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Chapter 1848 1848. More Things To Do

"Brother, you are awake." 

Silence was the only response Walker had as he slowly woke up and rubbed the dust from his eyes. He knew it hadn\'t been too long since he had passed out since he was still missing a lot of mana. He could also feel that Fleur had just gone back to resting to regain natural mana. 

However, Walker also could see that Onyx was somehow fine. He could also see that there were many system notifications that he had not read. That the others were also nearby speaking with each other about the next moves. This was still a dangerous ruin afterall. 

"Brother?..." Onyx sounded more worried this time. His eyes did not lose focus on Walker\'s blank expression. 

After a few moments, Walker finally took a deep breath before he placed a song hand on top of Onyx\'s head. "You\'re gonna make me lose my mind if you ever do something like that again." Onyx finally relaxed a little. It was as if he had been worried there would be a much worse reaction. Not that Walker had ever screamed or yelled in any way due to worry or anger. 

"You did pretty good though. Actually, very good. You gained a pretty decent title. Better than a general hero title." Walker could see the title and its details because of his ties with Onyx and the all around appraisal skill. It was surprising, but what Walker expected Omnyx to be capable of. 

"I didn\'t do it for a title. I would never let my family get hurt like that." Onyx was steadfast in his reasoning. But that just made Walker smile more. 

\'Dual hero of darkness and light

This title is given because of the use of light elemental mana and darkness elemental mana in unison to protect many. To uphold the values of the user. This title also represents the duality that is light and darkness mana. How they can unite to grow or separate to protect. Only those that truly bring the two elemental manas together in their entire being will have a chance to gain this title along with a path to unique skills. 

The holder of this title will have an altered leveling system in place. There is also a chance that unique related quests will appear. The holder of this title also gains a better ability to understand, manipulate, and absorb light and darkness elemental manas. There are other factors added as well.\'

This alone was too much for many people to grasp. The title was different from the heroic title that the rest of the party had or even the true hero title that Walker had. But it was impressive nonetheless. This was all proof that onyx had worked with his ideals upheld. That he had been striving to unite the two halves of his species constantly. 

The fact that Onyx had done so much that he had achieved this title was amazing. He was a young abyssal serpent by the standard of their species along with many. But he had grown significantly to stand above that standard. He had pushed himself to become a force that could be seen as the leader of the abyssal and heavenly serpents. 

Furthermore, Onyx had stepped ahead of the others and found the core of their species. Not two different, but one species that used both light and darkness elemental mana. One that stood out when in ancient times or nowadays. It was already an astounding achievement, but would not help the abyssal serpents and heavenly serpents become known as a new recognized intelligent race. It was just a matter of time before the world gave the announcement. 

"So, what do you think Genesis is saying right about now?" Walker looked at Onyx and laughed a little. Onyx slowly slithered over and took his smaller form right on Walker\'s shoulder where he felt the most at home. 

"They might be wondering what we got ourselves mixed up in right about now." Onyx felt that it would be more apparent when they went home. But also that Genesis would welcome them all regardless of Onyx\'s new title. 

When The others noticed that Walker was awake, they managed to make their way over. Alice also helped Walker stand all the way up since she could see that he was still a little off. Not that she minded, she cared about his safety and was too short on mana to manage any more healing at the moment. She had also taken a hefty toll when it came to healing Onyx and the others. She trusted the work of the other healers. 

"So, think you set a  good example for Onyx?" Su was clearly proud of how Onyx had acted. But that didn\'t stop her from giving Walker a small talk about how he had managed to get himself trapped in a position where he could be easily killed. 

"I really wasn\'t thinking when it all happened. I at least thought I had things held in place before the throne was broken. I didn\'t think-"

"That\'s the issue. You have all these skills and your head doesn\'t seem clear. Take some time and figure it out. Maybe get a way to think faster or decrease the skills you have." While Walker had at one point thought this too, it was more important now than ever. 

This true statement about Walker\'s skills being so varied and higher in number caused trouble. He could have broken that stalemate with the mummified pharaoh. All of the group thought this. But the fact that he hadn\'t just proved that he was truly stuck.

  Yet, there was also the fact that Walker was able to use mana and his physical strength now to resist the mummified pharaoh. A clear example of his growth due to his relationship with Onyx and Midnight along with natural mana. Su was also an example of changes because of ties with Midnight. Her body was much stronger now. 

"Instead of lecturing Walker any more than we need, can we try and focus on this palace? This ruin that is still buried under the sand and the fact that we now need to hunt for some dragon ruins in the ruins? Ruins in ruins… weird." Gil mumbled a little at the end but had a very good point. 

" That should be easy. Between Ignus and Myself we should sense it. They were trying to break through to it somewhere. So it has to be under this pyramid somehow. And then we let Ignus take it and do what he needs." Remey also had a point. She and Ignus should be able to sense the fire elemental mana. Remey because of her partner, and Ignus because of his high fire affinity. 

"It is the best move for the moment. Once we understand what was left behind we can search for the wind, darkness, light, and water dominator dragon ruins. There should be ruins for all of us.\' Ventus calmly added her own input while looking a lot more distracted now. But that was to be expected. They had accomplished a major event here. From this point, there is a lot to wonder about. 

"I will rest above ground first. I have more to do than just search for ruins over an entire continent." Rise was back to the usual uppity self. However, her eyes did linger on Onyx and Mordant more than they had before. 

"I am more concerned about the large amount of darkness mana dissipating from here, the ruins are still breaking down here and there. Some places only seemed to be held together by the runes that flowed with mana." Mordant had eyes around him that were focused on the runes that had broken. They were not looking the same as before. But the runes that were standing out were elemental runs of the formations breaking down, not the false death runes that had already evaporated. 

"I will examine runes in the area while I gather those water crystal pillars. They may be useful for me in the future." Current had been somewhat quiet while he thought of what he planned. He had disliked the desert. The heat and the cursed sand had been hard on him. But now he saw the high potential that the water crystal pillars had. The fact that they held water elemental mana for many years at once could be very useful. 

"I think everyone already has a goal for the short term. We can figure more things out soon. But for now, the army should rest. We need to figure out the further future after that. Not that I am too worried. We still have three demons to hunt down." Walker looked around almost expecting someone to jump out from nowhere. He worried that they had missed the demons here. 



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