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Chapter 2003 2003. The Angel’s Troubles

Chapter 2003 2003. The Angel\'s Troubles

Speed was now of the essence for the party. They knew that the war between slimes and the angels was growing. While it was not necessarily a war so to speak, it was one of sorts.

A battle that was the prerequisite to a war that is already under way. The party, and Genesis, wanted to take down the demon king, the one causing all the issues that they had to handle right now. Especially since he was clearly allowing more problems to happen.

Envy, the slime breeder, acting out was definitely because he had gained more strength. Definitely because he was no longer being held back to gather materials or certain pieces of intelligence for the demon king.

This was clearly evident since the party found that they were the ones being watched when they appeared. The entire floating city would not stop for then, but the slimes would be rained down on the Sigil continent? The demon king clearly had not cared a moment for the party now. He would have stopped the city to combat them if that was the case.

Furthermore, the two sin title holders underneath the demon king had managed to do a lot for him. There had to be some arrangements by following him. The corrupted mana that had helped to awaken an ancient angelic city along with causing trouble all over the world was a start. The two sin title holders must have gotten affected as well. It only made sense.

Having seven lord slimes appear was already a disaster that the angels had not fought before. They knew of slimes, but like everywhere else in the world, lord slimes were so rare, that most people had never had to deal with them. Even the most experienced warriors of each race had rarely seen or heard them appearing.

But the party had battled them multiple times because of Envy. Now, the angels were witnessing the marsh lands that they had started to expand to as needed become ravaged by them.

The angels had spread out due to their ubiquity. The two empires being forced together was actually changing minds much faster. The main reason, their ability to rebuild the things they lost over many years of fighting.

They had been looking for the lost villages and the other lost floating city parts that they knew were somewhere in the Sigil continent. Many years had passed them by while they lost so much of their own history. Beyond that, they had an entire awakening of young angels that desired to explore their home continent to discover ruins. They also dreamed of visiting the ancient angels\' ruins from before the angels had even been known as angels due to the ancient era they lived in on another continent.

Due to this, many of the angels that had discovered the slimes that were not part of the scouting group set up to watch for the floating city, were too young to even think about handling a lord slime. They would not be able to do a single thing to such a powerful monster. Not to mention, that it was controlled by an even more powerful being.

Gil\'s worries had been made clear after he had received the communication from the crystal. He was sure that there were already injured and lost angels that had been in the area. Many angels had even started to leave toward the marsh lands. The experienced angels that could fight much better.

The shared knowledge from Genesis about how to combat the lord slimes, or slimes in general, was enough to start a fight. But if they could only hold them off, they would lose an entire area of the continent.

The marsh lands were not just a section on the edge of the continent. It was a place that held unique monsters, plants, and manas. The water there, flowed through the marsh. If it was polluted by decay or waste of any sort, nature would clean it through various natural processes.

This was learned through common sense and the elves sharing a lot of their knowledge. The angels also knew of how nature flowed in this way. Nmatrua was able to handle many different forms of abuse because of so many unique plants and monsters in existence. Yet, the slimes were not supposed to be there.

Mud slimes might appear, and the party had managed to see three small ones just within the last three hours of pushing toward their goal. But the acid and decaying slimes were another issue. They would be in swamps or volcanic areas. Places with natural predators or limiting environments. Not here where nothing could handle them.

"Look ahead, we have angel soldiers resting." Su prepared her shield as she saw that the soldiers had damaged armors already.

They were all wearing bright green armor. It was not the healing green of some healer\'s skills. It was the green of wind mana condensed in a unique way. Not necessarily a striking color, but one that the party knew well from some of their interaction with the angels already.

"Stand and report!" the leader of the angels noticed the party immediately. They knew they were coming. It was clear that those in charge of angel squads had been prepared for the party to arrive. Especially since they were considered the ultimate back up right now.

While everyone in the party made a motion for the group of angels to relax, they were clearly too on edge for that.

"It looks like you had trouble. Please rest so I can heal you." Alice did not wait a moment. Su was right by her side with some bandages to help the angels who clearly had burns from some form of acid slime.

"Thank you very much. We were here fro a brief time, but needed the time to return to our senses." The leader took a few breaths as his heart calmed. Meeting one of the leaders that was going to end this trouble they had never faced before was a big deal for them all.

"We encountered twenty yellow slimes. We used water to cause them to slow down and lose size. Unfortunately, as we battled, we discovered an odd occurrence." this was where Walker focused more. Odd occurrences were never a good sign. Especially since they already had their fair share of odd occurrences with the slimes before.

"The slimes were not shrinking as much. One of them even was without a core. It was impossible to defeat it until we realized we were just fighting controlled slime bodies. The cores were forced away."

Forced away/ what do you mean/ you knocked them out for the slimes but didn\'t beat them?" Remey was ready to fight, but she did not like what she was hearing.

"No, a large slime with multiple tentacles of slime were attached to each slime body. The cores were within it, like it was protecting them. But the slime was a deeper yellow. I assume it\'s still acid, but not the same at all. More defensive."

"I think I know what might be happening. Some slime can absorb others. They do that naturally. But these slimes are under control of the slime breeder. It is causing them to not break down the other slime cores and protect them instead. Forcing the slimes to go against their own nature. It\'s cruel, but it makes things much harder for the soldiers like you fighting them. The brilliant slime with us should be able to pierce even the lord slime\'s body. It has powerful light attacks."

"We will assist you as we can. If we can use the wind slash skills we know to attack or boost the light projectiles, we will." The leader immediately took this as encouragement to offer assistance. They wished to fight back more. They might not know the real plan, but they had been told to trust the party if they met them. No matter what.

"Then we will bring you with us. We can have you spread out to the edges. It will help force the power slimes toward the center where we can defeat them easily." Walker said this out loud. He was sure that another slime had been watching them. Especially since this group of soldiers had been resting here for a little bit now. They Were the perfect targets to keep watch of. Ones that worked with the party.

"I should have potions ready to beat it too. I strengthened them to work even better." Remey\'s excitement to toss a potion at a lord slime and see how it worked did not fade. She had the entire alchemy guild make more potions like this along with all the healing and mana potions. Not to mention some affinity potions to help the soldiers handle their mana better in general while fighting.

"Then we will heal all of them and head out." Gil also had his arrows at the ready. He did not want to waste any more time. They had a lord slime nearby. It was definitely after the group of angels they had just found too.


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