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Chapter 1880 1880. Boxed Up

While all these things happened at what could be seen as the same time, the mists around the jungle village and all the jungle grew. A slight rumbling could be felt from deep under the water. It was the first thing that had made Mordant start to move since he began watching Walker and the nature seer start their process. 

"It seems I must go and meet my fellow royal dragon." Mordant disappeared within the darkness and the natural seer showed a small frown. One that clearly said there was already an understanding of what would be found. 

Appearing under the water was not something that Mordant would normally do. He did not have skills to breath under the water and it was uncomfortable to hold his breath for a long time. However, he was an older dragon and he had the strength to be able to hold his breath for a very long time when need be. 

using the ability to hold himself and his body accountable for a long time without breathing had allowed a degree of higher focus. This was normal for someone in deeper meditation while trying to understand themselves and their skills. Mages in particular had these events. Therefore, mordant holding his breath was nothing unusual. 

When Current noticed the familiar form appearing from the shadows of the watery caves he was in, he didn't say anything for a new moments. The two just stood near one another as the cold waters drew away at their energy. Current was used to this and the cold of the darkness was normal for Mordant. But the cold here was something else. 

This cold was the kind of cold that only a few people ever encountered. The depths of this cold came from the fact that this island was crumbling. "In just a few more years, this island will return to the ocean. It will sink." There was a very sad tone as Current spoke through the water. Mordant could understand every word of it. 

"The water currents have changed over time without the river flowing. They are eating away at the structures nature made beneath. The earth has become sands that flow with the tide and current. That sandbar nearby is not the growth of the island but the degradation of it." This meant that the entire jungle that the echidna lived in would sink along with them. 

Mordant nodded as he saw and accepted what Current had found, the rumbling had been Current stopping the current underneath the island temporarily so that he could see the true depths of what was happening below. So that he could begin to form some sort of plan to potentially save it if needed. 

Both dragons looked beneath them. They saw the fact that saving this place was beyond them. There was so much space between the deep ocean and the slim pillars of stone that held the island up. It had been too long. Even with Terron here it would be too little too late to recreate the base of the island. 

While the two stayed under the island for hours trying to convince themselves otherwise, they had to accept that this island was doomed. That they had discovered the end of what would be the home of the echidna. While they had come here searching for a race lost to the world, they had also discovered the possible end of the echidna. 

As Mordant left the underwater caves, Current followed him. The two made their way back through the jungle collecting the important materials they deemed valuable. They wanted Walker to save what he could of this place. 

Their minds had changed from the desire to just save the island to their desire to bring everything possible from here to a place safer. That included the echidna and every plant, ore, and even some monsters if possible. 

"You came back." Walker spoke calmly without looking at Mordant. Walker had woken up just a short while ago. He looked calm but it was clear that a massive amount of thoughts were running through his mind. 

"You may have just woken, but meditate there. You should have seen the path." The natural seer was still creating mists around her hut. She was also clearly weakened by a significant degree. Her heart beat fast enough for Mordant and Current to take note of. 

While Mordant and Current had been caught up in their search of the island's underneath, Walker had been fighting in his own mental world. The mental jungle of paths and mysterious mists. But he had discovered something. 

The manas he had followed had taken him many different ways. He had been frustrated to follow one or the other while trying to find the sources of natural mana. But he had just moved in circles over and over while trying to use his skills. Being lost without any direction had made him lose his calm multiple times. 

But he had been learning. The manas split up caused him to move in complicated paths. His attempts to sense each path and follow it with his mana had failed. But in doing so, he had noticed a pattern. 

The pattern was not physical or in a flow, but in the fact that with each individual mana, Walker would find that he was right back where he started. He wasn't better or worse off, just there. This felt exactly the same when he tried to keep focusing on one skill here and there as he grew. He would still be weaker by comparison to certain beings. Like kings, dragons, or even the wyverns. 

Yes, Walker was strong because he was adaptable. He could fight monsters or people stronger than him because of his adaptability. This allowed him to use better attacks and skills against them. But he had recently faced his potential death because he was not stronger overall.  I think you should take a look at

That issue proved that he had not been able to unite things properly. He just squished manas together without actually controlling them when he did. Especially the natural mana which he pulled and used constantly without being able to truly grasp the core of how to use it in everything. 

It made him wonder why he had the high fire mana manipulation. The separate high water mana manipulation. The separate skills of all of this. Wouldn't it be better just to have a general mana manipulation? 

This thought had shattered everything he was thinking about. That was the second that he had woken up. His mind had forced him to push himself awake from the visions he was given by the natural seer. 

Upon opening his eyes, he immediately took a sitting position for meditation. The manas all around him were drawn in as he realized he had been dividing everything up. He didn't split his mind like the seer could or other beings could to use natural mana. He was putting everything in their own little box that isolated them. 

Even when Walker pushed manas together, a fine line remained that they were all individuals that made a whole. But that just made elemental natural mana. Not the manas that he could feel around him. 

'Through enlightenment, the skills related to elemental, natural, and other mana manipulation have been properly condensed. The user has gained the skill, high mana manipulation. 

High mana manipulation- passive

Through the study of all mana, the user is able to manipulate all mana understood by them. The more that elemental mana is understood, the better the manipulation of it and how it works with other manas. This allows the user to better manipulate manas within and outside themselves. 

Being able to learn more about unique manas will also increase the ability to manipulate seemingly unrelated manas. This skill is proof that mana is mana regardless of the type. When this skill reached a higher level, there is a chance to change mana at a miraculous level. 

Due to this skill, the high mana sense is also earned which allows the user to sense all manas regardless of their unique type. This skill will also grow more as the understanding of manas is risen…'

There was more as Walker sensed his skills condensing and the small boxes he had placed everything in breaking down. It was a very heavy weight leaving his mind as the skills melded together. He had been forcefully keeping the true flow of these skills apart. The manas he had been seeing were forcefully held back. That was why he felt so powerless or was unable to keep growing as he had seen fit. He had been using all of his skills in the wrong way. 

"I might have been a bit foolish.' Walker mumbled to himself as he felt things coming together. He felt that it was more than just mana sense and manipulation. There were plenty of skills that could come together now. 

'The skill, skill compression has been learned…'



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