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Chapter 1916 1916.Genesis Goings Ons

While it put his mind at ease, the improvements that would come were just secondary. He was more interested in the things that the wandering blacksmith would create that could affect Genesis. He had already made unique improvements to overall forging methods. But what if he had more things from Genesis and Sigil continent to mix?

The fact that the two different materials could be mixed from two wildly different places was astounding. Some people would have never believed that another continent actually existed. It was still more of a theory before the ships had proven it. 

While history said that there had been some different places that angels or the ancient monsters might have traveled to, there was not definitive proof. There were not anyone races with records of then coming from Sigil to the various kingdoms of the Genesis alliance. Therefore, it was always thought to be something that was impossible to prove. 

Now that it had been proved, there were various explorers popping up. Groups of people gathering to petition for the right to leave their homes and help explore the Sigil continent. While that was good, it was something that would need to be held off until the united angelic empire was able to put down solid laws. 

This would be important for travelers to maintain proper edicate as they went. Many issues had been caused by a foolish traveler disregarding laws of traditions within a certain kingdom. Therefore, it would be turned in to some form of paper to sign before anyone was to travel so that either kingdom or alliance could make it clear that it was not under their instruction that someone acted like a fool. 

Otherwise, Walker was more focused on the kids running around trying to explore their neighborhood while shouting that they were exploring the land of angels and wyverns. It was comical because they made it sound like the party and Genesis forces had bumped in to many wyverns and angels at every turn. They had no idea of the vast lands the Sigil continent had that were completely unoccupied. 

"Walker!" The shout was surprising since Walker had gone off on his own for the first time in a while. He hadn\'t expected someone to call out to him and grab his hand. 

"I was walking here and there looking for whatever new thing might be making it in to the market from the forces that went with you. But I managed to grab you instead." The jovial chuckle from the old master alchemist was the last thing that Walker expected. 

"I would have imagined you were locked up in the alchemy guild trying new things with herbs. Hasn\'t Remey tied you down yet?" This was a big surprise. It felt odd that the old master alchemist wouldn\'t be around the alchemy guild. 

"Stretching my legs more and more as I feel better. The potions and the cathedral improving have helped these old bones feel more lively than ever." The old master alchemist clearly looked happier and brighter too. His skin was a little more flush and he had gotten more sun lately. It was all due to him getting out of the alchemy building and guild more. 

"That\'s good. I would have thought you would be too busy to worry about your health. Remey should be glad to hear that." This old master alchemist had been the father figure and mentor to Remey as she grew up. Whether either of them really expected it, that was how it worked out. 

"That girl is causing trouble in her own ways. She brought that dragon inside the guild and locked herself up for a few hours. But she doesn\'t seem to care about the injuries she has. Those bandages can\'t be good. I wanted you to knock some sense in to her. She barely listened to me." Now it was clear why the old master alchemist would shout out to him when he was just walking around trying to stop here and there. 

"I was worried about that too. I thought she was burned or something. But when Alice tried to heal her, she said not to. I think it\'s something to do with her studies towards natural alchemy and natural fire alchemy. I am a bit worried, Ignus would stop her though. He might seem rough, but he is a very caring royal dragon. He would easily stand on his word and for his people to the last breath and then some." 

This was a promise that would easily make anyone feel better. Ignus was just that kind of dragon. However, Walker did share some of the worry that the old master alchemist had. "Eh, you can still try and yell at her for me. I have plenty of yelling for the new students I have." The normal grumply tone that came matched what Walker remembered from the old master alchemist. 

"So what have you been working on lately, other than teaching new alchemists?" Walker felt that the old master alchemist was worth more than just teaching. He was the original creator of the affinity potion after all.

"Just small things. I made a few new affinity potions, but since Remey inherited my work, she surpassed me. Now I have focused on herb condensation potions. Apparently some people are powdering herbs to be tehundrated for potion. That\'s foolish!" 

Walker found himself at the end of a lecture he didn\'t expect. "The powdered herbs can not carry the same quality of any property associated with the herb. But condensing the herb in to a liquid is valuable."

"The condensed liquid can make a hundred potions if done right. The method has to be different for every single herb though. That requires research record, experiments, and also determination. The time to create one is exceptionally high. Just for the midnight star vine, it takes seventeen hours to condensed a pound." 

While Walker had somewhat heard of this herb, he was lost. "I can\'t say I know what that herb does…" 

"Midnight star vibe? It\'s a weed. A black leaves vine with white spots like stars at midnight. It\'s used for poisoning of the liver. Specifically people who drink too much fermented wines. It\'s used to help certain people recover. It will be a staple medicine once I master the formula for condensation." 

Walker could sense the slight glint of greed in the old master alchemists\' eyes. He knew that this would provide a lot of funds for the alchemy guild. Therefore, it would lead to more potions being researched or created in the future.

"It\'s good to put a focus on the working people. The more that people can heal themselves after breaks or hard work the better for Genesis." This was an easy way to say that he expected this in the future too. But the old master alchemist already had that in mind. 

"Bah, well, I have work to do. Not many new herbs have shown up lately. Try and do something about that on your adventures." Walker felt like it wasn\'t so much a farewell comment but an order being placed, but it was still nice to hear that the potions were improving. 

Finding himself free again, Walker put Lisa\'s seamstress shop in his sights. He planned to sneak by his mothers kitchen too, but knew that it would be busy and a little tough to do. Especially with customers everywhere. 

Both businesses run by his family have picked up a lot. It wasn\'t his fame though. That might play a small part, but it was all due to their skills. The high qualities that they spoke and acted on produced every bit of hype around their work. 

Just looking at Lisa\'s shop, Walker found an entire open seating area where many people were eating small pastries. It appeared the shop had evolved in to a massive tea shop that provided high end clothing as well. It was the ideal setting to show off the clothing and a nice atmosphere: 

Even more so when he looked down toward his mothers shop. Multiple staff were moving around outdoor and indoor seating. Some cooks and chefs even had side tables where they showed off skills while cooking.

This entire atmosphere had developed many times over creating a welcoming business area. It lit up the future for Genesis and made Walkers heart desire this form of peace even more than ever. These were the things he wanted to protect. These thoughts were momentaryu though. For now, he wanted to bother his little sister and her work.



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