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Chapter 1567 1567. An Understanding

The dinner had already been set up. Walker\'s mother was hardly tired after her day in the bakery. Instead, it appeared that she had somehow gotten younger and more energetic. Walker could only imagine that she was becoming happier and happier to have freedom in her creations. Food was her art.

He noticed the same for his father. The guards he worked with had followed him from Diamond and now worked in Genesis. The clear cut training and general respect in his workplace made him feel better than ever. It was one thing to work somewhere and another to live up to the values you had in your every day life to protect and uphold peace.

"I had a little help today when I was cooking. I made extra since I knew we would have many little guests to feed." The dragon hatchlings were booking at Walker\'s mother as if they had met a goddess. The food smelled like a divine gift that had only been given to the greatest of beings until now. Little did they know, Walker ate like this whenever he was home.

"Midnight honey, some and wash your hands. You know you need to when you are in that dragonkin form. And if you don\'t there will be now roasted-" Midnight jumped up as soon as she was told. The risk of losing food was too great.

"Big Brother!" Before Walker could move in t the dining room he was caught by his sister. It was clear he was going to hear everything about her work and get caught up.

"Lisa, let me sit down at least." Their conversation seemed to turn in to a full on story about how The new fashion trends were incorporating the rune sewn fabrics that she was making. They were a hit with both elves and the other races. Some elves had even asked to join her in her work so that they could teach her more about the rune sewn fabrics. It was a great thing to hear.

"Now this is a delightful feast." Current and Ignus arrived while Ventus followed. Current had smelled it since he came to the mansion but knew it was proper to compliment the chef.

"Oh, you just need to sit and eat. You are our guests." Hilda just thanked them before returning to setting the table with even more food.

"Made it!" Gil seemed to have gathered the rest of the party including Alma. he was sure that the dinner would not be complete without everyone.

"That means I am also on time. It is odd that humans are picky about the times that they eat." Terron struggled with this concept because he lived underground. He did not live by the sun or the time of day. It was just a habit to hunt when he was hungry or to request his dragonkin to get food for him. This was the difference between their cultures.

As everyone sat down, Walker wondered if Alice and Onyx would be able to come. He knew that they were hard at work training so he didn\'t expect them but he still wished they would come. However, when the door opened again, he saw that Mordant had arrived with Rise behind him. Rise seemed to be more reserved than earlier meaning that she had come to some conclusion in her thinking.

Before sitting next to Mordant, Rise stood near Walker looking at him seriously. "Welcome to dinner, Rise." Walker stood up to match Rise.

"I have put thought in to the village you desire. You have your reasons and I shall not oppose you. You are not to insult my village again. If that is the case I will treat you as a dragon of equal strength…"

"I understand. My methods were rude and I used them to force your decision. I will respect your desires." Walker had to admit he was disrespectful overall. Because he was.

Rise gave a nod. The understanding was there so she did not hesitate to continue. " The beliefs I had about your village were from one view. I had yet to see it which is something every dragon would struggle with at my age. I am not the ruler of your village and you can govern it as you wish."

"Furthermore, you have made me recall many memories of my youth. I will take a long visit to the royal court to reflect. My dragonkin will come here for a month while I do so. I expect them all to improve by the time I return. My champion and his guardian will also be here."

Rise sat down without another word. The other royal dragons all seemed to understand this. Going to the royal court to reflect on memories. Some royal dragons would do so when big events happen while others would do so after making breakthroughs in strength. They wished to see their past and think about their futures.

"I am glad that we could come to an understanding. Rise, you and all the dragons, are welcome here at any time. If I can support you just ask. I will, hopefully receive the same from you as we get to know one another more." This seemed to better seal that broke the room from silence.

The rest of the meal proceeded as anyone would exp[ect it to. There was a lot of talk and Walker was glad to see everyone relaxing. He enjoyed these moments that seemed to get more and more in between. Yet, he couldn\'t help but feel that there was more missing. That there was something that could interrupt this at any moment. It might have just been the constant travel and reason to move, but for now he would focus on the meal and the company.

By the time the morning came around, everyone had a much needed rest. The party had finally taken a night off except for Onyx who was still at the cathedral. This was why Walker had decided that his first thing to do was to head there and see if Onyx and Alice were still training with the hatchling serpents. If they were he would go elsewhere to meditate if not he would see how they were doing.

"Well you sure are early this morning. Some of the healers and priestesses haven\'t even arrived yet." The high priest was there in the front of the cathedral watching the sun rise over the tops of houses and businesses. He had been excep[tionally busy with the change in management of the cathedral. So much so that he had to enjoy these few moments of peace before the day became hectic.

"I wanted to see if Onyx and Alice were finished training. I know that they were using a special high light affinity potion and a special dual elemental potion. It made me too curious for my own good." The high priest gave a hearty chuckle that showed he understood exactly.

"You should have seen when Alice kicked me out of the room. Even Ibis was sent away for a while. Now Alice, Onyx, and Aurora are all asleep. The little serpents also tried to join their training but weren\'t able to keep up. It was very adorable." The warmth in the high priest\'s voice showed just how attached he was to seeing these young beings grow up before his eyes.

"That\'s good. I was hoping that when the last of the eggs started to hatch that they would be able to join in on training. It feels like there are more connections and discoveries every day. Who would have thought that two monsters believed to be myths would be found?" The ideas were staggering. Too many possibilities. Too many questions. But they had all found some answers.

"About that, the research from the ancient ruins have turned up a few things pertaining to monster records. The ancient monsters mostly, but some about the twin serpents that roamed shadow and sky. The book was left for Onyx while he was training." Walker saw the book the high priest spoke about and realized how old it was.

"This was in the tunnels that the dwarves were clearing out. Those ants had it covered in stone. It\'s rough but was translated due to its rougher language. Still a runic language but less complicated making it easier. The researcher that delivered it for a reward was very talkative." The high priest appeared to have gotten a full education on the topic. He clearly wanted to be done with it for the time being.

"Then I will take the time to read it while they are resting. It should be a good break from the rush here and there." The high priest seemed to agree as he went to sit and rest on a nearby bench. Walker ended up sitting down on one of the nearby steps to read in the morning light. He felt this would be very enlightening.



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