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Chapter 1584 1584. Flames And Potions

"Why are you here bothering me? I am on this floor alone so that I won\'t have to deal with anyone." Ignus had a lot of anger when he was bothered. Even the people passing through the fire elemental floor of the mage tower had earned his annoyance.

"I want your help. I have a skill that I learned and it\'s not normal for a human like me to have it. I understand that my body has changed and that I am not really human, but I thought going to the fire elemental dragon with the most experience was the only option. I don\'t want to show off a skill that doesn\'t really work properly." Su was p[artially flattering but also just trying to explain to Ignus why she was there.

"You are a draconic guardian, regardless of your race," Ignus growled back a little less annoyed. He had actually listened to Su which was a decent start. "What are you bothering me for?"

" I will show you." Su stood back and took a deep breath. She had gained this skill some time ago but had been more or less unable to use it until recently. But with a little training and adjustment, she had noticed the change in her body that allowed her to do this.

With a sharp exhale and a small cough, a burst of flames left Su\'s mouth. It was very odd for anyone to see because she was still human in appearance she had not gained any scales or anything that made her appear as a dragonkin. But here she was, breathing flames like a dragon in dragon kin form.

"Ha! A human fire breather. Now you are right, I would know about that." Ignus knew that fire was his. He was the best at it and felt that Su had a little wisdom. This was mostly his ego but it was much better than him being angry only a second ago.

"I was much younger when humans used to travel around lost more. There used to be humans that could dance with flames and breathe flames all day. They were called fire gypsies, they could also read the distant future through the embers of a fire they lit and watched burn out. I only ever saw them once. I would not be surprised to hear that they were no more."

This was a very distant memory that Ignus had before the humans had settled down. The fire gypsies he had met were really only convinced that he was there to share his flames with them because of his appearance out of the fires of a lava flow. Back in those days, any sentient race that found a dragon was looking for them for guidance to running from them in fear. It was all about power in those times.

"You can help me? If you have seen this before then I will be in your care." Since Su knew that her skill was only good for a temporary blinding and surprise attack, she wanted to be able to become even more adept at using it. This was very abnormal for a shield user to have any magical attacks.

The flames that Su felt gathered in her body had started near her heart, this was similar to what Walker and others had said about gathering mana for a flame attack. Some of the elves with wind affinity did something similar where they took deep breaths to blow out a strong wind. They described the mana as being right next to their heart before they forced it out to push a foe away. That was how Su had trained thus far.

"You are doing one major thing wrong. You are not letting the fire temper your insides. Your body needs to adjust to the fires you can control. Your body is made for it now that you are part dragon. Do you think that any of us suffer from our own flame breath attacks? No! We learn when we are young and our flames are growing that we need to hold them inside us with every breath." Ignus was being somewhat clear but also unclear, however, Su felt that she had gained an understanding.

"To train this, I need to hold the flames inside my chest by my heart while breathing air in and out? Is it like meditating?" Her confused face made Ignus want to stomp his foot but he decided against it. He was actually feeling pretty happy that someone sought his guidance out specifically, especially someone he had decided might be powerful one day.

"Sit here and do that. Over and over to take in the pure mana. Every single time you can not hold this breath in, release it in a controlled slow breath and start again. Do it ten times." The order was exactly what Su did. Between her and Ignus, this would be the rest of their day. Ignus absorbing purer fire elemental mana and Su training her body to properly use the flame breath she had gained to better show off to her party.

The alchemy guild shook for the third day in a row. It had been happening more and more often making everyone that lives nearby worry about what the alchemy guild could possibly be experimenting with.

"Remey! I swear to the heavenly lord of the world that I will crack you if you cracked another cauldron!" It was only natural for the old master alchemist to be the one to reprimand Remey.

"Oh calm down, the third one is fine. I only slightly cracked two of them earlier." The uncaring tone that Remey possessed just fueled the old master alchemist\'s anger.

"Listen to me girl, I have seen you do many things but constantly breaking things is not normal. You will stop this stubbornness and tell me what you need help with right this second!." This was much more than just a mentor wanting to help Remey. This was the man who had watched over her through her childhood, the closest to a father she ever had.

"If you are going to be like that…fine." Remey grabbed a pile of notes. " The affinity potions are all stable with the right ingredients. Even the dual elemental affinity potions. But after four elemental manas, they crumble. Explode. And become dangerous explosive potions."

It finally dawned on the old master alchemist why the reactions and soot covered face of Remey were becoming a constant in the guild. "You are trying to make a grand potion. One above all else in the world. Did you think it would just happen?"

The reprimanding continued until the old master alchemist read the notes and theories on the paper Remey had developed so far. "Outstanding." That\'s all he could mumble.

The notes were as in depth, if not more in depth, as his own notes when he had begun to theorize affinity potions. This being the case, the old master alchemist was stunned. But even more so, he was proud.

"Come to my lab, I have better herbs I have been saving. We will start with a base elemental affinity potion balanced but the four main elemental manas. Then we will add the affinity potion you created between dark and light elemental mana."

"Wait…what?" Remey had expected the old master alchemist just to walk away or to keep reprimanding her. Now he was literally dragging her to his lab which had not become as dirty and broken as Remey\'s.

,m "If we use the graceful dorra root, the swallowtail Lilly, a few crushed earth crystal shards, mix a few frozen tears…hmmm, and maybe two elven sorcerers to help with the mana control." The theories that came together were connecting the dots that Remey\'s theories needed.

"Wait? We are working on it together?" This again stunned Remey as her mind began to work. The materials that were mentioned were more than rare. They were impossible to grow or get for the most part.

"Have you not caught on? We are going to make a world breaking achievement before you run across the ocean. You are abandoning all the work on Trish and I, so you will work your fingers to the bone." There was warmth beyond most of what Remey could believe in the old master alchemist\'s words.

The pair were not hesitant at all to begin creating separate potions. Their main theory was that the highest quality ingredients to their singular elemental potions could be made in concentrate. Those concentrations would be mixed with outside help to fuse in to the first ever grand potion.

"Thanks old man, you\'re always there…" Remey didn\'t feel she had to say anything else as they worked in silence. She didn\'t even look up to see the smile on the old alchemist\'s face.



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