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Chapter 1721 1721. Opening Their Eyes

Neither had imagined that Genesis had such an in depth knowledge about their past. So much so that they had knowledge of ancient runes, magics, and an entire library.

"The knowledge there can greatly help make any mage or other system user grow. But it also includes the things that the Fel empire believed. That should be where the beliefs of your race started to differ. The different beliefs that elemental and natural flow should be set aside from the other forms of knowledge. Such as space, death, life, and others." Walker made it clear that they had found the origin of some beliefs for the angels.

"We naturally have found more. Things before a city above the ground was made. Before you had your floating rune cities. Before you could even handle the ancient monsters that battled each other on the surface. We know a lot of pieces of the angels\' history that we could share. Would that be a good price to pay so that we can freely hunt the criminals? Of course we would allow you to join us."

There was a very large point made there. One that both angels had to take time to think about. Meanwhile, Walker reached for a glass of wine that had been poured. He sipped it slightly to make the point that he was not trying to fight. Instead, it showed that he was comfortable here and expecting a peaceful negotiation rather than using knowledge against them.

"It is our lost history. Many years have passed since that day. Many things are unknown. The Fel empire would greatly take back these relics so that we may assemble more historical accuracy." The arch angel from the Fel empire seemed interested more than the Rize empire.

Walker could only theorize that this was because of what the Fel empire believed. Their knowledge was obscure because of the rarity of it. Yes, those concepts of space, time, and others might be obscure, but they could be powerful. That was why they were able to wage war equally with the Rize empire that only believed in elemental and natural flow of mana superiority.

"You have disturbed the remains of our past. Why would we not come and take them away if it is our right?" The Rize archangel said this slowly. But he held a firm gaze on Walker and all the others with him.

"Oh, if you believe that you can survive a journey to our territories then you may try. However, the combined might of the royal dragons will gladly erase every angel that sets their eyes on a single thing near us. You do not realize the depth of the dragons since you are foolish and young. Even our youngest has a hundred of years over you." Rise was the one to speak, however, every royal dragon looked at the Rize empire archangel without blinking.

"Of course they did not know what to think of us. They most likely have not been able to find the territories that used to be dragon lands. I am sure that they were forced out by those bearing dragon blood. They may be monsters but they are clearly stronger than angels." Mordant backed up Rise calmly. He didn\'t even stop looking at the archangel.

"That means that we have the right to reclaim those territories in the name of our ancestors. We can even tell the elders to properly record this in our history." Current further took this and showed the angels what it meant to oppose them.

"Now, now, I am sure that even an archangel can misspeak. If we ask him again, I am sure that he will realize that his words could be taken as an insult." Ignus seemed to speak a little too nicely. Everyone felt this out of character for him. Yet, the malice in his eyes showed that he was intentionally pushing for a fight.

"I feel you may be correct Ignus. I have raised my children not to say foolish things about taking away what has been found by others. Just because one believes they are strong does not mean they will be the strongest. That\'s why we have spent hundreds of years to master our strength." Ventus showed them that they were foolish. The archangels had not understood the years of training the dragon had that could easily whip away an angel\'s home.

"Now that you have all thrown your weight around, can we return to the topic?" Terron remained stubborn but stopped them all from pushing any more.

"That sounds fine to me. The Fel empire will not move to attack or steal anything back. We would rather share what we have and regain what was lost. You may have found more than we know." This simple fact was the greatest deterrent. They had no idea how much ancient knowledge was understood by Genesis.

"The Rize empire will follow that lead. We have to repay the kindness for the village you assisted after all." This was a nice cover but not perfect. However, it was a good reason to continue on.

"I\'m sure you have already understood that we use runes constantly too. The runes are a very large part of our life in Genesis. Unfortunately, they are less used here. I can see that this entire embassy lacks them. It\'s unfortunate, however, they are not used in the same ways there as here. We will not be following your examples. We will follow your ancient examples to make our races better and more unified. That might be a good example to follow as well." Su\'s calm interjections made both archangels worry a little. Runes had already been seen as bad now that they had been used in many wars.

"Beyond that, I also worry that they might be a danger to the elemental spirits. Unfortunately, we have not seen any since getting here. I would hate to know that my partner is still alone when not with me." Gil made it clear that elemental spirits were also alive and well.

By highlighting these differences, the arch angels were shown that they truly missed the depth of Genesis at first glance. "We ask that if any dormant or trapped elemental spirits are brought to us to be released or awakened. Your lands lack the proper flow of mana right now. All manas. If released, the natural order can return and I am sure you will all feel a little more connected to the world and each other." Walker didn\'t say this as a reprimand. It was just a fact. The angels let fear rule them when it came to elemental spirits. That was clear.

"And the repercussions of this? You know how we live as angels." Other archangels seemed to want to ask this but it was the Fel empire that said this.

"Of course we will educate and share knowledge. Working with elemental spirits has created things beyond what you could imagine. Such as this." Walker showed the eternal orb. Fleur also showed herself and melded with it as the eternal orb changed form.

"This is my eternal orb. It can hold the natural mana that I and my partner Fleur provide it. It can take swords, shields, armor, and a few other forms. But it mostly stores mana for us to use. It also channels our mana better than anything else made. Especially if I had trapped Fleur in an item, it would be radically weaker than this. This was made with true spirit forging and other advanced techniques."

Seeing such a creation and not understanding it was where the two archangels sat. they had not realized they had missed something for years because they had followed the fears of generations before them. But now that they saw things new, they had to know how it happened. What it meant. They needed to see how it could help them in their efforts.

"Oh, and these are not to be used for war. The elemental spirits will help us against evil and monsters, but it was made clear that they do not go out of their way to harm others at all. They will even abandoned criminals. The guards noted that in Genesis. That means they have their own morals." Walker handed over reports from guards that no one had realized he had. It was just one trump card he had brought without telling anyone.


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