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Chapter 2007 2007. The Ugly Side Of envy

Chapter 2007 2007. The Ugly Side Of envy

Envy himself was a very thin looking demon. Two large curling horns that wrapped back toward his head again. Then his sharp tail had what anyone would assume was a stinger. His skin was dark red, it made him appear as if he was an imp and not an actual demon.

"So you can actually show yourself. I thought all you could do was send slimes to fight for you because of how weak you were." Remey\'s immediately taunt made Envy\'s face wrinkle with anger for just a single moment.

"And I believed that you would remain a meat head full of just muscle. But luck allowed you to gain weak little skills in alchemy. Your lower species must be so proud of you." Nothing Envy said was a compliment, however, not a single member of the party moved forward just yet. 

The two opposing sides were looking at one another carefully. Judging for weaknesses. Trying to find the best way to strike down the other.

"So? You came to surrender?" Su decided to press the issue now. She wanted to force Envy to show a greater weakness. 

" Yes, YOU, may surrender yourself to me. I can feed you to my slimes and create a better version of slimes." Envy smiles showing off sharp teeth. Yet, Walker knew well that he was already moving to attack them.

In a split second, Walker used the multi buff skill with a large amount of natural mana behind it. This boosted their abilities significantly while also drawing in more elemental manas. 

"How sad. Your little leader is only focused on the natural flow of the world. It\'s a prison that limits you and how you can grow. We have followed a grand leader to learn new ways to break the mold. I will show you!" Envy looked as if his eyes were filled with an endless madness.

Walker had already realized that Envy was not a demon at all any longer. The form he had… was not his. It was an imitation of what he had been once upon a time. The all around appraisal had just proved this as Walker used it on Envy and the slime he stood as a whole.

\'Slime breeder Lord, Envy

Due to the unique slime breeder system, chaotic mana, unique title, and years of self experimentation, this being is considered a monster among monsters.

Using their own body as fuel, the mind was forced to be confined within a slime core. The body was altered and grown to become an adaptable slime body with the intention of being a mimic slime that could breed any form of slime species. 

While this is still unfinished, the monster was created and it owns some intelligence. Unfortunately, due to these experiments, the natural adaptability that comes from the sin title of Envy, were lost. Not the slime body is adaptable instead.

Various manas can be absorbed and used to create chaotic attacks mimicking those of corrupted slimes. The strength, defenses, and agility of the slime body are greatly enhanced. The only weakness being the slime core housing the mind of Envy. 

If left alone, it is possible for a massive collapse to occur causing an elemental explosion of chaotic mana. If balanced, the potential for an immortal mimic slime to exist is high…\'

Walker could have read more in to it, but I\'m the split seconds that he did read the all around appraisal, he was appalled. 

Not only had Envy used slimes as experimental subjects, he had done so to alter himself. So much so that using chaotic mana he was considered by the world to be a true monster among monsters. 

Worse yet, if he failed, there could be an explosion of chaotic manas that would surely cause untold damage. But success was worse. He would be an immortal slime that could mimic others. That meant their skills and untold atrocities committed for many years. 

Onyx came in to amazing play here. His mental communication sent all the information that Walker had just read from the all around appraisal to the rest of the party. It drove home the immense importance that they now faced during this battle. Failure meant more than just losing their lives and a few years of evil existing. 

The ground trembled as slime tentacles whipped up. The slime body that Envy stood in had taken on some earth mana to use the earth beneath him as a weapon. But Walker had sensed this. Su as well due to her innate strength when it came to earth and her partner being a grand earth spirit.

With their reactions, the attack of the earth slime tentacles and rock shards did nothing. Not a single one hit any of the party. Su had easily defended Alice and Onyx while Midnight was unfazed due to her skeletal armor and personal shifting armor. 

"Recall the brilliant slime!" Walker shouted out to Ebon as he saw multiple dragonkin appearing from the shadows along with other assassins or rangers.

With a deep breath, Walker released stored natural mana in a vicious dragon roar. The skill caused the slime body that was part of Envy to shiver. It also haunted everyone else on the battlefield.

In response, multiple dragon roars echoed from nearby as the manas all round grew rapidly in density. This was met by the royal dominator dragons with roars of their own. They were pushing toward Walker while flying, but also sharing their manas with him to allow the party more mana to use in their attacks. 

With this welcome boost, Remey sparked a flame all around her. The slight stop that had come from Walker\'s loud dragon roar boosted by natural mana had not stopped her at all. On the contrary, it had spurred her a little more. So much so that her newer features showed themselves much clearer. 

The flames that burst up around her took the forms of wings, horns, and dense fire scales around her. The change in her race to a draconic flame soul humanoid was perfectly showing off how strong she really was. 

 Darting forward, her fist hit the slime body causing a massive chunk of slime to be incinerated. The reaction from Envy was instantaneous. He drew in fire mana and multiple tentacles of fire slime body whipped at Remey to defend. However, she was not some common flame wielder. The tentacles of fire slime that touched her became incinerated just the same as the body she had struck. 

Due to this, Envy quickly adapted and used water to make an opposing elemental strength. This forced Remey to retreat. However, Gil was waiting behind her. Su had set up her shields to be able to defend him better. He could have dodged or used his speed, but with Su defending him, he could fire more arrows in a row. 

Specifically, he anticipated Envy to adapt since the information that Walker had about Envy had been shared with all of them. Knowing that the slime body could adapt and change, Gil had used ice arrows. They pierced right in to the water elemental slime tentacles trying to chase Remey. The result was the water slime body freezing on contact and being unable to move the same way. It was just enough time for another arrow to hit it with earth affinity attached to the arrowhead. 

This caused a spike of earth to pierce upwards and break away the frozen slime body. Clearly, Envy was getting angry by all the counters to his slime body. The thin figure was showing much more anger the longer this happened. 

When the next set of tentacles slammed in to the earth to attack, everyone jumped back leaving room for Onyx to lash out. He was at his full size and using the light and dark armor he could create from light and dark manas. He had even grown stronger in his ability to shape them creating sharp blade at his tail. 

This slashed through the slime body creating a hole in the front dense slime body. Just enough for Midnight to leap in with a devastating dragon breath attack. This in turn allowed Walker to greatly boost the attack with his natural mana and Alcie to also create a light shield with her song to reinforce the defenses as multiple shards of stoneshot up from the ground as the earth slime tentacles attacked. 

"Fine! I will slaughter you all and take whatever you think is so damn valuable as my own!" it appeared that envy finally snapped and showed exactly why he had the sin title of Envy. 



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