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Chapter 1760 1760. Better Traps

The timing was too perfect, but that was just the luck that the group had. Timing was all they needed to make things flow efficiently and to get the plan on the roll. "A space where the mountain tore apart and created a crag with a lot of sharper rocks? That\'s great. We can get the wyverns stuck there and seal the top if we want. They will be affected by the poisons and trapped." Walker was happy to hear what onyx and Midnight had found. He was sure that it would be a perfect trap that only required a few of the earth mages to work together.

"If we do it that way, I can send three of my team. They have the earth affinity to assist earth mages." Seran didn\'t want to see a royal dragon having to work on this. He had a feeling that it would bring a lot of hate toward him. He had already seen what the dragons were capable of to a small degree.

"Then that\'s what we will do. I want to see what my poison can do against these wyverns. Especially if they think they can fight through it." Remey was showing her viciousness still. It was the adrenalin that was coursing through everyone after knowing that they would have a solid plan. But they still needed to set the traps and poison the bait, just because they had poison didn\'t mean they were ready.

"Oh, so that\'s that? You don\'t even want to know about the second trap I want to set?" Gil had stopped them all in their conversations of how to prepare the trap quickly and easily.

"What did you find Gil?" Su and Alice were the most interested since they remembered that Gil had said he found a better spot when he had come back. Onyx and Midnight had even acted a little more forceful meaning that they were probably a little jealous of what he had found.

"Just a monster that will be able to fight a few of the wyverns at once." This brought a lot of raised eyebrows and questions to mind.

\'What monster did you find? Crag spiders? Or did you find a cave full of cave crawlers?" Seran was much more serious since he knew the dangers of the monsters that might be in the area. Especially monsters that might be able to fight the wyverns.

"I found a mountain lion that has carved itself a very good home. At first I saw the cuts in stone before I found a large circular hole in the rocks that it had dug out." The angels all knew of the monster that Gil was talking about. They had even told him about it.

"How did it look? Young or old? Was it covered in scrapes and cuts? If it was then the wyverns will tear it apart." Seran knew that a lot of the older mountain lions would be too damaged to be able to take on many young wyverns or even an elderly wyvern that had experience in battles and a lot more strength.

"It had a full set of stone around its body. The armor it made was a little roughed up but there were plenty of bones and other signs that it has been eating well enough. I think that it is a young and strong mountain lion. I wouldn\'t hunt it but If we set some bait…"

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ "Then there will be wyverns that attack it will be in for a hard battle." Seran stomped his foot down with a very large impressed grin. The angels around also showed that they were very happy to have been placed with such good scouts.

Not only had the Genesis, Fel empire, and Rize empire scouts been working together, but they had made some of the best advances in maps as of yet. They had great details to add to their route which prevented their travels from slowing. Furthermore, they had detailed information on monsters in the area. Specifically, one that they would normally avoid at all costs.

"I forgot the best part, the mountain lion was asleep when I saw it. That means that we have plenty of time to set a trap, right? One of your soldiers told me they will sleep for days if they aren\'t bothered." Gil also remembered being told that the mountain lions would wake up very hungry every single time that they woke up.

"It will be hungry. This is the highest priority. Bait the wyverns to attack and draw in the older wyverns. If we can manage these two traps we can climb without being hunted. We can reach the ruins with the earth mages helping." Seran felt that this was a much greater challenge than before. However, he also felt that this was a greater possibility for success.

"Then we move now. Gil, I will go with you and prepare things. Remey, you should go with Midnight and Onyx. we are splitting up. The others will go down the center with Su and Alice to ensure that we are prepared. We will meet up with them since there won\'t be anything bothering them after we set the traps." Walker knew splitting in to three groups was dangerous. But that was the deal, the royal dragons, Su, and Alice toward their goal with the main group of soldiers, then the other two groups to separate traps.

It was the time for action. The earth mages followed Remey without hesitation. Gil started off with Walker behind him. He had already split the monster bodies and given them to the other group. They carried the smaller monsters and knew that Midnight and Onyx had found some monsters in hiding.

While Walker wanted to see the clay wolves, he didn\'t have the chance right now. He had to go where he would be able to do the most. The area that Gil was going required more strength to ensure that the trap was set. Keeping the mountain lion from being disturbed would take better magical control than the others had. Let alone the fact that Walker could most likely stop the mountain lion for a moment to direct its anger when it was woken up.

The fact that he could also manipulate the poison using some water elemental mana was beneficial. The water mages that came with them would be able to remain with the main group since Remey was able to deal with the potions safely because of her skill in potions as an alchemist. This saved mana overall for the entire group of soldiers.

"Just stay slow and remain on high alert. The second that a mountain lion sees prey, it will attack relentlessly. They are vicious and can hunt something for days. Especially if you touch its home." Seran gave the last warning before he remained with the group of soldiers heading down the center. It was best that he also remained at the ready since he was the main captain of the angels. Walker also wanted to reduce risks of going to the traps.

Five elves had gone with Gil and Walker. There were also three dragonkin that Moedant had sent. He was sure that they would be of use moving the bodies and making any fine cuts that would house the poisons without showing it too much. Just because wyverns were known as blunt and hard headed creatures, did not mean they would eat something odd.

"This is where I was when I found the scratches. I thought it was just messed up stone until I saw this." Gil showed off some stones that looked like they had holes in them. Claw marks of the mountain lion testing them to see if they were hard enough to be used as armor. "That\'s when I realized that they were monster marks."

"Perfect, so the mountain lion is just this way?" Walker crept ahead and moved with Gil. The two were much faster now that they and their group were smaller. It was a great way to set their trap and run as fast as possible.

The time scouting was much longer than what it took for Walker to be sitting over the edge of the cut out stone Gil brought him to. Down in the center was the mountain lion Gil had seen, still slumbering peacefully.

\'Adult mountain lion

This fully armored adult mountain lion is still fairly young for an adult. But it is in its prime. Able to fight head on against the many mountain monsters living near it. They are also able to consume the mountain buffalo that roll in rock dust to toughen their bodies.

This mountain lion has slumbered for seven days and will wake up naturally in three more days. It is undergoing a large growth spurt before it pursues a mate. This is a stage where it will be exceptionally aggressive in life while trying to gather a large amount of food…\'

Walker didn\'t need to read in to it even more than he had. Without hesitating he began to add to his plan to set a trap.


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