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Chapter 1811 1811. Scout It Out

"That was… intense." Su looked down at the cracking glass that had been sand. She also looked at the ruins which had changed their form in just a short time. She could also feel the elemental manas around them. It was still chaotic, but the dramatic changes brought out her sensitivity to her surroundings. 

This alone would not have been worth mentioning. However, through her teamwork training with Midnight and Walker recently, she had learned to open herself up more to the mana sensitivity that she had gained through properly bonding with Midnight. Just because her body changed in certain ways did not mean that she could forget the other ways it changed. The sensitivity to all elemental manas was very important. 

"Su, we are going to start a mark in to make a set of barriers. Then we will let everyone else go on their own missions." Walker made sure that they could begin to work better. He had said this to Su since he knew that she would be helping Alice directly. She was the best person to keep defenses set up while the healers and other light affinity soldiers made their moves. 

Just because the healers were healers didn\'t mean that they lacked skills that could be used here. Many of them had some form of purification skills. This was just important for them to have when it came to battling certain poisons or illnesses. However, the purification skills could be used for undead as well. Most undead had rotting and disease like things within them. Even the dried out and wrapped up mummified worshippers would have something that would be affected by the weakest of purification skills. 

These were things that everyone was thinking about as they neared the top of the dunes to begin moving downward. They had to prepare things so that there would not be a single chance that the undead could break out. This was a focus because everyone could see the dark shadowy areas that had been broken open. 

While the flame tornado change had made the area more accessible, it had also made it more dangerous. There were more places for the undead to escape and attack. If the thousands of undead were anywhere near waking up, then they could flood the entire desert and reduce the Fel empire to shrinking borders in just a few weeks. A fear that was more than fair for the Fel empire angels that were here for reasons beyond research. They too had families. 

"The water is going to end now, send in the scouts." Current showed the weakness a little he had been feeling since he and any water affinity being had entered the desert. Their complexions were poor while their actions were very much slower than usual. This sluggish action made them less useful in battle but still ensured that they would be watched by the others. The weak, even in this army, would be protected by the strong. That was why the light, wind, and fire dragonkin were acting much more than usual. 

"Mordant, I will leave it to you and your team. Good luck." Walker didn\'t really need to wish anyone good luck. But Mordant, his dragonkin, Midnight, Onyx, and the Fel empire angels joining them needed to know that they were trusted. The simple words would be enough for them to lean on if the worst began to happen and they found themselves retreating from a horde of undead. They knew that there were people waiting on them outside. That they were not forgotten at all. 

"We will be back brother." Onyx slowly slithered in to a nearby shadow. It was almost unnerving how good he had gotten at balancing the higher amount so light elemental mana and the darkness mana in his body. The dual elemental strength that he now had would make anyone believe that he was not just an abyssal serpent but a balance of both abyssal and heavenly. Not that they were actually different species. But many would still believe they were since the information about them was not well known still. 

A short huff was all Walker got from Midnight as she used the shadow wrapping skill to blend in to the ruins shadows just a few feet from where Walker was comfortable traveling for the moment. He knew that she didn\'t say anything because she didn\'t find it important to do so. He could also sense that she was ready to prove her skills here to the Fel and Rize empire angels that still were ignorant of Genesis\'s strength. It was a small goal of hers to represent Genesis to the highest of standards. That was the dragon\'s pride though. 

"Walker, you can help us, there are some light affinity angels from the Fel empire that you should work with. They can inscribe purifying light runes too." Gil had separated from Ventus after some time and was sure that he could help out here and there while his partner rested. Remey was more or less the same when it came to this and had already handed out some light affinity potions to help everyone in the smallest of ways since the potions had been watered down to spread them to everyone. 

As the shadows had wrapped Midnight and hid her from most things, she had slipped forward toward the ruins. The glassy surface of where the sand had melted and hardened was easily crackable, but with the natural instincts and skills Midnight possessed, she was able to sneak by. This was an added benefit of having skills like shadow wrapping and the highly sensitive draconic instincts. She could move more silently than others. 

Adding in the fact that Midnight had been able to get closer to her darkness affinity over time by using the shadow wrapping skill, she was able to sneak quickly toward the larger of the open spots in the ruins. 

She looked around and witnessed many worn away runes, they had no use to anyone since the ruins were damaged even more than before. That meant the undead were pushed back much more if they had the intelligence to use the left behind runes of their species. It also showed off the fact that their building was amazing. 

Midnight saw the stone surfaces and bricks that fit together like puzzle pieces. She understood that destroying them with her claws would be much harder. Some even seemed to have been fashioned with heat resistant materials. The slight glints of a crystal like substance in them made her understand just how much tougher this was than the bricks used in Genesis for roads and buildings. It would be worth mentioning to Walker since the method to make them might be found. But that was for later, after she had found better information. 

The hole she found was not a hole at all. It was a large stairwell that had been uncovered in the sand tornado. Small piles of sand remained on the worn staircase. There were also spots where the sand had melted in to sand glass and melted with the stairs. It made it more challenging to traverse, but not at all an issue for Midnight. 

The darkness of the underground ruins was a drastic change, but since the light affinity soldiers were making their moves above ground, Midnight had not wasted any time with above ground. She had gone right for the underground since that was what her mission was. She had even noticed the slight sound of the system starting a quest. Not that she focused on that, she had to focus on the task at hand. 

The darkness was easily seen through with her dragon eyes. This showed Midnight the many runes and foreign writing on the walls. To her eyes, they were a lot of mix matched things. Nothing that made a single bit of sense. That was until she noticed some of the ancient draconic language written here and there. That made her spine shiver. The cold feeling that made her understand that Mordant and the other royal dragons might have their fears come true here. The fear that a dragon ruins might be here somewhere. 

What struck Midnight the most were the slight blue and gold colorations here and there. The blue and gold colorations that she could also sense mana moving through. Here and there would also be a shiny red inlay as well. They were artistic to a degree, but Midnight\'s senses told her that the gold, blue, and red colors had been added to specific carvings in the stone to draw mana to something. It was an ancient design that had survived. The important fact would be what they were doing and where they were going. 

With this, Midnight steeled herself to continue down the stairs. Her senses told her that nothing good existed here. That she had to be sure that she was moving safely. That she needed to use every single small part of her instincts to ensure her safety. 



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