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Chapter 1703 1703. Plans Moving Forward

The earth moving magics were the first danger. Terron had many of the dragonkin move things and instantly flattened a large area of land to expand in to. It even worked as a place to connect the large flat road he had just created. His show of strength made everyone amazed, but Walker saw that Terron\'s normally stubborn act had broken. He was happier than a kid in a candy store to be able to touch the earth again and manipulate it as he desired.

"So, you gathered some information?" Scylla, Leon, and the royal dragons had all gathered at Walker\'s call. Even Terron was there just in time to hear what Walker had to say.

"The two empires are technically at peace now, we need to head to their embassy along this route. The information this village had was smaller because they are not that important. We also have to worry about the monsters and plants that Remey is learning about right now. She might be a small expert before we leave." Walker knew that knowledge was power in this unknown land. Especially when war could break out again all around them.

"The Rize empire is where we are now, just to the south there is the Fel empire. If we cross the border by accident it could cause issues. But that should be fine since we can remain focused." Walker knew that exploring the lands around them was a desire they all had. It was best to set limits first.

"The wyverns are apparently only in the Rize empire mountains, but I think they are having greater issues with them than we think. Especially since they don\'t really go in to the mountainous regions because of the wyverns." Walker breathed slowly while he decided to tell the other royal dragon about a potentially more sentient enemy.

"The dragons on this continent fought side by side with the empires they backed. That is common historical knowledge here. But they killed too many of their own kind and could not produce proper offspring. Apparently, they bred with other similar beings and that was where wyverns came from along with other monsters with dragon blood."

This change was drastic. Mana from every royal dragon escaped as they became angry hearing this. It sounded as if they were being looked down on as a race. As if they were some pitiful race that could not even keep themselves alive.

"That made the wyverns cruel and brutal. They had strength but lost their minds. That is until they get stronger. If they reach a certain strength, they can take a similar form as dragonkin. But different since the elder here said he had seen it in books. That means the wyverns might be more sentient. They also have a queen that rules them, the most powerful wyvern."

"Before you want to rush in, there is also the fact that the wyverns have left the area. We don\'t know why and it\'s certain that there might be more going on. We have to get to that embassy and learn more. From there we can see what the angels are up to. It also is notable that there is a large desert in the southern Rize empire. If there are some major problems with the wyverns who fly from the mountains, what about beasts with dragon blood in the deserts?"

This was a guess but Walker knew that something major would have to happen in both empires for them to want to stop fighting. It didn\'t make sense that years and years of fighting between different opinions would suddenly stop.

"Then you think they have equally powerful monsters to deal with?" Scylla knew that war was her thing. She was a general. It doesn\'t make sense to avoid this advantage. "If the Rize empire was weak, then the Fel empire should maximize their chance to win. They did not. So your theory should be correct."

"What about this demon king we are hunting? What does he have in this?" Ignus growled out. He was still angry but he sensed that there was more going on here than met the eye. It was a similar instinctual feeling that every royal dragon had.

"Well, if there are two powerful empires and two terrible monster groups causing problems, then no one can focus on what he\'s doing. He came here to a new land for more power. The angels have a race that was more advanced and even ascended to another plane of existence on both sides. what\'s left might be more powerful and give him a key to taking everything for himself. Or destroying everything for power." Walker worried about the d goal the demon king had other than just power.

"So we establish our base here. I will stay with the ships since I can protect them the best. Scylla should take the land here. The dragons should go with Walker and the others." Leon made the decision himself. He knew he was not as useful on land as the others were. He also knew that Scylla was strong but gave off a bloodthirsty aura. She would scare away the two empires at the border. It would cause potential drama and even start up a war again.

"I can go and show them that they can not fight while Genesis soldiers walk their lands as guests. I would show them that we are not to be touched." Scylla fought this but as soon as she spoke she realized that this had to be more peaceful. It was exactly the kind of mission she hated the most. Peaceful negotiations.

"I will have Elise work with the harpies to create communication back and forth to us. They should be able to speak with updates between all of us without issues since they are very good at keeping a low profile lately. Same with the tamers. They need a base here to begin documenting new monsters that might be tamable by others." Walker made a point to say this since he wanted the tamers to keep themselves under wraps for the time being.

The taming of monsters might not be normal here, he hadn\'t heard anything yet but Neil had seemed a little confused about the taming guild. That meant it might be better to hold off on this for now. Especially since the angels were more related to elemental affinities too.

"Angels have similar characteristics to dragons. They all have their own affinity. That makes their wings look different in coloration. That should help us if we get in to trouble. It should also help us when we look at how they build their cultures. What I am worried about are the things outside the normal flow of things. Those angels that don\'t have a basic elemental affinity but something like space, or death, or whatever it might be."

"I remember, you said that in that library there was a new section. One that was about the other affinities. The rarer ones.\' Mordant seemed to understand what Walker was getting at.

"You think that there might be some in the Fel empire since they believe in those things more than the Rize empire. It will be harder to get through all that." Current also grasped this along with the others. They were all looking at the potential to face magic that none of them had ever seen before.

"Exactly. Things will just get harder until we know more. But they don\'t know us and we don\'t know them. They have no idea what a harpy is since they don\'t have them here. They somewhat knew goblins but dragons were considered extinct here. Imagine just what kinds of surprises we will have for those that cause us trouble. Keep your cards close to your chest." Walker made this very clear. They all had to keep their secrets from the potential enemies while leaving enough said to enhance the mystery. It would only help their negotiations.


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