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Chapter 1864 1864. Marsh Nights

"What about this one?" Remey had dragged Walker to look at a small mushroom she had found. The odd green and purple color of it had screamed for her not to touch it. 

\'Marsh mushroom

The marsh mushroom is incredibly common. It normally grows in the colder months, but can be found all year long. It has very vibrant colors but is perfectly edible. They are a very nutritious source of food for many monsters and other races. They can be dried out for three years without any worry that they will rot or mold.\'

"It\'s not for alchemy but it will be a great snack." Walker picked up the odd green and purple colored mushroom wondering how it had such a color but was perfectly fine to eat. The odd way that plants and monsters evolved over time would never cease to amaze him. 

"That\'s lame. I thought it would be some poisonous mushroom that I could experiment with." The annoyed grumbling from Remey was enough to make Walker laugh again. He knew that she would be unhappy after she had rushed to get him for his all around appraisal skill. 

"Are you two still looking at random plants?" Gil found the two looking at another cluster of marsh mushrooms. Walker was about to pick them when he had interjected. 

"We just found some things we can eat for dinner later. I know that Su and Midnight have gotten more or less set up. I also saw that Alice got a fire going. I would have done that when I got back." Walker was feeling a little bad since he had ended up not helping much with camp set up. 

"It\'s all set up. But you said we were going to head to some island nearby?" This was what Walker had mentioned to Gil and the others before he had started to help Remey before. It was easy enough to just say that but without many details, that was all it was. 

Current had already returned after searching the depths of the massive lake and finding the currents that caused the march and lake to mix. He seemed very jovial now that he had done so. Returning to the water and being immersed within it was the same as being home. Especially after the desert and underground. 

When the three returned to the small camp that they had found, Alice had already started a small pot of water boiling on the fire. "This is still the best spot that I saw. It\'s up high enough to see over the grasses but not too high that we stand out." Walker was very happy with where they were camping. 

"Staying the night here is definitely better. We can watch the tide too. Current said that the tide would make this area flood slightly every night so being higher is better. I did want to go above the cave we came out of though." Gil had tried to convince everyone to climb the rocks where the dry riverbed cave had come from. But after some debate, fear that the sandstone rocks would crumble proved to be too much. 

From what they had all gathered, the sandstone had been formed by the flow of water over many years. Eventually the river had altered and become smaller creating the dry river bed they now knew. It also left behind an odd sand stone rock formation for miles that went under some larger hills that naturally would trap a desert from expanding. An interesting flow of nature. 

"Now that you have made it back, tell us why you want to go to the islands even though Current did not find a trace that an ancient race had been around this lake." Mordant had been exploring on his own. He had nearly taken to the sky to go and search the island himself but had held back. He preferred to stay with the party. He was one of the closest to them and felt that it was better to have them with him. 

The past had proved that the things the party did brought about amazing results. They had managed to show off hidden events that most would never know of. Besides the fact that they also seemed to have some hidden skills to do the impossible. It was just better overall to go with this flow. 

"Where else would they have gone if they thought the entire continent was lost to some evil undead race that wanted to worship a god the opposite of theirs?" The casual response that Walker gave was the same as any hunch. Yet, it was an understandable theory. 

"If this was also closer to the ocean, then the island would be right there to show them a place to go. I don\'t know what was here years and years ago. I could never tell you either. But I do know that regardless, this river had flowed enough water here to make it to the ocean. So, it would make sense that even if this was the same, there would be more water here."

"Current already said that the tides made this place flood. If that happened when this river flowed, then it makes sense that a sightline to the ocean would be much clearer. Therefore, the island was right there as if it was a beacon of hope."  I think you should take a look at

"It all makes sense. I can\'t refute that logic. I will go to the island with you." Since Su was the logical type, she supported the idea. She wanted to get back with everyone, but the quest they had to find a lost race made it a priority to search here sooner. 

Midnight and Onyx didn\'t seem to mind and just kept doing what they were doing. Alice gave a slight nod as she watched the pot above the fire and started to add a few things that they would be eating as a stew later. 

"Then we will search it in the morning. I can use the night to replenish even more mana," Mordant was better off replenishing his darkness mana. He wanted to have more than he had currently at his disposal. This was simply because he knew that there were other threats to handle. The search for the demons was still ongoing. 

"That\'s that then. I think we can take the air though instead of the water. We shouldn\'t need a ship or anything to travel the distance." There was a slight happiness that came with flying through the air instead of going back on the ship. It would take forever to get a ship around the coast and potentially through more danger. 

Especially since the group was very limited on where they had come out on the continent. It was just a fact that they were on a far shore of the Fel empire territory. The maps that they had been shown were not very specific. It was understandable since Genesis was an entirely new empire in the eyes of both the Rize and Fel empires, they had to take some precautions while understanding them. 

"On another note, what do all of you expect from the night here? I saw plenty of animals and monsters moving around here already. Nothing too crazy. A few birds and other flying type monsters. I even saw a scaled mouse earlier." Walker\'s all around appraisals had mostly been smaller monsters that would not be too much of an issues. A surprise since this place should have some larger predators somewhere. 

"That\'s what I was scouting out. I think there are some lizard like monsters in the water. Current might have seen them." Gil and found tracks and followed them to the water. He was sure that they would be coming out around the night time to make more tracks here and there. 

"I discovered burrows in the mud. I do not need to explore them. They are small and whatever made them could sense me. They did not bother me at all and I doubt they will be unwise." A dragon\'s aura was strong. Current could easily stave off the monsters in the water. But that was the issue, they all might be fearful and attract larger monsters that were too foolish to run away from Current. 

"There are plenty of monsters with dragon ancestors around the Sigil continent. I believe you may attract more monsters than deter." Su\'s blunt worry was enough to make Current frown. But he did not argue this. He knew this to be true. He recalled the scales on the bears that had been peacefully following their group on the way to the wyvern\'s territory. They were peaceful, but other monsters would not be. 

"We will just have to keep watch and see what comes then. I think having a larger fire might help. It can deter anything afraid of it too." Since Walker wanted to be more prepared to attack, having a larger fire meant he could use fire attacks faster. It was just smarter. 



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