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Chapter 1651 1651. Out To The Ocean

"Brother, I will enjoy having Elise along. It has been some time since we could spend time with her and Stella." Onyx was also very happy to see Elise. He had a positive opinion of her since she spared no amount of effort when he would go to the tamer\'s guild branch for assistance with the hatchlings. Especially when he was looking for additional affinity potion herbs.

"I think so too. She has a lot of energy so it should help everyone stay awake and ready to go." Walker chuckled but was a little unhappy to see that Elise would be on the fourth ship instead of his ship. However, that was to be expected.

Each royal dragon had taken up residence on a different ship. Not that they seemed to want to stay on it but for Terron. Terron was the only exception because he would be remaining below deck since it was better for him to conserve his strength. There was also a plan set up for when they found any land.

Since Terron had the best control of earth elemental mana, he would be the first one to come to the land if they stopped on an island of the continent. This would be so that he could better establish a defensive position where the ships could have people anchor. With the rest of the dragons patrolling the skies, it was an ideal plan.

Leon would be on the golem ship since it was the most in tune with water. Scylla was also planning to move between skips since she could step between the air. That left Walker and his party as the only ones staying together. It would be better for them since they would be able to react and move with ease to another ship or against whatever issue they had.

The main worry was that the party who had the hero titles would be injured. From what Scylla had warned them about, they needed to stay prepared for any danger. They were first and foremost chasing the king of the demons and the last two sin title holders. They were the ones that had caused a great deal of trouble already. If they were forgotten in the travel to another continent, then they would rise again, potentially worse than before.

This made Walker want to split up the party a little, however, when he looked at everyone as Scylla had said this, he had felt torn apart. He could not take them apart because they were stronger together. It was a plan and simple explanation. The royal dragons were all strong separately. They never worked together because they had grown and always stood alone for strength. The party was different. They trained on their own but worked best together.

"Bridges are off! Ships apart! Move in to formation!" The calls were echoed by those in the watch towers on each ship. The arrows that Gil had made with the other archers were all shared evenly while the dragonkin that could have, had been given the improved bows. The supply of harpoon arrows for the draconic bows were lower than expected because of materials and time but they were ready for deadly attacks.

The golem ship took the central position. Many of the dolphins and the narwhal golems were already in the water moving around the ships\' formation to ensure safety. The dolphins were scouting out the deeper waters that they were moving in to while some of the merfolk took up positions on the sides of the ship ready to jump in to the water at the lightest of worries. They would be the first to battle any monsters that got in their way.

"This is pretty great!" Gil was standing right at the front of the ship with the rest of the party, but he was enjoying it the most. Ever since they had worked on the runes, the wind seemed to have picked up around the shore. This wasn\'t necessarily a bad thing because they could use the wind to push them faster. But Zephyr was enjoying it since she was the grand wind elemental spirit. She and Gil were able to absorb more wind elemental mana this way.

"All this open water seems endless. It\'s very peaceful." Su was more calm and relaxed at this sight. She was sure that the ocean held danger. It was practically a guarantee. Yet, when she glanced at the endless blue, she was relaxed. This sort of natural scene put her in awe of the world and everything it had to see. She felt that she would never have enough years in life to see everything. She could only hope to see half of it before she left for the afterlife.

This atmosphere was contagious. All of them were soon looking out at the blue ocean while the ships maintained their pace. The runes glowed on every ship as they were utilized to maintain speed and efficiency. The rune carvers had split up in to smaller teams so that they could monitor the usage of mana through every rune. As far as Walker knew, the additional wind runes had been a massive success.

Ventus was high in the sky. Walker took the chance to leave the ship behind. He was confident that with his elemental manipulation skills he could keep up in the air. He was proven correct when he stepped in to the air and used the wind to push him upwards in a large gust.

"You have courage to be this far from the ship."  Ventus\'s voice was booming since she was in dragon form. It was best to be in such a form in case a large ocean monster tried to attack the ships. She would have more power to defend.

"I thought you had the best view of the world so I came to see it too. It\'s even better up here." the blue extended for as far as the eye could see. Small white peaks were here and there where the ocean waves broke. It was an amazing sight.

"Yes, it is what I live for. This is something everyone should see whether they are a mouse or an ancient dragon. Many would never believe this if you told them. They find the world to be small but they are mistaken." The life of a wind dragon was unique. They were always well above the world in the air. But they seemed to be the most free flowing and caring dragons if Walker assumed they were all like Ventus.

"I think I understand why you like to be up here so much." Walker felt free but also could sense the wind that Ventus was manipulating. She had a much finer control of the wind than he did. It came from years of experience. It was also very enlightening since he had started to create the wind elemental wings on his back. They were the best choice for speed at the moment.

"Why did he have to go up there? Were we really so boring? Pfft, I\'m going back to the lab." Remey walked right away seeing that Walker had ditched them. But Su and Alice remained staring at the ocean. Midnight just decided to curl up right there for a nap and Onyx couldn\'t do much but join her since the clear blue sky gave him the perfect amount of sunlight.

Gil could only smile a little and went to the side of the shop that faced where Alma was on another ship. He wanted to jump over and swim to that ship but knew that he was getting closer to his party. He had ensured that the elves around Alma had the best arrows and were ready for any danger. It was part of his duty to protect those he cared for.

It was a new day and a new adventure. they just needed to face the mysteries of the ocean and hope for the best. But they were prepared and that would go further than anything else. Even for the smallest things, it was best to be prepared.



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