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Chapter 1922 1922. Growing Serpents

"Ibis, when I left you, there were some eggs that needed to hatch along with many hatchlings learning from you. I understand that they would have ventured according to my teachings. Some went to the guards to act as defenders and others with the healers to use healing light. But what of these?" 

The surprise that onyx had found was more than what he expected. The first place that the party had discovered the eggs of multiple abyssal and heavenly serpents had been excavated even more. The ants had been dealt with already, therefore, it was just a matter of excavating the older ruins. 

However, this had yielded another seventy eggs. It caused Onyx to find himself in an expanded room built on to the cathedral. Furthermore, he found that some of the hatchlings had made it their goal to help others hatch. It had led to a very interesting development. 

"Well, this old man is not going to tell them what they can and can not do just based on what you taught them. The others come back and teach the little ones, but they are still young and learning too. Why wouldn\'t some newly hatched little ones decide to follow me instead?" 

It wasn\'t that Ibis was trying to butt heads with Onyx. but it was very clear that he was just stating a blunt fact. Some of the hatchlings found that Ibis was helping make the light stringer. This helped the hatchlings grow and the eggs hatch. Therefore, the little hatchlings would be inspired by them. 

This had led to them changing the way that they were learning.some hatchlings were directly looking at the healers but taking it a step further. They were nurturing the eggs and learning to call out light mana to a purer level. 

The heavenly serpents born and trying this were able to purify light mana while the abyssal serpents were learning to gather it and bring it back to the cathedral. They had taken on an oddly symbiotic relationship between the two that was above what they would be able to do at this point. 

Above this, they were also working to clean the area that the hatchlings lived. It had become a complete nursery where the newly hatch serpents had caregivers right there waiting. Ibis only had to ensure that he called on some of his light elemental summons to assist when the hatchlings were unable to provide enough light mana for the eggs. It was a massive leap. 

"You were als out there making a name for yourself. The other hatchlings that already moved out of here have been listening for any little whisper or gossip about you. I assure you, they will be back here sooner to see what you have to say. Not that you will be able to say much when you realize how many can speak now too." Ibis laughed seeing th8at onyx coiled up and looked surprised. It was just a feeling though. 

"They can speak like me!? How are they growing that fast? They shouldn\'t… They are around too many people that can speak. They are adapting!" Onyx was overjoyed. He saw that this was just a needed step. While he felt that Ibis was slacking a little, he was proud. 

The abyssal and heavenly serpents were clearly making themselves a name now. This step was an important one that had to be taken to establish them as a race. But on top of that, it was also a step that they had to take to ensure that they reached that point. 

If the serpents could not care for their young and keep growing, then they would just disappear as monsters and never a truly recognized race. That would mean that they were not destined to be anything other than what they were. 

What Onmyx also related to them were the echidna. The echidna could take a more humanoid form or a partial snake and human mixed form closer to demi-humans. If Onyx would learn from them along with all the heavenly and abyssal serpents, then it would just be something even more amazing. 

"I was going to show them a few more skills. Shadow and light armor, but also the fusion of light and darkness manas. That is the true nature of our kind. The duality that we are able to house within our bodies. They will need to learn it at some point." Onyx knew that this would be valuable to their race in the future. 

The abyssal serpents had taken on guard placements because they easily hid in the shadows. But when they learned light elemental mana, they would be better at standing out compared to what they did now. 

When it came to the heavenly serpents, they would be able to heal or use light, but they would have to learn to mix the darkness mana and become sneakier or able to meld with shadows more. 

Both were challenges that they did not see coming yet because they were unsure of what they would be able to do in their own future. Every single thing was being written by Onyx as he delved in to what their species was capable of. "I also need your help to write records of what we have discovered so far." 

All of this was a very big thing to handle. However, Inyx barely got another word out before he sensed a familiar presence. "Sister, you have more than just yourself here now." The little hatchling shied away from Onyx as Midnight walked inside. It was understandable that the sudden change from the cathedral\'s magical performance to the hatchling nursery would be hard to handle. 

"New Hatchling. Time to learn." Midnight pointed at Ibis then the little light dragon hatchling. It looked at Ibis before Ibis smiled and summoned out a small little bird with very strong light elemental mana. 

The little light birds was one of many little summons from the light elemental plane that Ibis could call. But it was strong enough to call up a whirlwind of light mana all around. The eggs greedily absorbed it, but the light dragon hatchling stuck its head up in awe. It was stunned by the many amazing showcases of light elemental mana. 

"So sister is helping you. Welcome to Genesis little one. Feel free to look for friends among my fellow serpents. They are growing just like you." Onyx was still scary since he spoke right in the hatchling\'s mind. But when she realized he meant kindness and for her to make friends, the little hatchling took the initiative. 

One little leap down from Midnight\'s shoulder brought the light dragon hatchling face to face with a few smaller serpents that had just hatched not even a few days ago. The little dragon sniffed at the hatchlings as the hatchlings rose up and looked carefully. 

They could sense the light mana and also understood that this was a dragon. But they were very curious since they understood that they were face to face with a being like them. One that had the same affinity. 

The scene that unfolded was many little bosses and slight growling between the serpents and little light dragon. Their way of communicating was odd but it was seemingly working as they gathered together a bit more. 

Midnight eventually felt that the meeting was better than expected and focused on Onyx. The two had already heard the gossip around and didn\'t feel the need to rush toward everyone. Their presence here was more important.

"The two of you speak way too much." Ibis joked a little but found that neither Midnight nor Onyx laughed. The two were having their own silent conversation about the hatchlings and serpents joining hands here and there.

"I need to go to another meeting. Tell the others that I will be back tonight to see them." Onyx felt that he should go congratulate Gil and Alma. Midnight nodded too while the little light dragon hatchling jumped back to her before understanding that it could remain here for as long as it wanted.

"Yes, we will pick you up after you have made your friends." Onyx said his farewell to the new dragon hatchling he was sure to see a lot of. He didn\'t say a word about how pure the light elemental mana was already in its body. He knew it had a bright future.

The two left the cathedral and found Alice waiting for them. Clearly she had the same thoughts and wanted someone to enjoy the walk with. Plus, the day was starting to get on and they could grab a good snack together on the way. 



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