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Chapter 2027 2027. Flow Together

Chapter 2027 2027. Flow Together

They knew well that there were many things that could stop the plans being formed. That could interrupt the skills that would be used to create a literal new forest with incredibly skill combination. 

The corrupted manas were still around and seemed to be growing. Along with the dark skies, this was already a worse issue that they felt that they had to handle right away. 

A few monsters were still roaming around, but had begun to fall in to wild antics due to the corrupted manas. These were captured and defeated by the angelic forces which had begun to patrol the skies. Especially since they were attempting to find any of the other bat kin that had managed to survive the previous night\'s battle. 

Remey felt that she was not needed and made a move toward Ignus. She had her focus with him since the two of them together could better gather whatever fire manas that they could at a faster rate. This would both help her and him when they came to battle. 

The idea that she had was to use the fire mana that she condensed to counter the attacks of the vampiric monsters that might be awakening within the ruins that the demon king had risen. She also felt that she might be able to take some of the light ash wood and dissolve it within some potions. 

This idea had led her to search her mind for applicable potion formulas and herbs that could work together. Potentially using the explosive potion formulas that she knew could be the ideal possibility. Especially if she could make some stopped vials out of the wood. When the potion would explode, shrapnel of ash wood tree would hit the monsters. A great weakening attack. 

It was a brutal battle style that would be able to handle many monsters at once. Hence why many of the alchemists nearby that had come to assist and work alongside healers were inspired by it. Remey also had the skills to memorize all the herbs and formulas which helped immensely. She was the leader in this idea. 

"Brother, we are prepared, are you?" Onyx called out mentally to Walker. He sat in the center of a hastily drawn light rune formation along with every single heavenly and abyssal serpent. They had all come when he called for help. Even some of the youngest who should realistically still be absorbing light mana and resting. But they had not wanted to let their elder siblings down. 

Arora had become a leader among the heavenly serpents. She was nearly matching Onyx\'s size in such a short time away from Alice. But she had managed to gain her own unique skill to hide away her true size. While she did not speak yet, she clearly was using Onyx as a rival of sorts. A reason to grow. A being to match and stand next to. 

Alice didn\'t say a word about this, but it was clear that she was proud of the heavenly serpent she had made a close bond with. Proud because she had begun to grow and represent the healing light that came with the cathedral and with genesis as a whole. 

"It\'s as good as things will get, Ventus, please keep an eye out. If things look to be failing, you are the last resort." Walker did not wish Ventus to use a large amount of wind mana. She would be needed to fight powerful vampiric monsters. Not to blow away the magical storm clouds blocking the light. 

"Alma and I are ready too, Walker, it\'s up to you and the mages that made that rune circle." Gils\' call from a distance was loud enough for everyone to hear. A wave of tense preparation happened. Everyone took deep breaths and began to focus their attention entirely. 

The mages had worked with a few rune carvers and used rough natural mana runes that had begun to be created. They formed together with various elemental mana runes to form an ideal formation that absorbed ambient mana and channeled it toward Walker. 

"Midnight, please keep an eye out. Once they notice what we are doing, I have a feeling that we might have some opposition." Walker heard the gruff growl from Midnight showing that she was Ready. He also saw that Su had taken a position where she could defend the key runes in case they were targeted. They needed the forest to grow to be used as weapons against these monsters. 

"Well, now I understand why nature called to me. I was unsure why until I felt the desires here. Let us grow these forests and remove the corrupted manas taking root within that land." the words came from more than just one being. 

The many echidna from the village that the party had met were all standing at various points among everyone. Not a single person had witnessed them arrive. What they did know though, was that the manas had rapidly jumped as they had shown themselves. 

"I knew the echidna would arrive at some point in the coming battles. But you chose now? A very big surprise. So let me show you what I have learned since we last met." Walker knew well that the echidna had come because they sensed the natural mana. That they had come to help repair and enlighten the world to be within the balance it should be. 

Their race had appeared from isolation recently. They had reclaimed their title as a race. They also lived in mysterious and unknown ways due to their massive wisdom when it comes to nature and the world. Yet, when they arrived, it was a very big deal. Everyone in Genesis had heard the tale of the echidna and their unique way of life. 

Walker pushed all the mana in to a single point. The eternal codex acting as the central core for him in a staff from. Various manas drawing together and forming a dense ball. 

"This is my nature dragon domain, and it will be the key to removing those clouds and building a forest." Walker said this more for himself before he released the ball of natural mana. It spread out in a wave making every single bit of plant life grow just by being touched by it. Things only grew more as the mages joined in to provide manas. 

While not as extreme as the previous use of the skill, the echidna had not acted yet. When they did move, they began to hum and bring more mana toward the domain. Elevating the strength and coverage. 

"This is our turn. Show the world what the heavenly and abyssal serpent race can do." Onyx roared out as if in a battle cry. All the light mana between every single one of them shot up in to the sky. Light mages joining in to help direct the mana to purify the clouds storming above. The clouds keep the light from reaching the earth where it should be. 

"And that would be my turn. Please watch my back." Alma spoke sweetly before a fan of seeds were thrown out. She and a large number of farmers had been using their skills to multiply the seeds from the light ash tree. A tough skill that required a lot of knowledge. But they had that knowledge. 

Seconds passed before more mana flowed. More skills were activated. Small sprouts were growing. 

The ground rumble as massive roots burst up and winding trees started to push toward the sky. The sky that was growing lighter and lighter. 

So much cooperation had come together in a spectacular display of mana and unity. But the wondrous sight and feelings as mana flowed together with so many people working so hard were quickly interrupted. 

The blood curdling screeching that came with the sounds of shattering stones were from the ruins. The sound had traveled from far enough away that it felt as if they had been much louder. So much so that they could have made everyone deaf. 

The next moment, a breeze of bloodlust flowed over the entire area. Monsters were coming. Monsters in service to the ancient evils that had started to wake up within those vampiric ruins. 



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