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Chapter 1887 1887. Blunt Mocking

By the time that the angels had rushed toward the embassy, Walker was left with a minor headache. He was sure that this was all somehow the plan of the demon lord. He knew that this sort of war was not being ignored by the most powerful city and the being controlling it. Instead, it was clearly a planned event that would trouble this entire continent. 

"This is just something to stop all of us from moving after that city." Mordant growled. He wanted to pursue the one that had threatened dragons. The one that had clearly been their target all along. It was rare for him to show such hostility. 

"You understand that whatever is part of that corrupted place can fight us off. We need all of our forces. We need the elder and the knowledge of every ruin." Ventus was the most logical. She would not risk leaving her children without a mother. 

Instead, she wanted to find the wind dominator dragon\'s ruins and be able to learn from them. When she gained the knowledge to become more powerful, then she would take the corrupted city to the ground once again. The sky would be hers. 

"I already have the strength. I will have the ability to control it soon." Ignus spoke up again. He had been speaking to Remey about the flame dominator dragon knowledge he had fully taken in. He even had the stone slabs ready to be stored away by Walker so all the dragon knowledge could be united together. That was one thing every dragon saw eye to eye on. 

Since the elemental dominator dragon ruins had been separated, it only felt right to bring them together and unite them in to a single place where all the future dragons could go. It was an interesting thing to witness since every royal dragon silently agreed to this. It was a signal that the dragon race was uniting even more. 

"You can say the same for me. I have the knowledge of the earth deep in my mind. I carved it all piece by piece in to who I am. I am not yet a dominator dragon. I am still just this." Terron spoke calmly but deeply. He was certain that he was not yet ready to become such a powerful being. It could take generations. 

"We must gain the knowledge and then attack with unified force. So much power that it will not be resisted. And we must prepare quickly. I will be leaving after these issues are worked out." Terron motioned to the wyvern queen and the angels. He would not leave with the wyverns under threat. 

Before anyone could continue their talks, the angels arrived yet again. This time, the familiar arch angels that had been the first to speak with the Genesis forces had been sent. However, they held solemn expressions on their faces. 

The two spoke at the same time, but it was clear that they were not comfortable with what was happening or what their orders were. It showed the true strain between everyone and everything happening right now. "The great pure angels wish to speak with you." 

"Good. we will march forward." Walker took the lead. The stress was still there but he was falling more and more in to the act. He could sense that the few echidna warriors were already with him. But he could also vaguely sense that they were curious. They had not seen the world yet, but they were the most connected to it. Therefore, they felt the wrongness of the flow of mana around them. 

Many angel soldiers flew through the air and were prepared to fight. However, the Fel empire side was clearly fewer. But the mana that Walker felt around them was higher. There were many specialized elemental mages that studied unique skills and their uses. This was what the dangers the Rize empire had felt. 

The Rize empire clearly had elemental attacking forces. Many physical in nature, but well trained in the same methods to work together. One was a strict leadership and the other was a focus on individual growth down their own path. Both different styles of growth and leadership yielded strong people. But both were too specific and did not bring unity in any way. 

This was clear in the Rize empire where the angels had been exceedingly interested in the light elemental dragonkin skills. They had not been allowed to learn more and were immediately amazed to learn anything they did not know when the opportunity was presented. 

In the Fel empire, they lacked focus. It was a certainty that some of their strongest hadn\'t even come because they were busy with their own personal research. They were not united enough to even show up as an entire empire to face one another. It was a clear example of what happens when there is no control at all. 

Stepping inside the embassy was radically different. Instead of just a few angels, every single space had been made for the powerful leaders of booth empires. A space had been cleared for the Genesis leaders but it was cramped. When Walker looked to the sides, he found two larger angels. They were wrapped in many bits of fabrics clearly from unique monsters. The Rize empire had many elemental magical rings and other items adorning their leader. The Fel empire had many unique magical items as well, but all centered around different manas that were being studied. 

"Presenting the grand archangel, the pure angel leading the great empire. Rize. The one who shoulders the empire and give up their name for the sake of the empire."  I think you should take a look at

"Presenting the greater grand angel who ignored their name for the price of true insight. The grand pure angel that sees through the fabric of mysteries. Fel." 

The two seemed to be competing with this announcement and it made Walker want to dunk his head in cold water. It was too childish. It was completely foolish to be competing like this. "Huh, maybe we should do that." Current felt that it was less elegant to just walk in. Walker had long noticed that Current liked the high end of introductions. 

"I present myself. A real person that could care less about both your empires being incredibly hard headed and trying to fight over something that both of you do not understand and that a race that lived on an isolated island understands better than any other living beings." Walker let some of his annoyance ooze out in his words. It was blunt enough to hit harder. 

"What? Did you think the Genesis alliance would praise you? If the Rize empire had realized that the wyverns were being led to madness they could have gone to the cave and begun to speak with the queen. Instead, you decided on genocide as the only option. But you were too afraid of giving your soldiers more knowledge because of strict tradition. It made them too weak to grow properly at their speed."

"The Fel empire couldn\'t even get themselves together. The same group fought against the cursed undead letting the curse dessert spread too much. If you had united your people then they could have easily started a proper attack on the undead. Easily begun to discover the solutions to keep them trapped or possibly defeat them. But your lack of focus plagued you." 

The entire embassy hall was silent as Walker spoke louder and let mana in to his words. Pressure was all around him as he, someone young by comparison, berated the two powerful leaders. 

"You will not mock the empire that spent years to create elemental halls full of exceptional knowledge. I will not allow you to send us to ruin!" Rize shouted the most while Fel appeared to be seeing this as an interesting experiment. 

"You both think this is a game?" Walker calmly spoke. He asked the question but didn\'t expect an answer. 

"These are echidna. They are a race that fled the cursed city and discovered the source of their bloodline. Their ancient relationships to ancient monsters allowed them to open their eyes and begun a journey to the try way of the world. The Rize empire\'s focus on only elemental mana is incomplete. The Fel empire\'s research on only manas that are not elemental mana is incomplete. That is why you are both weak." 

The comment made many angels show anger. But many of the soldiers. The lower ranked angels did not show anger. It was clear that within both empires, there were angels that were tired. They did not want to fight any longer. They did not want to deal with differences that were clearly wrong. The moment that Genesis had appeared and knowledge of their way of life had spread, that then empires were only parts of a whole. It was the perfect time to show this fact to the lower ranked angels of both empires. 

The angels that had waited for a chance to properly build themselves a safe place free from war.



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