\'

Walker understood that this was the world censoring some things. Things that were beyond what he could push for right now. He knew that this was a unique mana that was part of the corrupted chaotic manas that always existed. But it had been too thin to allow people to properly delve in to it for way too long of a time. It would only happen one in a million if that. 

His concentration broke as Gil tried to catch the light ash wood piece. However, it was the size of a single piece if light ash wood had become the size of a single arrow shaft. Gil\'s catch was rough since it knocked him off balance. "It is still the same weight!" 

His surprise made Walker looked up. The throbbing of his body and mind were due to the unfamiliar mana flowing through him. His muscles had been damaged slightly due to the pressure on every aspect of himself. But he was not completely used up when it came to mana reserves. 

Walker was able to use a healing skill and feel his body repairing the muscles. His heart calming as he felt a rush of adrenalin that blocked the pain. He had managed to delve in to something knew by using the right manas that he felt were proper. He had been able to do so because the corrupted manas had been calmed by the natural mana he used in the nature dragon domain skill. 

All of this had provided the ideal environment so that he could sense a purer earth mana and ambient space mana nearby. That was when the gravity mana had shown itself. It would become even more abundant in the world now too. The world was growing to be what it should have been without so much interruption. 

"Besides what you just did, how is this now?" Gil wanted to hear the results of the all around appraisal. He could be amazed by what Walker had learned and whatever skill it was later. This was how used to these events that Gil was. Just another day. 

\'Extremely condensed light ash wood

Due to being condensed, the wood is able to massively channel light mana. So greatly, that the mana will be drawn in making the area appear darker before it erupts with searing and blending light in a large area. The material can be crafter by unique carpentry, staff makers, carver… system users. But other skills may influence it. 

This can be used as a rough arrow shaft due to its natural shape. However, it will require at least six light mages to add small veil of light mana around it when fired so that it does not immediately break due to the light mana rushing within it all at once. 

It is extremely dangerous for any vampiric monster, even those that once boasted noble and pure vampire race blood. It can also harm true vampires, the race of vampires that is recognized by the world…\'

There was more, but Walker and Gil had learned a lot. Walker was also focused on the feelings he had right now. But Gil was already wondering. "True vampire race should still exist then. The world didn\'t say the extinct true vampire race."



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