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Chapter 1669 1669. Land Sighted!

The dolphin golems were already sent out to survey the waters around the island. So far, no one had heard back anything important. But that was just the matter of waiting. They wouldn\'t see any results for the time being. Rushing things would only cause more issues.

"I heard that an island is sighted!?" Walker made it to the top deck from the cabin that he and Elise had been working in. He was secretly very happy that he had been freed from paperwork. Yes, Walker had gained the skills to more accurately draw maps and blueprints. It had taken some time and some very poor drawings but it had been worth it. But it was still very hard to make everything accurate enough for a real professional to alter them easily.

"I am going to mobilize the avian tamers I have to take a look." Elise was gone in a flash. Walker could only hear the gathered screeching and chirping of bird type beasts that were being told they could fly freely and explore a little. That was going to help a lot when it came to understanding what they might find on this island.

"I sent out my soldiers to scout the area. But should we be stopping? Our momentum has been very good. If we stop we may bring on unnecessary risks." Leon was playing the voice of reason. He was very right. The longer they were at a small land mass like this, the more dangerous it was.

"That\'s even better. If there are monsters around here then that means there is food on that island. We should gather what we can. Even if we have to send over more of the flying monsters tamed by the taming guild. The more that we get the better in case we don\'t see a single island for the rest of the journey." Scylla had an even better point. The risks of not having fresh fruits and vegetables was too high.

The experienced sailors had been clear that they had to bring extra fruits and vegetables because there were many illnesses that one could get after not having them on the ocean for too long. These things had been valuable pieces of information for anyone that had never been on the ocean. No one would have guessed that lacking certain food for a little too long could lead to fatal straits.

"I agree, we should look in to it." Walker found Leon and Scylla easily. He also saw that Gil. Remey, Su, Alice, Midnight, and Onyx had gathered at the railing to take a look as well. They all looked curious and excited which made him want to go to the island as well.

"If we can take a look, we can mark it on the map for other ships one day. They might be able to stop there and resupply or even if there is a danger, they can hide there. It is better to be able to leave more details for the future. Even the smallest things are important." Neither Leon nor Scylla argued with this. They both believed the same.

"General, the king of the surface is looking for your input. Will we be stopping? Should he send more golems to explore the waters around the island?" The soldier that came to report was one that had just spoken with a harpy. Having the harpies to help the ships communicate was a true blessing.

"Yes, we will be stopping. We have more reasons to do so than not. But the more golems we have investigated the safer it will be." Scylla was not going to hold back. She knew that it was better to be safe than sorry when it came to an unknown island in the middle of an ocean full of monsters.

"I thought we would see birds or something flying around the island.  Wonder why there isn\'t anything?" Walker was trying his best to spot anything he could. But even though his eyes were fairly sharp compared to others, he was finding nearly nothing.

The shapes of green trees and some dunes of sand were all he could really make out on the entire island. The size was not much, they could easily traverse it three or four times in a day. The search of the island would most likely take all the patrols a few hours. But it was still odd that there were no animals on it.

"If you\'re wondering why there might not be many birds or other animals, it\'s simple. There are storms out in the ocean that never see large land masses like our homes. That means that we will miss the destruction that they bring. But islands like these get hit hard and often. There are no homes to be made there." Leon caught on to Walker\'s thoughts. He had learned this from his people but also the sailors that had traveled the shores.

Many people who lived near the oceans had seen storms on the horizon drifting by. Never to make it to shore but still bringing their powerful winds nearby. Those were the days when the waves would pick up and the damages to the docks would be high.

"I see, so that\'s why we don\'t see anything. But I won\'t doubt that there is nothing living on that island. It\'s places like that which seem calm that have more danger." This was what Walker could say about many places. In a way, even the ancient ruins seemed calm but held undead, traps, and other dangerous monsters just below the surface of what someone saw.

"Let\'s prepare the lifeboats for a journey. We won\'t go too close to the island in case there are rocks around it." Leon gave the final order and groups began to form.

"Midnight, Su, Onyx. We will go to the island together. Gil, Remey, Alice. You three will go together too. We can split up and go to opposite ends with the patrols. It will be easier to find more things that way." Walker split things quickly without thinking much. He intended to do this so that the patrols had help equally from them if need be.

No one objected to this since it made sense to split up on a smaller island. That didn\'t mean that Alice wasn\'t looking at Walker and wondering why she wasn\'t sticking with him though. Or why Remey and Gil wondered why they were stuck together since they could begin fighting at any moment. However, Walker had his reasons. Gil could cover for Remey as she fought and Alice to heal Remey\'s wounds since she was fighting up close.

It was much the same with Walker since he could act as a healer too. This was all just a small thought in Walker\'s mind. It really paid off having everything memorized. He had long memorized everyone\'s skills as they had grown. The real issue was understanding their strengths based on the training they had done. Just having a skill was not all that was needed, people had to have practice in them.

​ "The initial report is back! There are underwater caves around the island but no monsters sighted. There are also no fish or anything else. It is strange but it could be the ships that scared them off for now." The dwarf that arrived to report this was one of those that piloted the merfolk modeled golems.

"That is strange but if we have already made waves, we could be causing all the marine life to run." Scylla knew that this was also a big sign to invite monsters. However, they could need the fresh food on the island so she was going to push forward. "Maintain a tight communication with all patrol groups. Be ready to evacuate the island at the slightest shout. Understood?" Scylla watched everyone around her respond before she gave Walker the nod to begin leaving.

"You heard Scylla, be careful and stay focused. We will get what we need and then head out. But if you see anything strange, retreat and use one of the all around appraisal scrolls we brought with us." Walker knew that this would save many lives. Just knowing about danger was a head start against it.



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