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Chapter 1663 1663. Future Potentials

The tamer had started to hear that the leech fish were being caught for the respective reason of helping make antidote potions. "Excuse me, if you are catching those, can I take two? I can try to tame a breeding pair so that we can have more of them for later. I have a taming system that requires me to take only smaller monsters. It would be perfect for me."

The man had caught Walker just as he was about to go below deck toward Remey\'s alchemy lab. The lab would have just taken the leech fish and kept them alive to use on the poisonous or venomous monster bodies that they captured for the rest of the voyage. It would have been a simple way to create a quick potion that was tailored to the poison or venom that was ailing others.

But with the tamer volunteering, Walker had no issues. He allowed the tamer to check the buckets he was carrying and take the healthiest pair of leech fish with him. Now there would be more assurance that the ships would have longer term medicines. There was also the simple fact that the tamer could make a full business from this.

Many people would want the leech fish to be able to help their potion making. but, even more, the tamer could sell to healers so that the healer could have unique medicines made for every situation instead of using cleansing and purifying skills. It was a guarantee that these skills would always work without fail.

This left Walker a lot happier and even had a few of the healers talking before he went below deck. It was a good thing to be thinking ahead, especially since there were many people that would benefit. He could only hope that this was just another sign that things were going to continue to improve based on the actions of those that fought for Genesis.

The sounds coming from below deck were not that wild. Many of the dwarven blacksmiths had been checking the hull for any minor damages on the inside after the lunar algae had grown. A few had feared that the algae had caused distress by growing on the metal and bent the shape of the hull. They knew that it was very important that the hulls as streamlined so that the ship was able to keep up the speed it was moving at.

Many people had seen the trees and plants that had grown on a cobbled road and upheaved the entire thing. A single root could cause a lot of trouble for carriages and become a costly thing to fix. The ship was the same, if the algae had the same effect then it would have ruined the entire journey for a single ship. It would be a massive loss.

Luckily, it sounded like the blacksmiths checking things were in a very impressed mood. They had found nearly no damages. The damages they found were easily fixed because they were simple scratched or marks from the scraping off of the lunar algae but that had not caused any issue at all.

By the time that Walker made it to the alchemy lab, the herbal scents had filled his nose. He could tell that Remey had been breaking down and improving herb concentrates for some time after she had returned to the lab after taking a breather in the fresh air.

There were more people than Walker expected to be in the lab. He had expected that Ignus would have left to fly or gather more fire elemental mana in the forges. But he was sitting and watching Remey work carefully. It appeared that he was actually trying to understand the alchemy fire a little more.

"I wouldn\'t have expected you to be here." The other alchemists seemed to be fairly far away from where Ignus was. They were working silently so that they didn\'t interrupt his thoughts. It was easy to see that they were wary of his temper.

"I had things I wanted. The fire affinity potions made with alchemy flames seem interesting." This was a bit of a cold shoulder since Ignus didn\'t even look over after saying this. His eyes were fixed on the flames.

"He came a while ago. I said that I wasn\'t going to be asking anyone for help and that the flames I used would be simple alchemy fire." Remey was true to her word. Walker didn\'t see her partner anywhere. The grand fire spirit was certainly resting because of the flames it had used prior. But that was a good idea. The grand spirits should be resting to prepare for any danger that came while on the ocean.

This also went for Fleur who had quickly returned to the spirit mark after helping Walker with the darkness elemental mana. She had been trying to remain resting for the most part other than exploring the ship and watching people work. She couldn\'t quench her curiosity much at all.

"Well, if you are making affinity potions then it makes sense. But you do use alchemy fire more fluently than anyone else. I bet that it is more important to see what influence a grand fire spirit had on your flames like that." The fact that Ignus remained focused proved this. The grand elemental spirits had already proven their effects on mana. Add in unusual elemental variations and natural mana, and things were very interesting. Many things could be gleaned from just watching.

"If you take your head out from under a rock and think about what happened before then you\'ll do the same as I am. Mordant has a lead with affinity potions and natural mana now. I will not allow him to show off shadows over my fires!" Ignus was angry about this. He knew that Mordant had received an enlightenment of some sort after feeling the ways that darkness and natural mana reacted with one another.

"If that\'s what you need then just let me know. You have helped Midnight with flames a little so that will be a great help to all of us. I think that when you try to meditate again, I can see what I can do." Walker was sure that he would also learn something.

Ignus had a high control of flames. He even represented fire to a degree. He was matching his temperament with the fire he could control. But the fact that Walker would be able to see flames controlled at a much higher degree than what he had already seen was great.

Adding in natural mana would cause a bigger improvement. Walker wanted to be able to better understand everything before he faced the unknown of the new continent. He didn\'t doubt that everyone on the ships would band together to be able to make it through the ocean. He also believed that things would be much smoother once he grasped a better understanding of how every elemental mana rates with natural mana in the mix.

"You can help if you want. I will make the most of a single affinity potion. The more I can burn the better." It was clear that Ignus\'s pride had been injured after this lunar algae event. He had been unable to burn through the algae because of how fast it grew and the fact that it was wet with saltwater. This failure had rung heavily in his mind.

But that could be said for anyone. Walker would only have been able to protect a single ship if he had not had Mordant there. There was also a lack of dark affinity mages. They were rarer in the world in general but on the ships there were fewer than could be counted on hands.

They weren\'t even able to do much. They were mostly there for the scouting that they could do at night. Having eyes that could see through the dark better at night was the answer to many dangers in the ocean. Especially when it came to rocks and potential snags that the ships could hit.

"Stop just standing there. Tell me what\'s going on." Remey took Walker out of his train of thought and looked at the buckets he had brought.



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